W-why don't you think my black life matters, user?

>w-why don't you think my black life matters, user?

Other urls found in this thread:


Because it doesn't.


Black lives do matter, but "black lives matter" is a shitty terrorist organization.

Because you are a nigger

If black lives mattered, why do so many of you kill each other?

Tell that to your own people while they shoot each other over shoes.

They were protesting on the motorway towards Heathrow today. Quite frankly I'd have run those fuckers over (I'd even accept jail time for the pleasure of sending them a message). It's completely unacceptable, especially in the UK. ...of course black lives matter, everyone's does and I don't think the UK has a problem with racial inequality.

because niggers are a subspecies of chimpanzees unlike humans who are a seperate species

They are paid by Soros and other Jews to cause chaos.

Run their asses over.

Why is this gorilla not in a zoo? And why is it speaking?

>not wanting a qt slave that you can rape whenever you want
It's like you are a faggot or something


bingo. I want Trump to win so these savages will be arrested. Shit. Would be nice if they managed to bring down Soros while they were at it.
inb4 I get suicided

BLM is meant to tell Black people, that black lives matter, in an effort to stop them from killing eachother so much.


Being against BLM insinuates something, just like being against pro-life.

Fucking rhetoric.

I'm against Black Lives Matter, that doesn't mean I'm against black lives. I'm just against the retards who support it or believe in similar stupidity.




Go fuck a 7 year old Muhammad.

Then why are they only bothering white people? BLM is racist.


For anyone reading this shill thread: You are asleep.

There's a spiritual war going on around you that makes stupid stuff like this completely irrelevant.. and it's heating up fast. Wake up.

>I do, it's just I don't really give a shit about skin colour

Daily reminder that according to liberals Not caring about the colour of someone skin makes you racist



But user I'm tired and I wanna go to bed, I had a little drink about an hour ago and it's gone right to my head

Spiritual as in religion?

>I don't think the UK has a problem with racial inequality.

Says someone who likely hasn't been on the end of the rise in hate crime post Brexit

Because the rest of your race doesn't think his life matters so why should I ??

>>w-why don't you think my black life matters, user?
yes, your life matters. but so does mine, remember that.

If black lives mattered, you would work on doing something good for your own communities where blacks shoot other blacks every single day, rather than chimping out every time evil whitey shoots a nigger criminal

I remember when students did the same thing where I live when the fees went up

>Stand in a line, blocking the whole road during rush hour
>Sat there about 4 minutes and someone just plowed into them

It was great. It wasn't really LiveLeak material, but they quickly dispersed. We don't have anywhere near as many worthless niggers compared to London though so I can see BLM frittering out, before it even gets close to where I live.


No they dont. Use brain to think not your dick.
She is fine lookin nigger but untill she proves otherwise she is worthless nigger.

only Ziltoid matters

It matters, but not because you're black.

because #WhiteDicksMatter


The Prime Directive mandates that I can't interfere in the development of primitive cultures.


Because you are subhuman

Depends on what you do with it.

>cricket chirping intensifies