Russian thread

Russian thread

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Commieblocks are comfy inside.











how was your day, diaspora?
meanwhile the avg height in j*pan is like 155cm, lel

what is the name of the cartoon


what the fuck is this sorcery? well, one of you gotta be that diasporafag


I get depressed just looking at the pictures, imagine living there

I am the one who posts commieblocks because they are cool

shit idk, i'd rather live there than in the usa

one I saved




they are only cool if used to live in one of them

Only someone who hasn't ever lived elsewhere can say that. Commieblocks are shit on all levels.

Князь Bлaдимиp (2006)
[Prince Vladimir]


thank you

Commieblocks in my city (Berlin)

I don't know about Poland but they are pretty good over here. If they look shit on the inside then it's your own fault

Ours are better than japanese and american lower class (for whom those shitty examples posted here are intended to) suburbs tho. The other thing is that the middle class here is pretty much dead since the late 90's,

I've lived in a house and didn't really like it.




wow, i fucking live in 15 miles from city that showed in pic

There is no charm in them, no grime and no 40 year old filth.
Real commie blocks are those from the 70s

quality counterpoint ivan

is this Kamchatka?

looks exotic, I want to see more


found more:

it is:
Klyuchevskaya Sopka
Ключeвcкaя Coпкa
Kamchatka Krai


I still like them. I would post more but apparently my smartphone pics are too big for Sup Forums and I don't want to resize everything

I've always wanted to travel through whole Russia.
Beginning in St. Petersburg, entering Siberia through Jekaterinburg and finally arrive in Vladivostok.
Is Russia a safe country to travel for Germans?

>not a single shart dripping down from it
>looks clean from a distance
>not a single chimney was ever used
I bet the basements arent pot smoking dens with tv's and couches taken from landfills
Maybe in 40 years it might start looking like a commie block once the residents stop caring.
I bet nobody has an illegal pub at the top terrace during summer


I too believe these can be charming. The problem is not the architecture but the people living there

нy пpивeт блять

Russia seems like such a dreary place

Not the same German but I have more pics from Kamchatka

>Is Russia a safe country to travel for Germans?
Yes but not near 9th may

i understand that, but what you post, young wannabe commie blocks are just places of residence.
There arent children inside that see it as their castle towers. There arent any kids around making bunkers and warring with other commie blocks with pellet guns and bats, later fists and legs as they grow up.
No story, no history, no soul.
I dont think many people understand it
For instance, i know the story behind every graffiti on my building, and every family that lives there.
I know what it was like when it was first built, who first came either got an apartment by the state or bought one, exchanged 2 for 1 large and such.


I come in peace

This house stands literally over the one from my own, which has the same project.
The whole area was built in 80-85, so it is 40 years old.

Je li ovo Banja Luka...Borik?





Only be careful on ice.

what a shithole



Residents change too much it seems. Are there any teenage 'gangs' claiming it as their turf?



Živio sam 4 godine u Boriku, u onim žutim zgradama vojnim...đe je bio onaj Mister X kafić.

Jeste, ovaj dio prema Vrbasu gdje Vuk Karadzic skola.

A lot of Slav things going on here that I don't understand.

Neighborhood is a nice place, so there are no gangs.
Most of the residents are relatives of people, who got the flats from government in 80's.


Gradja ili ti Kupusiste, tu sam malu imo jednu davno. Prije koliko godina si bio tamo?



what things Bobby?



such is life in a ghetto

Da vidis sta je zgrada novih niklo niotkud
Preko Incelovog mosta prosirenje Novi Borik se gradi.
Ma i dalje u gradu sve se siri nekako neplanski i seljacki
Ko se nadje putu zgrade sa zemljistem, taj je ugrabio zlatnu kokos sto zlato sere majke mi.
Al nailazi previse gamadi u grad, prvenstveno hercegovci smecari, pa onda ostali seljaci dosli hoce grada da vide kao da je metropola neka.
Cudno i neobicno matere mi, nista niscim
Vamo dje si ti bio nista se nije promijenilo, i dalje se pusi travuljina po noci i igra guze i kocke.

Da se ne zoves slucajno Petresh?

This place looks really cool. Do you know the name of the town?


Stories of living in commieblocks. I live in typical ameriburger suburbs. Just very different from my life experience. Kids playing wars with their commieblocks being their castles etc.

>ywn explore russian commieblock rooftops with your bydlo friends

Is life in Siberia comfy?

I think it's a part of Petropavlovsk Kamchatsky


Me and my gf in Eкaтepинбypг last month.
You jelly?

A bit


Čuo sam da se dosta izgradilo, ali nisam bio od 2004 ni jednom baš...meni je u glavi i dalje ona stara BL kad pomislim na to. Radio sam u Fondu zdravstvenog osiguranja, ona kafena zastakljena zgradetina, tu je pored bila neka ledina i ćevabdžinica gdje sam uzimao marendu, kažu mi ljudi da su tu sad isto sve zgrade. Ja kad sam bio, uglavnom se "gradska raja" žalila na "ove što su sišli s Manjače", hercegovaca nešto i nije bilo previše da se ja sjećam. Mada ja sam bio uglavnom u toj nekoj "urbanoj" ekipi, družio sam se dosta sa onim Dejvijem bubnjarem iz Balkan Expressa, izlazio sam u zovem se Petreš, ali živio sam tad kod tih rođaka u Boriku što se prezivaju Malbašić, možda njih znaš.

there is only one town there

Malbasici su burzuji malo zajebaniji, sjecam se ko klinac isli smo kod vojnog igralista (sad je akvana bazen) da vidimo u garazi ferari.
Tad u to vrijeme jesu bili sa manjace seljaci nagrnuli, medjutim, oni su sad domaci i sa starom gradskom rajom su na istom nivou sada, zale se na hercegovce studente.
Ovi seljaci su ko obadi bili, sranja pravili i ulazili u sukobe zajebane sa lokalnim stakorima gradskim, a sad ovi hercegovci su ko gundelji, nece ti nista, ne prave sranja ali su dosadni i naporni ljudi dosta.
Ta urbana ekipa o kojoj ti pricas sad ima djecu, promijenilo se i znacenje urbano, nema vise rok end rola. Ja kad sam tek poceo izlaziti ko klinac, izlazio sam u Hol na Mejdanu (Obilicevo), leglo zla vazda bilo. Kajak i Kastra i dalje su na mjestu, samo Kajak postao kasino, kriminalci strani se okupljaju tamo i lokalni klosari dileri.
Od 2004 godine, nema vise narkomana dopasa po haustorima i klupama, jednog dana dijete se ubolo na iglu i citav grad na noge skocio maljevima, kamenjem i lancima udarati svakog narkomana koji promoli njusku van.
Da ti je samo to bilo svjedociti, babe, djedovi, ocevi i djeca drvljem i kamenjem napadaju narkomana od po 19 20 godina sto je do juce pljackao i zicao pare.
Srce ko rusija bilo, jos policija ni a da kaze kad narkoman se bori za zivot jer mu je neko skakao po glavi, citav grad manje vise ociscen od njih. Svi se povukli u stanove.
Ili skakali sa bijelih zgrada. Jedna cura narkomanka skocila i pala 20 metara od mene, i to na beton i umalo da pukne po pola, a mi djeca tu ganjamo se pistoljima na kuglice.
Jesu li to Malbasici zlatari? Ne znam za drugu porodicu Malbasic



Holy shit why is /ex-ussr/ so bitter and mean? Usually Russians are fairly friendly, but that general is merciless.