Terry! Why haven't you raped the Joker gang yet?! If I had to rape a clown back in the day then you should too! It's Bat-tradition!
Terry! Why haven't you raped the Joker gang yet...
Jace Sullivan
Other urls found in this thread:
Adam Hernandez
Listen Old man, I was busy raping the royal flush gang. They have a card deck theme! That's the next best thing! It was fucking schway.
Nathaniel White
Gee wizz guys, sounds like you guys have a problem
Can I help?
Jack Russell
Ah, Rick and Memey fags ruin another thread
Aiden Gomez
Kinda reminds me of the fanfic I wrote where Terry tried to infiltrate a Jokerz meeting, only to find out it was actually an orgy.
Jaxon Perry
The only Jokerz worth raping are the Twins
Anthony Martinez
Caleb Thompson
>It was fucking schway
Angel Russell
>you will never give Dee Dee and Dee Dee your Dee
>select all the bananas
Chase Collins
What about me beloved? DETECTIVE!