Come home (I live abroad)

>come home (I live abroad)
>find out my mom's boyfriend is a jew (they live together since a year already)
>try to hide my powerlevel and ask him question
>turns out he is a very kind man, follow most of the jew tradition but isn't too serious about it, is pretty critical about israel, hates muslim, love my mother and already beat the shit out of some jew dude that said something mean about my mom not being jewish

Was pol wrong about jews all along ?

Also turns out my goldfish got BLEACHED

A lot of Jews and Israelis are pretty based.

The problem is the extreme nepotism within the culture.

>Ask him to make shashuka for you, super fucking yummy

Good job. Now the only thing you and your mother need to do is convert to Orthodox Judaism

He never lived in Israel, only went there a couple times.

He is a great cool apparently and he told me he would cook me some jewish recipe.


My mother is christian so she will never convert and he doesn't want her to convert either.

He probably scraped the scales off.

>falling in love with the rat your mom dragged in
>being kind towards a rat taking your father's place
>being adult and still letting your mom call the shots

I would have gassed him already. French are a bunch of cuckolds

If they ever get married, there will be pressure to convert.

Ask him about Darchei Shalom, then ask him about the Kings Torah.


Like, any dude can be chill
I've met chill niggers, muslims, asians etc.
You just got lucky OP

Friendly advice: Do not for an instant accept any king of ideology you find here as being compatible with reality.

He's losing color because he isnt eating well. If he has constipation, heat up and mash a pea. Remove the pea skin and feed it to him.

That or your flake diet is shit and you need to get him something like blood worms and brine shrimp.

underrated desu

top kek

Or your mom never turns the light on in his goldfish room and now he's a cave goldfish

he was sent by the international cabal of jewry to monitor you.

>beat the shit out of some jew dude that said something mean about my mom not being jewish
Either he's also hiding his powerlevel or your mom got lucky by finding that one jew who doesn't believe all non-jews are subhuman.

There's only one thing you can do to solve this problem.

Take in a refugee from Afghanistan. He will kill the Jew first and foremost and then you can kill him before he hurts you or your family.

He was married to a jew woman that was very serious about it. they divorced and since most of the original jews he knew don't talk to him anymore, he doesnt really give a fuck about being jewish it seems

Just never trust him, frogbro. Subversion is their mastery.


his mom's bf is probably skimming some of the fish food and selling it

No. Get to know him more. Semites are human garbage and devil's agents.

>pretty critical about israel, hates muslim
kek, wat

Maybe the muslim-nonmuslim ratio in Israel is too high for him.


Some individual Jew's can be bro-tier people. However, when the name of the game in Judaism is to screw over gentiles you know there's a problem.

Visit and read up on the over-abundant insanity that Jews (Zionists?) use against Europeans (Whites).




So, OP, you gonna get circumcised for your new jew-boss father?

The Jewish problem has never with the Whole jewish population, the problem throught history has been the few thousand high IQ kikes who fuck up economies and cultures for fun

She named her daughter Wyatt?

This joke is so elaborate, I'm having a hard time believing he didn't pay you to say this piece of gold