Can we make a bingo table for the Rio shitfest?

Can we make a bingo table for the Rio shitfest?

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Don't have a source, but some Swedish women got kidnapped, probs because "it's racist to be careful around brown people"

Here you go


>athlete kidnapped
>athlete killed
>athlete raped
>athlete mugged
>athlete contracts zika

Must have: "stadium collapse"

>superbug infection

>coup during the olympics

Betting on zika

Athletes generally only get pregnant in the last week.

Is Zika dangerous is those early stages?

This is all I could come up with, feel free to add shit to it


boat gets severely damaged after hitting a human corpse in the bay

Are you ready to say you're sorry when it's all over and all runs smooth Denmark?

>runs smooth
off to a good start:


saved. printed and given to friends and family. making a drinking game out of this tonight

thanks user

>stadium/ construction collapses

New rio Olympics logo announced

>russian protest

Over what? They cleared 271 athletes for competition.


mugging is now an officialy approved part of the Brazil 2016 Olympic Spectacleâ„¢
cant see how this _might_ not be best idea, or come across badly, or anything.

added to yours

>Trans athlete

Is this the year they start doing that?

I wouldn't doubt it.

Very possible

>Drug scandal
Already happened.

>Police shoots dindus trying to rob people
>Cheap shot at trump

There are so many things that can go wrong in this zoo event, you need a super bingo special edition sheet to fill in all the things.

will the religion of peace make an appearance?

Can't wait for the shower electrocution

>white male gets booed for winning gold metal
fucking lmao

> isis dirty bomb

Everything domestic has allready hapened +?

diplomat capping nig 1

Prison riots 1

Flu happened

Russian doping happened

Prempted economy 1


>torch relay goes through rough neighbourhood of urban youths
>gunshots are heard at some point
>torch carrier runs for his life