And then posting pictures of it to Instagram. Check out the profiles of the people who're doing it. Naive young white women, niggers and spics mostly. Why does America breed so many libcucks?
'Tolerant' liberals are giving the finger to Trump Towers across America
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wahhhh my idiot godking is being made fun of! waaaaaaahhh waaaaaaaaahh
pick a better candidate that isn't a retard next time.
This one man has caused massive global asshurt in the worst sorts of people. For this, win, lose or draw, I will always love this man.
I will defend him until my dying day. I regale the youth with stories of his antics when I am an old, dying man.
>people being passive-aggressive on instagram
>kids, did I ever tell you about the time I picked the biggest idiot reality tv star to become our president?
Free speech. Go suck Putin's cock
Supporting Hillary Clinton, the international jew, pretending to care about America, pretending to be American. They are not American. They are scum
Meanwhile Sup Forums would claim people are based if they took pictures of themselves giving the finger to the Clinton Foundation headquarters
Our education system was the first to fall.
>blue tribe is giving red tribe the finger waaah
who gives a shit?
It's fucking cringy either way
Yeah. Instagram is for complete retards. Thanks for this brand new info.
No matter how the elections turn out Trump is already the winner. So much high energy publicity will make him immortal.
>my feels :(((
Go suck a dog's dick leaf
Keep sucking Mohammed's cock, leaf
Wow. What a powerful image.
It's so funny that, despite all of the obvious reasons why he should not be president, you still support him. Your partisanship has really gotten in the way of your patriotism.
Thanks, Goy
Speaking of free speech, why doesn't your country have it?
Your putdown is to show me an immensely popular leader that is doing great for his country?
I think that you need to just stay out of politics for good. You don't know what you are doing.
That cuck is immensely popular? Holy shit, Canada's in bigger trouble than I first thought.
Now you want the hillbillly grifting criminal Clinton's back in White House? Really? Beware of getting what you want. Her corruption and criminality will breed even more of it. Except these pigs won’t go to the slaughter. YOU will.
What did the building do?
That building means jobs?
But these bird flippers wouldn't know a thing about a job
I don't think you have any room to discuss who is voted to rule, leaf.
That's a fucking great gif.
The dumb ones
>Now you want the hillbillly grifting criminal Clinton's back in White House?
I don't want her either. I'd be perfectly fine with a johnson, or stein presidency. I know for a fact though that trump has no business trying to become president of any country. He needs to go back to the boardroom. That is his place. He needs to remember that.
I don't need lectures from ausfalia. Go back to your banned a-cup porn, shit wages, shit quality of life, and your tiny strip of habitable land.
Meanwhile, I'll enjoy all of this lavish land. Can you say the same? Does your shit tier country even have forests?
They are allowed to do it. Free expression. Just don't deface it or anything.
At least my guy isn't considered a joke to the rest of the world.
And he knows how to govern, because he has actual experience.
And he isn't a reality tv star
And isn't a joke candidate that went too far. Not once did canada look at itself and asked "Ok, where are the real candidates? Come on, jokes over now."
once again, canada wins, america fucking sucks.
Kek. Your country is literally following in the footsteps of Germany and Sweden. I'm very happy living in a country that has a spine and turns away illegals instead of listening to crying libtards.
The fake reporters both side of him fail to control their laughter. Both of them.
Canada status: cucked
u literally have the son of a communist in the maple office
No matter how hard they flip off Trump Tower, it's always going to be Trump's Tower.
Is that gigantic fire that your 200 african bull firefighters were supposed to handle still ruining your economy? First worpd media stopped caring months ago but I'm curious.
>not considered a joke to the rest of the world
Weedman is hilarious, ask anyone here
Edgy as fuck
>u literally have the son of a communist in the maple office
Meanwhile you are trying to elect the 1%s 1%er. Give me a break. You sound like the dipshit communists when you bleat like sheeple for capitalism. You're no different from them
>be fat woman that has accomplished nothing
she's just jelly of Trumps achievements and his wife
Don't tell me that's real, he just got a part in some shitty movie right?
yeah america is going to elect some random cunt who can't self-fund his race lololol
>and his wife
which one?
Is there a way to filter Canadian posters? Some user yesterday said he filtered them.
Two people took the time out of their busy day of being a jobless hippy poofter cunt to take edgy photos of themselves flipping off a building full of people working for the most recognisable business man on the planet.
>a wild serb appears.
Jesus, where's an american bomb when you need one?
>Atleast my guy isn't considered a joke to the rest of the world
>the most recognisable business man on the planet.
Translation: Some doughy prick with a bad combover won't stop getting in your face, telling you about how great he is.
oh no, how will the buildings survive this?!
Cool story bro. By 2020, you'll be claiming you never supported him, you were really more of a libertarian, and plz vote for my GOP extablishment candidate because 4 more years of Hillary will make you cry.
use 4chanx, click chevron to the right of post number, choose filter, then flag
>At least my guy isn't considered a joke to the rest of the world.
That's because Canada itself is a joke to the rest of the world, so you don't notice it
>And he knows how to govern, because he has actual experience.
Wasn't he a substitute drama teacher?
Also, your economy is collapsing, your country is burning and you STILL don't have weed because as Trudeau put it "they won't let me"
>And he isn't a reality tv star
Hasn't he been having official photoshoots once a week since inauguration?
He clearly wants to be one
scrawny fingers can't melt steel beams
Republicans already worship a Hollywood actor as their consummate president and Goodest Goy to Jewry
>'Tolerant' liberals are giving the finger to Trump Towers
"I'M TOTALLY TRIGGERED BY A FINGER!!!! WHY IS THIS ALLOWED!!!!!! HOW CAN THEY DO THIS TO MY BELOVED TRUMP!!!!!! WAAAAAH, WAAAAAAAAH! Also, fuck political correctness and the pussyfication of the West, it's what's destroying our culture. ALSO, BAN MIDDLE FINGERS!!!"
lmao you right-winger cucktards are fucking retarded
as quoted by nobody, ever
>Elected a drama teacher/ski instructor as prime minister
>All he does is take trips, talk about non issues and gives away our money
A fucking cuckold detected.
Yea they want smaller gubmint unless it's something like the worst war irt loss of resources that he started.
Regan also negotiated with terrorists to win the election.
Fucking West coast soft neocon faggot
Yeah, because we were doing sooooooooo well with the bush era government we had.
Fuck you
If you (vote) for your enemy..You Win!
>posting pictures to Instagram
Let me file this under S for shit I don't give a fuck about.
>Incredibly successful man's personal building full of wealthy and hard working people.
>Unsuccessful naive fools standing on the sidewalk outside giving the finger to the building.
Who you empathize with here probably says a lot about you. Really makes you think.
why are you so mad?
>Erected a gay flag at parliament
>Went to a fag parade
>Hired BBC south Africans to fight the fire instead of Canadians
>Brought in 50000 people who are still being funded by your money
>Gave a couple billion to African countries
>Changed the anthem to something retarded
Right.. he's a lot better.
>"because it's [current year]" in his speech
>not a joke
>to the rest of the world.
The third world peasants? The transgender queers in Sweden?
The "rest of the world" is pure refined dogshit and hate anything strong and proud.
>phase 1: denial
What a cutie :^)
>>Erected a gay flag at parliament
OH GOD! HE TREATS PEOPLE AS EQUALS! NOOOOOOOOOO! This is me mocking you, just in case you didn't get it
>>Went to a fag parade
See above for my response
>>Hired BBC south Africans to fight the fire instead of Canadians
So? They probably do it for cheaper. You do realize what fighting a fire of that magnitude costs, right? For a conservative, you sure aren't up on the whole...being conservative thing.
>>Brought in 50000 people who are still being funded by your money
Oh no! idgaf.
>>Gave a couple billion to African countries
>>Changed the anthem to something retarded
He's real
Once again, ausfalia has no business making fun of other countries, or talking to other countries.
Don't you have a country to fail running?
You just don't get it, do you?
Trudeau hurt that guy's fee fees. HIS FEE FEES
There is no worse crime in the universe.
They hate us cause than ain't us.
When will underachieving, chronically unemployed, morbidly obese right-wingers on mobility scooters finally get the respect they DESERVE?
This is why I want Trump over Clinton.
Who gives a fuck what a bunch of Eurocucks, dunecoons, beaners and gay leafs think about us?
As long as Japan and Russia are cool with us fuck all these other countries. They can bend the knee or eat dicks.
My God. What a monster.
>this one leaf that hates trump
Youve been here since the start wtf man go outside
>A czech replied to me
I threw up in my mouth a little.
He's the cuck that keeps folders of Trudeau.
Wow, so brave.
They are really speaking truth to power by doing this.
A modern day davie and goliath story.
Look at all of that free advertising!
>Who gives a fuck what a bunch of Eurocucks, dunecoons, beaners and gay leafs think about us?
Yeah, who needs the import/export business, right? You guys are the worst at capitalism.
>As long as Japan and Russia are cool with us fuck all these other countries.
Spoiler alert:They really aren't. Russia plots against you at every turn.
>They can bend the knee or eat dicks.
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA oooooh. Little dick american, no one bends the knee to you ever.
>Trump is number one
Not in the polls. Triggered? :^)
I would not suck his cock by I would let him shoot my guns and shake his hand. Putin is reasonable man that says what globalists do no want people to hear. 9/10 leader, would avoid war with while bombing shitskins.
>I would not suck his cock
No one here believes you.
Clinton is a corrupt globalist. Trump is a rude nationalist. Rude nationalist is good for America, corrupt globalist is shit for America. They are not both equal.
It would be like me shitposting about Trudeau all day. Ultimately it's your country's call and none of my business.
Yeah, that's why he keeps sucking Jewish dick. Because he really, really hates globalism and is a total nationalist.
lmao holy shit the delusion of StromTrumpers is real
Sorry cuck, not everyone is a faggot like liberals. That's what you guys do, suck cock. I bet you even got a folder for right wing cocks. Face it, were more alpha then you'll ever be.