Look at this qt I found chillin behind an old abandoned warehouse

Look at this qt I found chillin behind an old abandoned warehouse.
Wonder if she got to shoot any gook?


put some food inside it


I have a few pics


Already posted it there.
Just thought I would share with you niggers since weapons of war are political.




It's deactivated you literally find hundreds of these infront of VFW's or American legions.

I can only assume your from the city op and this is new and unique to you.

There is a deactivated Artillery piece in front of my local RSL user, and i'm not posting it here.

Never thought I'd just happen upon one trying to find a welding shop.
Turned the corner and bam, Howitzer.

You're right though. There's 2 at my local American Legion.

Maybe you should.
Drill it back out, and shoot cassowaries with it

I want to ______ Scully

is this in nebraska

You'll have to _____ me first.

Nope. Louisiana.

Just tow it away with that Audi.
If it doesn't break down before you can get back over there

Fack off m8, that car has been super defendable.


Don't those models have problems with the belt wearing out the flywheel and breaking randomly while driving?

Depends on which engine it has in it. mine has the 2.7t V6, so no. It just goes through gaskets like nobodies business.
Have a valve cover leaking right now, just going to wait until I change the oil to do it.

there was a 2001 audi a4 at the end of my street for 6000 dollarydoos, didn't have any to spare though

Holy shit that's expensive. No wait, how much is that in real people money?

I paid $4,500 for a super clean, old man owned, 2004 A6 S-Line.

>in real people money?

We may as well start start increasing value of the AUD just to piss you yankfucks off but yeah it's around 3-4k USD