This is a movie that exists

This is a movie that exists.

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This was Disney?

What the fuck? I always thought it was some smaller company.

This is the movie that DreamWorks ripped off to make the first Madagascar.
The animation looks better, but does it have anything else going for it?

But Madagascar came out first..

They heard about the Disney movie and pushed their own version out beforehand.

> The film was a C.O.R.E. Feature Animation and Walt Disney Pictures production, and it was distributed by Buena Vista Pictures.
It was just another thing Disney basically funded but "wasn't really their movie."

If you spend enough time making an animated movie, a competitor can rush something similar into theaters before your movie.
The director of Wreck-It-Ralph said that his biggest fear was that happening to his movie. It's a thing that happens

Hell, it's a whole genre in anime.

>The director of Wreck-It-Ralph said that his biggest fear was that happening to his movie. It's a thing that happens
I think he forgot that other studios would rather take the easy route and just make a movie of a video game franchise, not a movie about video games.

Luckily, he way beat Adam Sandler to the punch.

Who's Adam Sandler?