>liberals are happy, think of the best in everyone
>user feels full of hatred and is severely depressed
Maybe we're on the wrong side of history, boys.
>liberals are happy, think of the best in everyone
>user feels full of hatred and is severely depressed
Maybe we're on the wrong side of history, boys.
Other urls found in this thread:
Neither is 100% true; however I'd take understanding the truth to being blissfully ignorant as my society collapses under its own weight of stupidity and subversion.
>are happy, think of the best in everyone
Not even close.
I'm happy to be right all the time when muzzies and niggers chimp-out.
All while being /comfy/ in the eye of the storm in my ethno-centric haven.
>>liberals are happy
isn't there a depression epidemic? telling yourself you're happy isn't the same as being happy.
I dont believe in right or wrong I only believe what I think benefits me so go fuck yourself.
Liberals aren't happy you moron. Their happiness is fake and forced. Why do you think so many right minded people are rejecting society? They realize society is becoming full of liars and people in denial pretending to be overly happy and lying to themselves and the world about how happy they are. Humans can sense that shit you know.
Every liberal I've ever met is trying to make amends for something shitty/socially unacceptable they had done in the past. Whether it be making fun of raped and murdered children, or nigger jokes in middle school. Every single one has deep seeded guilt that makes them hate themselves, and others like them.
>Liberals are children that will convince themselves everything is when their women and daughters are getting raped by muslims
Sounds about right.
It's a false sense of happiness.
The degenerates are too doped up to feel anything.
Calm down, Neon Palestine.
You got that doubly backwards, including the "we" part.
>liberals are happy, think of the best in everyone
0% true, wanpostbuythiseidee
Liberals are happy smiley joy joy fun Sonderkommando's who will be smiling while they are pushed into the ovens after shoveling what's left of their own kind in.
this. if you need to spend all day on social media convincing everyone of how happy you are and how great your life is, chances are you're lying. happiness is quieter than that, it's like a sense of lasting satisfaction and comfort that doesn't need affirmation.
shit if you look on places like tumblr a lot of these people are straight up admitting that they're seriously mentally ill and pretend to be happy for >muh image. it's sad that this culture has developed.
there's a lot of /r9k/ crossover here so I'm not going to pretend everyone on the right is happy, but most people I know irl tend to be. there's a lot to be said for being honest and comfortable with yourself when it comes to happiness because you no longer require the affirmation that lefties are so desperate for
>think of the best in everyone
Not if you're white
The opposite is true if anything.
Liberals aren't happy
or black/muslim/[insert minority group] that lacks responsibility and needs to be coddled and protected by their white masters
liberals are so "happy" that they have to get disgusting body modifications, transgender operations, take degenerate amounts of drugs/medication, indulge in masochistic self loathing, hate their own race and country etc pp. wow, real winners!
>if you need to spend all day on social media convincing everyone of how happy you are and how great your life is, chances are you're lying.
>liberals are happy
Kek. Most leftists are extremely dissatisfied. Why do you think so many are Bernie supporters?
The happiest people in the country are probably Christians and Mormons in rural areas.
That's just the age old effect of the red-pill. There is happiness in total ignorance.
normies are ignorant, active liberals suffer from severe cognitive dissonance
I'll be happy when every last globalist is hanging from a rope.
I'm a liberal and the only guilt I feel is a burning desire to shill for jill instead of being #WithHer
Also it sometimes burns when I pee
>muh anecdotes
Damn this thread really rustled some jimmies.
>mom look, i spouted memes like a drooling retard again, can i get some tendies?
Liberals are wet rats.
People who think they are better than everyone else.
Selfish and degenerate people with tattoos and HPV.
People who want stinking hairy man assholes for pleasure.
People who want to fight against nature and then say they are one with nature.
Big hypocrites and dumb muthafuckers who cannot think for themself so they have drones like Shillary to think for then and nogs like Obongo who will force the purchasing of privatized insurance. You people are fucking stupid and useful IDIOTS to the elites who's main goal is to be able to TAX the world!
The most fucked up retarded assholes on the planet.
>liberals are happy
If liberals were happy they wouldnt follow the low self esteem doctrine called leftism
You're right you know!
>liberals think the best of everyone
>criticizes memes
>promptly memes "muh tendies"
That is like calling people retard while playing with your own feces in public. But hey, you posted it again, so why not?
>I don't understand when people employ irony
It's okay chap, you'll get it one day!
We're the good guys
84226934 (You)
No one speaks for Sup Forumsacks
Liberals are some of the most violent hateful people I've met. They have no tolerance for other points of view.
Look at this bastion of intelligence right here! It's good news this poster is on Sup Forumss side, so smart, wow
Liberals actually are pretty pessimistic and think that everyone is shitty.
This. I feel like EVERYONE being numbed by antidepressants has given a rise to this cancerous liberalism.
>>liberals are happy, think of the best in everyone
lol no
And to your left you can see a rare sight indeed. It's a the final stages of cuckood.
On a serious note though you must fight it.
>Wrong side of history
Literally the most agravating phrase ever created. At least we have a side. The biggest problem about libtards is that they never pick a position. Basically they are paper bag with no direction; guided by the wind that blows on them the most.
Remember this. Liberals don't care about anyone than themselves. They want to accomplish everything without sacrifice. Next time you see a liberal count how many times they ask YOU to do something instead of they doing it themselves.
This thread takes stupidity and delusion to a whole new level.
Do you sad sacks truly believe the bullshit you're spewing?
>one post by this ID
>liberals are happy
Fuck no. They are miserable people.
It's the total opposite.
You literally can't make this shit up.
Liberal humanist """"scientists"""" found out that conservative people are pretty much fucking nuts according to all meters and liberals are the total opposite. All the leftistliberal journals and newspapers wrote about this shit for months when it was released...
HOWEVER, turns out they fucked up and the results were the total opposite with conservatives being, friendly, reasonable, honest, etc and liberals being manipulative, paranoid, hostile and all-in-all undesirable people. Don't see many people writing articles about it anymore, eh?
Being a liberal is literally a mental illness.
>liberals are happy, think of the best in everyone
You're fucking retarded, holy shit
>user feels full of hatred and is severely depressed
This, at least, is true. It has always been true, though, regardless of user's political position.
As a former liberal from Chicago, yes, life as a liberal with your head buried in the sand was a far more happy and optimistic lifestyle. What else do you expect from a delusional ideology which puts feel good rhetoric that appeals only to your emotions ahead of logic and reasoning? The problem is that eventually reality always rears its ugly head sooner or later. Being a progressive liberal is not a sustainable ideology or lifestyle for the long term- at least not for white people.
fucking shills, we see right through you.
>expect the unexpected
>we'll enjoy the lulz
Anyone else notice they've stolen our style of speaking and are using it to try and convince us they are one of us? Complete sociopaths.
People like you are why our society is so shitty today.
Wrong OP. Right-wingers are usually tougher, more self reliant and rational than liberals. Leftism on the other hand stems from insecurity, the feeling of self-worthlessness and looking for "your" *oppressed group*, which you as a leftist believe to be inferior to even your sorry leftist ass, to "defend".
It's just that Sup Forums can be pure cancer and a lot of people on here would be better of doing something creative and productive with their time, instead of raging on a mongrorian woodcarving board.
>Think the best in everyone
Wat. They think blacks are unable to acomplish anything on their own without their enlightened guidance and support.
They strip agency from people, thinking other races can't make their own decision because of external influences. It is very telling when Al Quaida has to make official statement to not target minorities, because liberals will always make excuses for them.
>>liberals are happy, think of the best in everyone
top kek
>Liberals take anti-depressants and smoke weed
>user sees the world in clarity