Christians can't be White supremacists

Christianity is anti-White. Before the Jews invented this insano religion in Israel, white Germanics and Nordics worshipped the true and many Gods.

Heathenry, Odinism in particular, is the true White Man's religion. Until you accept the many Gods, you are just another subservient Goyim.

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Wake up, white brothers

I 100% agree dude. I hope other on this board will realize this. For more info on the religion of our ancestors and the true religion of the white man, look up thulean perspective he has a lot of videos on the subject.

It is also worth noting that our ancestors likely viewed "paganism" or "heathenism" as more of a science than a religion. They observed the world around them and created a system based on that. It is just as relevant today if not more relevant, considering how far mankind has fallen in quality...

>le christianity is anti-white
Catholicism is a white religion.

true dat

Catholicism is Babylonian sun worship

Good goy!

I am Latin supremacists. Being white supremacist means that I have to pandering for Germans, East Slavs, Jews, Socialists, SJW and other subhumans from non Latin civilisation circle.

>Pagan scum

Americans aren't white mate.

Even "white looking" Americans behave like the fucking chimps they are surrounded by.

how can i start to worship odin? do these people go to pagan church or what

>Say Paganism is the true white Mans Religions
>posting a picture of Marvels Cuck Thor, which was created of the fairy tale lies of the Christians in 13th Century
>he thinks Vahall was Part of Germanic/Nordic Paganism
>he thinks Valkyries bring the dead Soldiers to Vahall

Fuck off you wannabe Pagan.

you still worship the King Kike Jesus though?

funny how pagans hate christians but take credit for everything great they did
i posted this 100 times but almost everything you love about europe was done and built by christians
plus you are shitting on your european ancestors

Jesus wasn't a Jew, he was from the Levant yes.
His followers founded serveral Churches for various nations, One for Western Europeans, One for Asia etc..

>Pagans would support this


just go back to the middle east where u belong christcuck



No where does Catholic tradition have any traditions for Multi Racialism in any nation, in fact it supports One Kingdom One Race.

>being in this much denial
your faggot kike Jesus is and always be a Jew

Catholicism was founded in Rome.

Christianity has changed in Europe drastically in the last 20 years. Before that Catholics had no problem telling jews to fuck off

nah i belong here and so does christianity

He was a Judean, not a Jew.

>Implying that synagogue of Satan is something related to the bloodline of David

nah he's a dirty kike


>Worshiping trees

>being this obsessed with the intermarriages of filthy Hebrews

In 1000 years, Europeans will be saying the same thing about Islam

Go prove Jesus was what you identify as Jew.

>worships satan only because he appears as white to him

Good goy

Those who aren't Christian are all infidels, Jews belong in Asia with their own Church.

>Name is Yeshua, a Jewish name
>Calls himself of the line of David constantly
>Says he was sent only for the House of Israel
>Called "King of the Jews"
>Messiah is a Jewish term
>Grew up with Jews, know Jewish lore lived in a Jewish province and knew Jewish rites
>Not a Jew

>And when eight days were accomplished for the circumcising of the child, his name was called JESUS
Luke 2:21
Satan is a Hebrew invention, goy
>Those who aren't Christian are all infidels
fuck off kike-worshipper

>Uses marvel Thor in image
True pagan over here

daily reminder that hitler loved islam

Nope ex Cucktholic at my old Catholic school the priest would pray for the safety and acceptance of rapefugees across the world.

>of the line of David constantly
Line of David could drink milk, Talmudists can't.

fuck off with your autistic north gods.

the fucking pope doesnt represent christianity, he is just some old guy with a jesus complex.

>The jews invented christianity meme
when will this cancer end

>muh jesus was a jew
nice argument my pagan friend you totally converted me

>worships guy made up in 17th century by christians instead of the man jews have hated for 2000 years

You truly are the goodest of goys

there is no proof connecting Jesus's ethnicity to people who call themselves Jews today, and anyways there is only One God not a Jewish God.

>denouncing one god while praising a subhuman savage "religion" (since you don't actually believe in paganism and just want to rp)

show me where nordic pagans did as beautiful architecture as christians in italy?

he's a cuck even if you mistakenly believe he isn't a jew
you don't know who i worship

you're a nutjob

>posting Marvel's Thor
I'll bet you don't even offer sacrifices to the gods.

>you don't know who i worship
we know who, ahmed

Fuck off lefty cuck, go suck a refugees cock and do your Deutschland duty

quality buzzword my friend totally convinced me

>b-but m-muh based mudhuts
>b-but u-u wuz dem joos

come on you know Jesus is really black

i thought he was a jew
which is it

>Anglos cucking their beliefs for jew religions
>Now Anglos on Sup Forums are cucking themselves for viking religion that has no roots in Saxonism.

he's a black jew obviously

But when you say this, aren't you effectively saying that our Christian ancestors were sell-outs who betrayed their own race? During the height of white exploration and expansion, we were mostly Christian. Why should I not interpret this to mean that Christianity is good for the white man?

So? How does that prove anything?

There is literally all the prove in the world. He says so himself. Christianity comes from Christos, which was added by Greeks. Christianity was just errant Judaism in the beginning that claimed Jesus was a Messiah. The rest was added later

Modern Jews are Rabbinical Jews, which descends from the Pharisees of Jesus' time. Sure Jesus wasn't a fan, but they were Jews and so was he. Christianity is a religion born from Jewish infighting

Look at Africa and South Africa. White man destroyed christianity, it's time to move on.

i don’t something like that existed back then my friend

>hristianity was just errant Judaism in the beginning that claimed Jesus was a Messiah. The rest was added later
Not Judaism, Godism.

>being this obsessed with anti christian lies made by big nose

>Religion invented by mudslimes and kikes

Pick one

>how can i start to worship odin? do these people go to pagan church or what

like everyone else you can worship him at your local gaybar.

A flawed premise considering it operates from the assumption that 1000 years of Islam will be positive for Europe in the same way Christianity was. It assumes the European identity would even exist in the first place rather than be destroyed by the Arab supremacist cult that is Islam.

Christianity was a tool to preserve the institutions of Rome through what was essentially an iron age apocalypse. Can you honestly say with a straight face that Islam would preserve European traditions and institutions if places in the same position?

If you're honestly not sure of the answer just compare the languages the Bible is written in with the language the Koran is written in.

if white Jews existed then so did black Jews, both being untenable
>being this much in to the King Kike Jesus

Not any pagan that actually worships the gods as what they are, that being either ideals of mankind or aspects of nature (depending on the part of their pantheon). Everything described in that is abhorrent to nature and her order.

Catholicism was "invented" by Europeans who were given authority over their Church in Rome.

>beady anglos

Pick one

All you really need to do is offer him sacrifices. It can be anything that you value. If you give him food or an inanimate object, the proper method is burning. If you give him a life the proper method is strangulation.

How can nordic pagans even compete?

>Jews invented a religion they despise and want to destroy
Makes one ponder

i don’t that makes sense buddy


How come Christians hate pagans but take but take credit for everything great they did
i posted this 100 times but almost everything you love about Europe was done and built by Pagans.

I mean look, the fucking continent is called Europe for fuck sake. You are shitting on your European ancestors.

Praise our Lady Juno

of course it does
jesus was a jew
people think jesus was white
that's impossible
so he may as well be black
which is equally possible
come on goy

Yes, good goy. Christianity is the only thing that keeps us from degeneracy.

1st Pope: St Peter
PETRUS Šimʻōn Kêpâ
(Simon Peter) Bethsaida, Galilea, Roman Empire

2nd Pope: St Linus
Papa LINUS Linus Volterra, Italia, Roman Empire

Don't you have some Aryan gods to worship together with your boyfriend.

That'stthe best part, they are useful idiots for kikes


I call it bait, because I find hard to acknowledge that someone can be so fucking stupid.

they can’t ;)

Pagan is the true white religion.

>useful idiots for kikes
fuck off kike

>western european religion is western european
Who knew!

>This is worse than Trannyfisting
Those Blacks will at least have some good parents and grow up decent
Even if Jesus was Black it wouldn't matter. Deeds are more important than ethnicity

South America is largely catholic. All Christianity sects are universalist and are a large reason for white genocide(suicide).

Nordic can't, Greek and Roman sure as hell can

and he's a cuck

You couldn't be more of a good goy even if you tried.

>shill against the man who jews have been hating for past 2000 years
>not controlled by kikes

And next you are going to tell me 1+1 isn't 2? Okay, Achmed

true but most westerners wouldnt identify with south paganism

This is "we wuz kingz" for white people. It's fine to appreciate it, but up until Christianity there was nothing special about being Germanic. The Germanics really were just tribal barbarians, no matter how it's dressed up. The Germanics only became something more by evolution away from this origin and assimilation of Latin/Greek culture.

If you really hate European culture/ The church which developed in Europe, but simultaneously want to find some kind of alternate "European" theology to Christianity look up Greek stoicism. It was the best of Greek and Roman enlightened thought.

Germanic paganism really was shit, and wasn't anything special compared to the philosophy of other barbarians.

Nah, Yeshua couldn't be a cuck becouse he didn't even have anyone to be cucked by. Josef on the other hand was a certified cuck.

Cuck, Goy
Nice buzzwords
I bet you also get very angry when leftist call you a Racist or a Sexist