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Holy shit
Haha posted to all my shill accounts
Thank you for correcting the record
Exact quote: "We couldn't help her anymore than we have. We're the biggest ones promoting her campaign."
what a load of shit. the MSM literally knows what they're doing and they think it's funny apparently
I wanted to think they were just stupid or doing what made them money, but for a major news agency to make a joke out of admitting bias is the dumbest thing I've seen in a while.
This is illegal. Sue CNN.
Is this a new meme, are you retarded, or have the shills really done a number on you mate.
inb4 suicide by 6 bullets to the back of the head
I would love to share this but some cockhead looped it and added dopey effects
do you people take courses on how to not be taken seriously?
It's literally freedom of the press, I'm afraid. Can't sue them for shit unless somebody can prove legitimate corporate corruption/scandals behind it. Bias isn't illegal in the press, it's just absolutely abhorrent.
just turn it into a twitter video and cut that part out
So what's the big deal? Sean Hannity and Jeanine Pirro are pretty openly supporting Trump on Fox
Wow kek
We knew this already now they are just beating us over the head with it. I never watched CNN anyway. Shit, I don't even have cable.
lol, good, but nothing illegal.
Mysterious double suicide using bats and nailguns when?
> the polls are only right when trump is on top otherwise bias
> the networks shill for Hilary unless they shill for trump
holy shit
Holy shit
Sup Forums is always right
Send to wikileaks
Well my personal reservation against this was that many reasonable people have long considered CNN to be the least biased / most professional of the major American news outlets. Now they've inverted and they're worse than Fox news.
literally admitting bias and promoting one candidate and laughing it off.. Everyone at CNN need to be gassed
wtf i hate ctr now
>free ride from the media
Did you even watch the video?
hannity et al openly admits to being opinion shows, and therefore gives you their opinion stupid or not. CNN pretends that they are a news network, not an opinion talk show.
but since they just admitted they are the same as hannitys radio show, they should be ridiculed the same.
>implying Fox News isn't always picking on Obama and cheering for republicans
its not /thread silly newfag
I'm not even sure half of the fox news contributors actually support donald and even the ones that do like Hannity aren't pretending like they are unbiased and then shilling hard for their candidate. They didn't cut off speeches at the DNC or try to create fake controversies to benefit their candidate. The Fox brass probably does not like Trump at all.
With Jews you lose.
Hannity and Pirro, and fox in general don't claim to be neutral. Same as MSNBC. CNN is biased while trying to claim neutrality.
>> the polls are only right when trump is on top otherwise bias
I think anybody with half a brain realizes that in order to properly cook the polls, you have to give Trump his convention bump. The only time Trump has been leading in the (((polls))) is right after his convention. The pollsters are experts at manipulating plebs like you.
>See guize, they had Trump in the lead for one day, that means the polls are not biased hurr durr
fucking kek
is this their attempt at 4d chess?
>I can't read but I think my opinion is valid
Cheering Paul Ryan/McCain style globalist republicans, not Trump style republicans. They are owned by Rupert Murdoch, a hard core open borders activist.
Fox was established specifically to promote a "conservative" viewpoint in news media
I like Bill O'Reilly
forgot pic
The people on Fox with their own shows give their opinion clearly stated, thats fine. I have no problem with Don Lemon stating his opinion. But this is not just one persons opinion, this is an entire news network actively shilling
Heeeeey, it's the "Who is this Sup Forums?" lady.
Pls nuke slovekia already
Fox will at least shit on trump when he does something stupid.
CNN will literally make up a story, the whole khan fight, to cover for their preferred candidate.
How is it that the MSM can understand intricate situations around the world, yet they still haven't been able to contact the hacker known as Sup Forums?
Why does every outlet fall apart when it comes to this place?
>ha-ha-ha... I know!
>Fox doesn't claim to be unbiased
>their non-news shows expose the personal views of their hosts
>this is disclaimed and easy to understand
>CNN claims to be neutral and impartial
>hosts explain their non-neutrality and giggles about giving a candidate an easy pass
>these are the news-program hosts
are you retarded or do you think everything can be equated to other things?
What did they mean by this?
This isn't a new video, it's just re-upload. I first saw it about 2 weeks ago.
We need a video of them saying it since Trump's attacks on them.
If Fox don't claim to be unbiased, why is their slogan "Fair & Balanced"?
100% positive they won't be together on any segment again until after election day (if ever).
CNN high command knows this can't be allowed and there's going to be serious subversion and damage control as a result
Fox News and MSNBC are biased to the right and left respectively, we all know this and they're very open and honest about it.
CNN prides itself on being """"""unbiased journalism"""""" and this election has shown very clearly they are anything but.
CNN is liberal.
Grass is green.
Sweden is cucked
>there's absolutely no bias in the msm towards hillary clinton
Kek protects us senpai
Nah senpai, it's against the corporate donation laws. Free promotion on TV is considered to be as valuable as the amount that would buy that air time.
Clearly recorded before Hillary decided to run.
>Crop old footage
>Muh proof of current shilling
Beta tier tinfoil bullshit tbqh
its just a meme, bro
The world is going to shit lads.
The corrupt globalist puppets aren't even hiding their subversive agendas anymore.
Worst of all. People don't seem to even care.
>wet shitlib fisting noises
Its so hilarious you faggots come here just be assmad. Holy shit, fucking kys.
It's a Hillary shill program she's funding through a PAC
You need to understand they literally can not understand people who dissageed with them. I suppose we are pretty bad about it too, but the issues have become so polarized that it's hard to get my head around where they are coming from as too. They don't think that they are biased they believe and feel that they are right and that makes it true. If it's true then it's not biased. That being said fuck these people I never watch them anyways.