Why is it that anytime someone on Sup Forums says something against Trump immediately they get accused of being CTR? Really, you think people don't actually just dislike Trump?
Why is it that anytime someone on Sup Forums says something against Trump immediately they get accused of being CTR...
>1 post by this ID
fuck off, shit head shill.
with CTR shills raiding Sup Forums, you can't blame us.
>1 post by this ID
Is this a meme now
Hilkery shud be whityhous leder becos tujmp is rasisit bigbot
Can confirm Sup Forumstard here its so easy to troll these nazi faggots #stein2016
TRUMPLETS can't fathom why anybody wouldn't want to praise trump constantly for everything he does. Every one against trump is a shill. Anybody that doesnt make a thread about trump is "sliding". All polls are wrong and not to be trusted.
They're all basically severely mentally ill and very stupid to boot but you knew that already.
Man, I'm so glad correct the record exists.
It's the only way we can correct trump's record. :^)
Obviously because this is a safe space. Ignore that the only way you'll get banned, generally, is posting child porn.
Fuck off Hillshill, we here know for a fact that no actual human being of sound mind and not under the influence of shekels could possibly support a murderous anti human owl worshipping ex hippie. Trump is just someone else, anyone against Hillary would have our support.
We knew something was up since you know, the board flipped from typical discourse to full on shillary bootlicking in seconds.
Found a shill.
Because Sup Forums mods killed the JIDF meme by changing all the flags to Israel/JIDF and then cuck got stale so Sup Forums needed a new boogyman.
CTR got 6 million post convention.....
It was a meme 2 months ago you first timer shill
Almost everybody hates Trump in the real world. Sup Forums just hasn't realized yet that their hugbox is connected to the real world.
Nah mate, clearly we are all paid shills.
Anyone dissenting must be paid to do so, plus this is a safe space for a lot of people who don't want their views challeneged
Because they're real and among us
>OP should immediately bump the thread to satisfy your demand for posts
You sound retarded leaf, go home
Much 6 gorillion.
> Germany pls
>hugbox is connected to the real world.
.02 shekels have been deposited into your account