Still support Trump

The only reason CTR is spamming Sup Forums is because Hillary's campaign is extremely volatile at the moment with the mysterious deaths and the changed polling methods so they are trying to slide the threads by baiting us.

There is no way a red pilled Sup Forumsack would support a corrupt bitch over Trump cus a shill posts a "Trump BTFO" thread every 5 minutes.

Keep posting good threads fellow anons, and hide and sage the shills.

There has to be a reason they increased CTR funding from 1 to 6 million.


Other urls found in this thread:

Trump can't win at this point dude. I'm still gonna vote for him, but it's pretty much pointless

And the very first reply...

Trump will win
Media and shills can lie/slew data, but at the end of the day those votes have to be counted

Says the Italy shill I've seen shilling for the past week. Nice try poor-cuck, thanks for bumping my thread btw

The shills are afraid and their smell is sweet to my nose holes.

I have a US passport. I'm American and I love Trump, but we have to be realistic. He won't win. Still worth a shot though


Hillary was a better candidate anyway.

Refer to


>huur De jooz r here to get me. Mooooom where are my tendies!!!
You give us Trump supporters a bad name

There must be a reason for the shilling. If they felt they could comfortably win why waste money on shills?

You're Italian.
Shill detected.

saged for (((you))) (((faggots)))

>CTR is spamming pol

No retard, a lot of us are just fed up with Trump posters and starting to call bullshit more regularly.

This board is paranoid enough to think anyone who disagrees with them is paid opposition.

Let me meme response for you
>$.02 has been deposited intl my account
>thank you for correcting the record
>I shill for hill

Good post.

It's also just incredibly easy to b8 during election season, but I've no doubt there's some organized sliding going on.

If anything the shilling is coming from the right, not the left. I'd be willing to bet top dollar that breitbart interns are still being ordered to post articles here.

Ever notice how breitbart is almost never pastebinned or screen capped?

Plus the daily stormer admitted to astro-turding Sup Forums a while back. I wouldn't be surprised if they still have that ongoing

Hail Trump!

They want you to miss the fact that she has severe brain damage and she is having seizures and meltdowns.
Look it up.
She is finished if this concept takes hold in the public underground.

They are spamming Sup Forums and the rest of the internet because the pol numbers are FAKE AND THE CUNT IS LOSING

Trump can easily win with a 3 hit combo: more Assange revelations, another terror attack and a good debate win (meme fuel)

Bumping for the glory of Sup Forums

It's still a long way to the real contest. We had this same situation a while back. Then the polls shot the other way. I swear everyone has the attention of a gnat.

Hold with Trump. He's only a million times better than Hillary.

Go to the 4plebs archive and search for "page 9". Kids being assigned to threads until they die.

>voting in US elections

Keep trying shill.


>what are holidays


Bumping for not being a shill slide thread

>There is no way a red pilled Sup Forumsack would support a corrupt bitch over Trump cus a shill posts a "Trump BTFO" thread every 5 minutes.
>Keep posting good threads fellow anons, and hide and sage the shills.
Agreed. Remember, cowards abandon their homeland.

Need channel more energy into such good thread

Don't die on me. Not again...


Some meme magick to the rescue

Ok, I'll take this thread all to myself.
A little more Tay. F, sweet waifu...

>realisticly he will not win

right now he is winning hard and i dont see it changing. even when mass media and paid shills are against him hes going strong.

>forgot about bush

What about him?




Were you the guy in the Trump telegram group? I remember someone else was away in Italy.

Something Americans can't afford.

yup that's me

Well at least I know you're not a shill though.

Still, the debates haven't even started, and the election is 3 months away, he's recovered from worse. The recent dip in the polls is nothing to be disheartened about.

All he needs to do is make a joke out of Hillary on live television, give her the Jeb! treatment and he can do this.

Let's hope you'r right. I will vote Trump anyway, no matter what polls say. Still, it's pretty disheartening

Sup Forums is right wing by nature.

The DNC leaks showed they're skewing the polls, that's what they're trying to do, dishearten you.

I have been a political junkie for most of my adult life and I have NEVER been so certain of anything that I am that Trump will win.

I have to thank the crooked media for allowing the odds to be so favourable to the first and last gambling I will ever do.

The greatest political event of our entire lifetimes is coming up in a quarter of a year and I'm going to be on Sup Forums for all of it.

didn't also a few dnc heads resign because of the leaks? Surely that isn't very good for hillary.
