Other urls found in this thread:
There never were any. You idiots imagined it all.
Found one.
Probably asleep
you know Trump is going to lose, right?
They were LOW ENERGY
Friday must be when shills get paid
This. Sup Forums has been trolling itself.
The shills have to force themselves to stay here and shill. Being around red pills and controversial topics is hard work for them. We can easily outlast them because this is our natural state.
This. It's not even 11AM yet on the east coast.
People trolling against the dominant position on a Sup Forums board, incredible fuck I've never seen such a thing.
It was more than likely just shitposters from /qa/, they've been trying to get this board shut down for months. I'm sure they'll be back either in November or if any other controversies happen.
yeah sure faggot
I can honestly admit that I love going in Trump threads and pretending to be a shill just for reactions. It's actually really fun.
Not even joking: Most "shills" are just people trolling.
Their budget was draining rapidly. They probably don't want to waste money here any more. It's impossible for them to convert any of us and their annoying trolling was only made us more motivated to fuck with them. Some Anons on cripchan have doxxed a bunch of them as retaliation, but I don't know what they plan to do with the info
KEK disagrees
It doesn't matter who wins. Trump gave birth to an idea and ideas can't be killed.
Day of the rope when?
Sup Forums was always the easiest board, most people gave up because it's like hitting a dying kitten with a mallet. They made an exception for this faggotry..
>I don't know what they plan to do with the info
get busted by the FBI?
How much per post?
For what exactly?
lol the guy forgot to use the word spinner function. fucking lazies just want to fill captchas and get $ .
admin you should punish those rats.
>what are trolls
gullible dumbfuck
Tell me what they're doing with the info, and I'll tell you. Are they soliciting for donations, to buy them ice cream?
Why don't you start another doxing thread here and see how it goes?
Doxing isn't illegal, it's just bannable here because it always brews up a shitstorm.
that's nothing, dude
They heard about the battle of brit/pol/ and realised they were fighting a losing battle. Nobody puts Sup Forums in a corner.
>cant handle defeat
>must be conspiracy
fucking kek.
inb4 elections will be rigged
>Trolling on Sup Forums
Oh, my! How original!
Some are resting, some got red pilled and abandoned the cause.
They're liberals they wont be up for another 3 hours.
That's a leaf they're hard to tell apart
What was trying to get slid, anyway? There had to have been something
>laying off Sup Forums for a week
>scrolling over catalogue now and then
>nothing but full caps lock screaming over shills
>now panic has died down
>no fucking clue what happened
>european primetime
>ctrl+f hillary
>55 results
>american primetime
>ctrl+f hillary
>100+ results
>Anything bad done on Sup Forums is trolls
This is exploding van outsider-tier understanding of Sup Forums. Proof you're not from here.
Remind me of Turkey's recent election S couple weeks ago again
>how many levels of shilling are your on.shkl
Meme hard, we are at full power again! This is our chance!
they got btfo like usual, give it a month and they will be back kek
>Board has been spammed into death by Trump shills
>Pretend Hillary shills have taken over the board
I'm sure they're here, but the Trump shills have always been orders of magnitude worse.
>comparing a first world country to a 3rd world country
"huur b-but you suck too"
But why?
Late last night an user was outside shill HQ
Then the shills found out that we know everything about their bosses-where they live/work etc
Then the shilling died down dramatically
>trump shills
Look fag
We do it
maybe once they say how bad hillary was, they decided the record was already correct.
No you don't.
Are you retarded? The shills died down well earlier than that, with just a few posting. Now it's the waiting game to see if they'll come back again.
Yes we do, cunt
I only pretended to be a CTR shill because I thought it was the hottest new meme.
Were there actual CTR shills on this board, or were you guys just memeing too?
We do it for free - the memes must flow.
Not with shitty macros like that you don't.
>Literally every single time shills are brought up:
>"Oh man, I know, those Hillary shills are totally out of control!"
>90% of the board is Trump shilling threads at any given time
Their narrative has probably ran dry and they are regrouping.
Possible and kek worthy
>Trump shills
You mean normal people
Yeah, of course. What was I thinking.
Now if you faggots weren't paid shills, you'd be covering the real news: that establishment politics in America are collapsing and THAT INCLUDES shitty, born-rich plutocrats like Donald Trump. People have had enough of this fucking shit while TPP gets fast tracked to make it worse globally.
what's dat picrel?
>muh viable their party
Fuck off faggot, we support Trump.
Almost every reply itt would suggest otherwise
There isn't one. The entire process requires a legit revolution throughout the West.
You don't speak for an entire board.
>that image macro
I think it's time for you to go back to 9gag.
Nice meme, friend.
They are literally everywhere.
It's probably older than you children are.
Who are you voting for, m8? Jill Stein?
ITT: Sup Forums recovers from a panic it triggered
It was probably either a Sup Forums raid or anonymous. This raid was way to organized to simply be a sudden revolt. Both groups don't like this board because they are stein and bernout fags that are mad that our board gets more attention than either so they are bein epix trulz as a result :DD
No, I'm pretty sure its CTR look around. Some guy was posting legit screenshots and time stamped proof of working for CTR and shilling for them on here.
>$6 million spent on about 180 tumbrfag libtards astroturfing our sites
>thousands of autistic neckbeard nazi frogs do it for free
>All you have to do go is go stand outside their office and sip your water
>Stare hard at the window
user scared them off by staking out their HQ
I have been pretending to be a shill a lot tbqh
Hillary Clinton's Correct the Record super pac literally hired 5000 (!) shitposters to defend her online. Sup Forums probably only needs 100-500 of those to re-enact Sup Forums harbor.
They're all in r/politics, go comment on any one of the anti-trump articles and watch the CTR shills come out in full autismo butthurt attack mode.
It's Friday. Dey be in da mosque.
>It's Friday. Dey be in da synagogue
Trump's campaign is in complete disarray now. He keeps making massive blunders and the polls are reflecting it. Sup Forums is just trying to work out where to look now that we know there is no God.
No, and you're clearly trying to protect the leaders at CTR
the threads last night exploded and the people in the building realized someone was outside the building. The shilling instantly stopped, everyone was even mentioning it in the thread. All the bait and shill threads were suddenly not on page one anymore, it almost seemed quiet.
What was battle of Brit/pol/?
It's Friday, they are out shopping for new shoes and purses.
Not sure if shill or bait
I noticed that too. I was on around 11 PM EST. I was thinking they closed up shop early.
I did arrive late to the party by one thread...
Want trying to protect anyone
shills only come during prime hours
All the people that were banned 48 hours ago have come back.
The Purge is commencing and we have reclaimed our lost clay.
Yes we do it for free, don't even argue faggot you're just giving yourself away as a shill
There's absolutely no chance your 6m in funding can overpower our hundreds of neets and concentrated autism that's been brewing for years. You don't understand, when you faggots have all gone and aren't getting any more paychecks, we'll still be around here dicking it up and making the rest of the worlds memes.
you faggots are all 'omg trump shills' when there's not even any trump version of CTR.
Like the fucking JIDF constantly pretending they don't exist when they have a whole website dedicated to their cause.
Who else /shilling4free/?
I need to act like a Hillary supporter on /pop/ it's the only way I'll be able to vote Trump. It's like since I like Sup Forums and mostly agree with Sup Forums I don't want to use bullshit sites like Reddit for alternate points of view so I create opposition on Sup Forums
trump memes are funny and hillary's forced memes are shit, there is the difference my friend.
Literally nobody you enormous faggot
Anyone who was previously trolling for lulz has probably stopped
We might act ironically retarded and sometimes unironically retarded, we might fling shit at eachother all day long, but the second some retarded outsider comes in who thinks they can subvert us-everything drops and we all turn on them.
Whats the difference between pretending and being an actual shill?
Its exactly the same for everyone else
First we found out where they work, then we found out where they live.
Memes, newfriend. It was all memes.
We bankrupted their budget because we forced em to constantly defend here. War of attrition won.
We have the NEETs. The only counter to paid shills because infinite resource.
Concierges Sans Salaire
sounds about right to me
It started around Monday and was non-stop until yesterday, and now it's almost completely gone. Those that remain are shilling for the bantz
>cripchan have doxxed a bunch of them
tell me more user
P sure we're still here for lulz Sup Forums will never be serious business