Maybe if your lines had not collapsed then Dunkirk would not have happened. Instead...

Maybe if your lines had not collapsed then Dunkirk would not have happened. Instead, the evacuation preceded and enabled the allies to still have a fighting chance in Europe. Would you rather the whole BEF died on a narrow French beach instead of fight for another five years and eventually liberate your country?

Also there were tens of thousands of Franco-Belgian troops on those boats back to England, you ungrateful arrogant cunt.

Other urls found in this thread:

>be french
>build a wall on the borders
>those Belgians aren't so bad
>don't build a wall on the Belgian border
>fuck the war up to your allies
>76 years later bring up the eternal Anglo meme
>le tactical genius

Seem like those anglos on the bridge is gonna get rekted by a Stuka.

Why do the French constantly make this shit up?

Look up how many Brits stayed behind. Look up how many French left on boats. Look up at all the equipment the BEF had to leave behind. Look up at how you allowed this shit to happen. Look up how the French lied to the Brits about the effectiveness of their armed forces. Look up how the French didn't finish the Magoint line.

Also I should point out. The reactions of the soldiers is fucking terrible. Some of them even laugh at they '''(((hear)))''' the aircraft.

>Build le Maggot wall
>horhorhor surely the Germans will not drive through le Belgique again!
>Germans drive through Ardennes again
>Merde! Perfidious Albion!

There there we know France has never won a war ever since Napoleon. Even the Chinese did more than the French in WW2.

Thread theme

When you think about it the French are just another victim of the Anglo's oppression and attempt to stifle power in mainland Europe. They did it with Napoleon and then they did it with Hitler.

>survival is victory

Great, another movie about good goys who fought so their granddaughter could have anal sex with niggers.

Hitler sent a generous peace offer to save the lives of the troops at Dunkirk before they got slaughtered. The allies used this as a chance to ditch all of their equipment to get them out just under the time limit they were given.

>be Frenchman.
>declare war on germany to "save" Poland.
>launch just one uncoordinated attack into the rhineland and give up after advancing a few kilometers wih little resistance.
>sit in your forts for a year bickering between yourselves.
>bitch about the allies that saved you


>mfw being a ouiaboo forever defending French military history.

Thats how we won the War of 1812.


>be french
>get british to die fighting for your country twice
>hate on british
>infest your country with mudslimes
>continue to hate on british

>Be Hitler
>Lose WWII
>Cause the entirety of Europe to think Nationalism = Nazism
>Stormfags think anti-white immigration is the result of Hitler losing instead of Hitler causing WWII

Just fuck off.
Good men died saving your shitty ungrateful country, and now look at it.
France... not even once.


Just why did you guys ever become friends? The world was a better place when France and Great Britain were arch-enemies.

Our soldiers even lived to see it after the war with that cunt de Gaulle who openly insulted the British throughout the '50s

more like
>be frenchman
>declare war on germany because we are affraid of them taking our clay again
>but what do now? we have had small population growth and therefoer lack of manpower since the end of WW1 so we were preparing ourselves for defensive war since 1920s and build huge fortifications
>better sit this one out and wait for the german attack
>oh they actually have a good military strategy.

>Oh yes, Napoléon was defeated by the british tactical genius ! No the prussians totally not decided the issue of the battle !

France Battle:
>Stinky surrender monkeys fucked up everything heh, we dindu nuffin

Cut the shit.
More polish died than british, you did not even try to fight or maneuver, it was straight up retreat at the first revert

Kek. Seems like drinking aryan blood wasn't all that all that cost-free, huh anglos?

>be french
>build maginot line
>surely le krauts will never get past this
>germans invade france through belgium
>be this retarded

>be French
>be on the left flank of the British Army
>run away and blame the British for it



Look up how England propped Poles up to get as fucked by Russia and Germany. Fuck you western cunts. Literally everything you did was for more power and land and in the end the people you went to war over you handed to the soviets. Get off your horse faggot, you're as dirty as everyone else.


>Talking about Anglos

>Hitshit loses
>allies become pussies
>hitshits fault
Niger this is some stormfag autism.

Oh France in you really are a bunch of ungrateful bastards. Every Frenchman who posts about this always neglects to point out how the French surrendered en masse because morale was low and the soldiers would rather surrender their country than actually hold the line. You sat with a thumb up your arse while Germany was busy in the east and didn't bother advancing against undefended territory. You have no one to blame other than your sorry forefathers.

>Be French
>Allah ackbar

i feel like this is going to be a pile of shit just from watching the trailer. good cinematography maybe, but still a pile of shit.

Goes in all fields - fuck this slide thread.

Gr8 B8 m8

>t. leaf trying to take credit for the actions of Great Britain 200 years ago

>Literally everything you did was for more power and land

You're right, actually.

Now tell me whether the world was a better place when Britain ruled the world, or now with the USA as superpower.

>not being the American lapdog like you
>somewhat insulting

It would have been hard after crying so hard in the US skirt to not send people with them when they set a foot on the continent.

And the French lost Paris the end.

>Daily reminder that France was this much of a cuck nation even in WW2

Fuck you. Your country dosen't have a right to complain about being revisionist in history.

They fucked your woman. They drank your wine. They are all your food.
How did you respond? By waiting till the allies liberated you and did all the same and THEN kicking the shit out of the women and kids that were left behind.

So brave France. So brave.

Nice satan trips.

No idea what significance this has to Dunkirk, but yes the battle was eventually finished due to the Prussian arrival. Couldn't have been won without the British and the allies on the ridge, however.

>France Battle
A counterattack was attempted at Arras, which could have cut off Rommel wete it not for the over-cautious nature of the French High Command.

(Keks in Pinochet)

Based Paddy bringing the salt

> le tactical retreat

England but you niggers gave it up. Should have allied with the Reich. Fucking world would be better still.

Poland was unsaveable once the Soviets were involved. Wasn't worth WW3 just for Poland, sorry Polebros.


He enteral Jew kept the west at war when hitler wanted no war with the west, communist Russia was his enemy and target and

Ungrateful cunt. You deserve the Muslims you white flag waving frog.


>Hee-haw hee-aw. Ve ave ze Maginot line.

You're welcome btw.

Hitler should have learnt to do tactical retreats sometimes and maybe he could have won the war.

If Hitler was in charge of those forces he would have just charged in because "muh proud race never retreats"

Fuck off, they were helping us on our land, and Churchill insisted that no preference be made on the beach when loading up the boats. England did nothing wrong in Dunkirk, au contraire. WW2 is a stain on our History, deal with it.

So why was it worth a WW2 WITH Germany, possibly the Soviet Union, in 1939 then?

Great acting!

is hitle lawfull alligned?

not surprising, with the support of the two empires, the Ottoman and French, they fucked in the Crimean War but present it as a victory.

>What is shellshock

Literally great acting

Beating Germany in '39 was realistic. Fighting the Soviets in '45 after six years of total war would have been disastrous, and that's not even taking into account the communist uprisings that would have occured had war broken out.

Are they going to show the part where Hitler orders the hault to his men which is what really saved all those beady eyed anglos?


You were embarrassed in the Crimean war mate. I mean, you guys still had a feudal structure and total autocracy. You were literally still medieval.

>le crying frog

captcha: boats

>but present it as a victory.
No we don't, in fact it's known as a failure.

>Stick around and die
>Regroup and try again
>France's solution is JUST DIE and go to paradise with muh 72 virgins allahu ackbar oui oui oui

Okay lad.

The Crimean War was a victory, what are you talking about?

I don't really give a shit that they flee, I mean good for them at the end of the day.
Making a revisionnist movie to disguise it at some sort of brave victory fucking pisses me of however.

The only people that deserve to be praised in this episode are the 40 000 guys that kept Lille during 3 days against 800 tanks and 100 000 germans under amphetamins.
Not the guys that took a fucking ferrys to cross the Channel.

No, the evil Nazis will attack with full force but five heroic Anglos can hold them back until everyone is evacuated.

Ivan is butthurt that Russia has lost 99% of its wars in the past 200 years despite always having numerical superiority

No, the charge of the light brigade was a failure by any objective criterion.

Funny art came from it though so that's a plus and it does show the Russian tactics of zerg rushing everything just don't work.

>be french

Shut up you dumb frog. Only reason your not speaking german is because of us.

What about beating the soviets in 39? They were just as aggressive as the Nazis and the same brutality. They swallowed up Balkan states, gobbled up territory like Poland just as the Germans did. Literally same assholes who invaded a country supposedly promised that it would be protected by England and France yet they do nothing. They declare war on Germany yet look the other way when an equally dangerous, possibly more, nation invaded Poland from the east. They pillaged and took why they wanted but what? They get a free pass?

Allahu ackbar gimme muh 72 virgins now.

>tfw I applied as background character for this movie as most scenes where shot in the Netherlands (dunno why) but I didn't get picked.

I am convinced that every one of you would rise up and tear me down from my place if I were for one moment to contemplate parley or surrender. If this long island story of ours is to end at last, let it end only when each one of us lies choking in his own blood upon the ground.”

At this the men in that room were so moved that they cheered and shouted, and some of them ran round and clapped him on the back.

France: w-we surrender

The part that is mythologized and turned in to heroics is the small boats that travelled from England to help pick up the Allies, not the Evacuation itself. Dunkirk was a defeat, make no mistake, but it was a minor defeat which kept the BEF intact, not a major one which could have destroyed it and led to a German invasion.

>Oh look how brave and admirable the fall of Britain was!

Kek. I guess Nolan shot this movie because everything else was already covered (I don't know if the battle of Kursk was?)

Filming the fall of the Empire. I bet Germans secretly will be proud after watching this film

Back to your london Caliphate full of Burka and where cops are too afraid to arrest islamist who raped 1400 of your women.

Speeches so based they can be used for the intros to heavy metal songs.

Read David Irvings "Churchills war."

Pierre al-Abdullah insulting Anglos when they're the best fighters in the world.

Cheese eating surrender monkeys are weird. It's funny watching them go extinct.

get out you filthy holocaust revisionist antisemite!

In your dream Nigel.
The only reason we don't speak germans is because Russia.
And the only reason we don't speak russian is thank to the US.

>year was precipitated one city
>were able to capture only part of
>lost people more than precipitated
>russians made peace because the tzar died, and to prevent the entry into the war Prussia

>Be Hitler
>Let englishmen retreat, being the great humanist that you are

>david 'blown the fuck out' irving
kek, not even once

Plans to fight Russia were drawn up after the Soviet invasion, but were dismissed as being unrealistic, and rightfully so. Imagine fighting the Germans and the entirety of the Soviet Union at once. Not gonna happen. The Allies were eventually proved right in holding off on attacking Russia after Hitler invaded, and we gained an ally crucial to the defeat of Germany. Poland for the defeat of the Nazis were a fair trade, as shameful as that was. Look up Churchills plans to launch Operation Unthinkable to save Poland. Noble, but completely unrealistic. The Soviets were a much stronger force than the allies in both '39 and '45. Nothing could be done.

The real thing now:

> Be Frenchman
> Won WW1 but damn that was hard and took a toll on the population
> Set huge sanctions on Germany so they won't be able to be a threat in the future.
> Eternal anglo complains about "muh poor germans" who can't pay.
> Germans pay.
> Eternal anglo create a world financial crisis. Germans can't pay anymore, they elect Hitler.
> Germans militarize again. France invade the Ruhr to stop that?
> Eternal anglo complains about "muh poor germans" and France has to leave the Ruhr.
> German militarization intensifies
> Hitler wipes his ass with Treaty of Versailles and take back bit by bit the german empire. France wants to go but eternal anglo refuse and french people don't want another war.
> Eternal anglo multiplies useless peace treaties, giving much time to Germany to build up the army.
> Finally invade Poland, that's the last straw for France.
> Eternal anglo relunctantly send 400k troops in France, much less than usual.
> Germany does the EXACT SAME ADVANCE than WW1 (except Belgium got rekt much quicker and French were surprised at Sedan).
> France defeats are actually not worst than France initial defeats in 1914 before the Battle of the Marne (which is just next to Paris)
> On the other hand, eternal anglos is doing jackshit and rush to Dunkerque to go back to shitty island.
> With no allies, France is facing fighting the same war as WW1 but alone.
> Fuck that shit, Hitler can't be that bad, we won't sacrifice another generation.

And somehow, we are the surrendering monkeys.

We should have made you all fucking swim Britain you ungrateful cunt.

>best fighters

But why not wipe the reds it with the nazis? In the end wouldn't they have been better than Marxism? I'd it just seems like the soviets were a bad choice.

> Be French
> Loose

How does it feel knowing your nation is a byword for defeat, hundreds of years of military history wiped away in six weeks. The revisionism is justified, turns out it was the right move, many of those soldiers fought and won in North Africa, Burma and Normandy.

>we lost the war but it wasn't out fault, I swear!

How's Constantinople this time of year, Ivan? Oh wait that's right, you lost.

Just like Dieppe, this was a gigantic failure;still, anglos treat it like a victory or a heroic retreat

Two years after Dieppe they managed a landing just because it was a joint operation with Americans (who obviously were the ones that suffered the most casualties)

No, you really cant win on your own

>76 later make a revisionist movie to show how bravely you ran away
m8 it was revisioned after it happened, only reason people even consider it a success was the number of people who got out. Pretty sure people in the armed forces didn't like people wearing the dunkirk shit they were given either.

Makes you think.

Nah it's more like:

>Be run of the mill Frenchman
>Chances are, your father/older male siblings were killed or wounded in a horrible way during WWI so you may not be totally enthusiastic about going to war yourself
>Krauts invade Poland, France and the UK have to declare war on Germany because of that
>Stubborn old generals think it's gonna be another war of attrition, Germany goes for a zerg rush
>Shit hits the fan

And then in 2016, young europeans/americans are too busy bickering among themselves about shitty propaganda movies on a taiwanese bug fighting imageboard instead of taking care of very real invaders/traitors.

The only thing the BEF did in the first years was to get their ass kicked everywhere they went.
I am no UK hater but this is the truth

So you surrendered because your northern army and anglo-belgian force shifted positions and didnt want to put in a hard shift? Not something Id want to admit, Pierre.

Don't forget about socialist politician who got elected thanks to the economic crisis and who disarmed France.

Reminder that in 1940, every German tank had a radio while in the French Army it was just for the column's chief.

>Russia has lost 99% of its wars in the past 200 years
butthurt island monkey sounds like music
>lose what you do not have

Ugh God those German tanks.

Everywhere they went? You lot got rekt in North Africa and across the mediterranean before the Germans stepped in.

Everyone knows France can't fight. Your revisionism means nothing to us.

>be anglo
>make historical movie
>shoehorn in WWII reference
>"our brave lads gave their lives to win the war"
>"muh small island beat the german war machine"
>"the Soviets, Americans, French, etc didn't do shit, it was all us."