Me again.
How does it fell that I'm going to enjoy the fuck out of the Gay Parade with my boyfriend in Amsterdam tomorrow?
That's right I'll be having fun in Amsterdam while yoy guys can remain butthurt over a harmless parade.
Have fun though. :^)
Me again.
How does it fell that I'm going to enjoy the fuck out of the Gay Parade with my boyfriend in Amsterdam tomorrow?
That's right I'll be having fun in Amsterdam while yoy guys can remain butthurt over a harmless parade.
Have fun though. :^)
Who fucking cares, you euro nigger?
Nobody cares, go have orgies in alleys and in general display how degenarate your "culture" is.
i dont think its us that will be butthurt m8
>current year
>think being a faggot triggers Sup Forums
We're going to have fun watching Ahmed aloha snackbar you.
Other than that I hope you have fun :^)
Have fun getting aids aquafresh
You'll probably get blown up by mohammed so whatever.
some of you fags are ok . dont go to amsterdam tomorrow
Nobody gives a fuck about gays for the last few years.
Did you forget what the current year is?
Europe really is lost
>b-but muh terror attack
>in the netherlands
Can't wait for Sup Forums to get btfo once again tomorrow.
>mfw we could have prevented this
It's going to happen eventually, babe.
See in my personal dictionary there's a distinction between homosexuals and faggots.
To me, you're clearly a faggot.
Post benis pls
Terug naar de woestijn met jullie.
Nobody cares dude
>How does it fell
I don't know, probably by losing your balance.
did you post your boypussy yet
Terug naar Zweden met jou.
I didn't know you liked dutch fart porn.
I hope your dutch holocaust will be great.
it actually sounds like a good time
>le turning of le blind eye towards whatever mudslimes may be doing on that day
>with flag related
good luck mohammed.
I hope isis bombs you.
>calling us butthurt when pride parades are the chief vehicle for homogays to meet up and poz each other
I hope you get thrown in prison disgusting faggot
>He still thinks we care
Luckily I was born in the Netherlands then :^)
>liking hairy legs
Ahmed pls
How's it going in Germany?
Not that well, eh?
>go to amsterdam to get a cute trap
>cute trap is 195cm tall with a 20cm dick and more muscles than a NFL player
>not shaving your thighs and leaving your legs with some 'light hair'
Faggot flamboyant retard confirmed
Why did you shave your legs faggot?
Post asshole
Have fun, but be careful around muslims, you never know when they have their peaceful moments.
Fucking murifaggot subhumans every single time
Nuke murica vile disgusting cuck fag mongrel shithole "country"
Dankzij jou heb ik net besloten SGP te stemmen
Bedankt voor me over te halen
have fun disrupting traffic because you need to announce to the world that you like dick in your ass for the 20th time you insecure faggot
Says the country that literally invented homosexuality.
it’s always the amerifats it’s pathetic
no homo
>drie (3) zetels
No one gives a shit Jesus christ
Have a fun time with your man I hope arabs don't try anything funny. Please stop using yourself as a political point it cheapens you and your relationship
Sage the thread bois
>we just wanted to be accepted as normal members of society
>so we throw a big rainbow sex parade every year to show the entire world how normal we are
gg homo lobby
>I hope arabs don't try anything funny
I do
Amerifaggot obese subhuman mongrels kys
dear pol,
my awesome vertical crossbow just arrived today from murrica, and my apartment has a clear view of the canal through which all the homofaggots will come tomorrow.
what would commander breivik do?
How does it feel im going to smoke fat bowls of hash when i finish work while you faggots are mad over a harmless leaf.
jk no re.
be sure to wave your refugees welcome flag you disillousioned poor manman.
>n-no fun allowed!!
>implying you'd go outside anyways
>attending pride parades in Europe
Its like you're asking mohammad to blow you up.
Why do you think we care if you are buttfucked by an AIDS faggot on some freak parade? Really, i know that for a fag is difficult not to be an attention whore, but at least try.
you teach those degenerates greece
Hope it feels good for you bro, I'll be at my mates wedding not giving a flying fuck what you're up to
where's the fun in flashing your asshole in public?
you're a degenerate, there's no way around it. trying to mask it by claiming it's "fun" just shows that you're aware of it and are trying to hide it like the coward you are
face reality, admit you're a filthy degenerate, seek out the Lord Christ and repent for your sins
have you ever considered suicide?
serious question
>literally 0 mudslime terror attacks in The Netherlands since that one fat guy died
>b-but mohammed is going to s-show up!!
When does Sup Forums stop getting btfo?
Third post best post.
I'm bisexual. Go kill yourself faggot.
You have no right to celebrate Pride.
You're deliberating baiting and being divisive. Queens like you are the reason the LGBT community is still segregated from society. It's why it's so difficult for men and women to come out.
I hope you get thrown off a roof by a "religion of peacer."
Love from someone fighting for actually equality by not being an edgy dipshit.
Literally no one cares. I'm gay myself and I'm more offended by your disgusting womanly shaved legs. Faggot.
Shouldn't you be helping out Syrian refugees mate?
I don't give shit no.1 about muslims now answer my question
you're right user, there won't be an attack
make sure to get in the dead center of the crowds for a good view!
why would I be letting in islamic terrorists?
that's your job
>Queens like you are the reason the LGBT community is still segregated from society. It's why it's so difficult for men and women to come out.
>baaaaawww I like to suck dicks and eat man ass but it's not that I'm ashamed about... It's those parades >:((
Why are delusional closet faggots so sad?
Being Christian and shit.
You guys are even more cucked than the rest of us combined.
You have no marriage or some sort of civil partnership for faggots in your country?
If you have the same rights as us normal people why these "gay pride parades" are allowed?
Because fags like you are unbearable?
You're as bad as those BLM faggots and you can't even see it. You get off on feeling self important. You're cancerous to your own allies because they're not "real gays" if they don't agree with X opinion of yours.
I hope your boyfriend cheats on you and passes on an STD. Think about that this pride. :^) all those much more attractive men than you. If you don't cheat he will.
Because leftist retards wanted yet another way to piss of christians, it's the sole reason why this shit is even a thing.
I'm surprised they haven't banned it yet, seeing as mudshit licking is their new hobby.
Fuck you OP!
Your a fucking Hetro!
I only have Belfast pride this week.
I think you mean church cucks
Not all christians go to church and kiss muslim feet
>thinking being gay makes you special
The gay rights movement was a mistake
To have fun, obviously.
Also, it's amusing to see that people chimp-out like you guys over a parade.
That's on this late? Hmm we had ours and all. Might pop up before brexit shuts the borders kek.
>Terug naar Zweden met jou.
(Back to the desert with you)
Back to Sweden with you
Veel plezier
Knip je nagels trouwens
Personally I don't really care but you should probably avoid saying that shit around Muslims because they are likely to throw you off a high building or blow your parade up or cut your head off or whatever turns them on the most at that moment.
Have fun ;^)
>cucking your genes to the anal jew
It's not over a parade. It's over you being a regressive leftist delusional faggot. Nothing to do with Pride. Prides fine. You're just a special snowflake antagonistic prick.
I can take solace in the fact that you have a one way ticket to Hell. Enjoy your ass AIDS, faggot.
Nope. We're building a wall and making you pay for it.
Mexicans Out!
Only joking. Time for Gay Pints!
>no dick pics
shit thread
feels good knowing youre going to get hiv and die young
you're supposed to feel sorry for him, forgive him for his ignorance and include him in your prayers
How is Obergefell v. Hodges working out?
Quite sad that your country was so late to the party though.
>around Muslims because they are likely to throw you off a high building or blow your parade up or cut your head off or whatever turns them on the most at that moment.
I don't live in the UK mate. :^)
>cucking your life the the inferior gender
Have fun cucking the rest of your life to raising children though if you even find a wife.
Selfhating fag please cut your wrists.
Ok, what is the point of this post if it has any at all ?
This is the reason why most people hate fags, because you shove your lifestyle down everyone's throat, gay people are the main reason gay people are ashamed of being gay. Not because it's (((immoral))) and (((wrong))), but because of how faggots act. It's like the difference between an african american and a nigger, one is a respectable member of society who minds his own fucking businesd while the other is a selfish asshole who acts like a monkey a wants to be respected because of it yet he is a literal joke and is a shame to the Respectable African American citizen. Do a favor not to me or us or your closest friends but to your own people and just end yourself or at the very least stop acting like a nigger.
Here is your (you) now fuck off.
Faggot is being an attention whore again.
I'm willing to provide dick pics if everyone jumps on board this train. NO BRAKES fucking choose choo!
your posts reek of insecurity
get some therapy
We're not as degenerate as toothpasteland, still couldn't escape it though unfortunately. Enjoy your (((gay pride parade))).
>yoy guys can remain butthurt
I think you will be the butthurt one
I'm bi and as I've said Queens like OP are the niggers of the LGBT community.
Not all are like that. Pic definetly related.
Ahmed, moet je nu niet rond de schilderswijk lopen?
i bet you hate literally everything too because everything has a parade or show or convention nowdays then
but yeah if they could not disrupt the streets thatd be cool, i find any street parade to be retarded