Realistically how bad can a Hillary presidency be? I've seen people claim it will be a third term for Obama...

Realistically how bad can a Hillary presidency be? I've seen people claim it will be a third term for Obama, but it seems like America has been doing ok under him. Can someone redpill me on how bad it could be? It would only be 4 years until you got to decide again anyway.

>until we get to decide again


>tfw yet another Clinton researcher just got suicided
RIP in peace Victor Thorn

It could be pretty ok.

>not black
>tremendous experience

Think Bill Pt. 2

>America has been doing ok under him.


Either way we are fucked. It just would be more fun with Trump.

The Clintons will get into another scandal, and then it will be "Wag the Dog" all over again to distract from that.

the last 4 quarters have all had less than 2% gdp growth. fuck off abo

>Realistically how bad can a Hillary presidency be?
Its the same corruption as fucking Obama.
It's the same foreign policies as GW Bush, who should be recognized as the international calamity he was.

Seriously! If you are going to fuck up the world in the first place, the least you could do is gas some Jews or immigrants, but that fucker failed even in this regard...

It would be bad, bad, bad.

>America is doing okay under Obama

national debt doubled.
3% more out of labor force than when he started (and he started during a recession)
worst racial tensions in decades
literally created and is funding ISIS, middle east even worse than under Bush
practically started a new cold war with Russia

Because despite all the talk of "job growth" the vast majority of them are shitty service industry jobs, things you can barely support yourself on much less a family. Not to mention how many jobs have Americans being replaced by Indians working slave wages, all to save the elite a few more dollars. This will all continue under Hillary, things will continue to get worse.

War with Syria and Russia(proxy war)

War with Iran

War with Egypt

Massive tax increases on the middle class, more globalist trade deals that destroy our soverignty, less oversight, less competition toward basic amenities through massive regulations.

we can handle close to a decade of something, but two decades? very unlikely. and when she imports another 80 million mexicans, africans, nips and sandniggers into our country in the first four years,

You can say GOODNIGHT to ever having a country that looks like you again. It will be the beginning of the end, really Trump can't even stop this unless he went full on 14/88 its over, we're going to crash and burn.

That's not true.

Big ground war with Syria, Russia would definitely be involved.

imigration full force

Ah good. Now trumpcucks are at the bargaining stage. Nice

Doom 4 level.

Or CtR is getting desperate

The country is done for if she is elected. Her supreme court picks will finish us. Even if you hate Trump you have to vote for him for that reason alone.

It's not going to be WWIII. It'ssimply going to be a maintenance of status quo. That means the march toward globalism continues. More and more subhumans will become american voters. Soon a republican victory in a US election will be impossible. Could lead to secessionism.


What does Obama actually do? What is his legacy? He gives nice speeches, that's seems to be about it.

Uh let's see...

1. Tumblr uprising

2. Feminist dogma will be inspired to continue generating problems

3. BLM will get their demands met or won't and chimp out again

4. Cops will be castraded and crime will increase but the stats will not (because POCs aren't committing crimes, their expressing their anger at oppression)

5. We continue bombing different areas of the Middle East for various and shady reasons. Hillary is more prone to war than Obama.

6. We get more rules and nonsense here because we've given the most problems to Hillary and have a record of "spreading hate". This place may not so fun anymore.

jesus christ is it the same ctr guy from yesterday? did you not know how to change your proxy? or is it one proxy per computer?