Steven Crowder

>Steven Crowder
>Stefan Molyneux
>Gavin McInnes
>Lauren Southern

Yes. The alt-right's heroes have one thing in common.

What's so wrong about them all be cultural libertarians, white, and heterosexual?

All insufferable hipster attentionwhores

A bunch of rampant faggots

Crowder is a cuck he's pro Israel and thinks race mixing is ok

>those people

my hero was Austrian

they're almost all pro israel and think race mixing's okay

He's also against abortion so he wants a bunch of niglets and beans everywhere

Canadians got bit in the ass with PC worse than Americans, makes sense their reactionaries would be more vocal and aware

For now

At least moly is a racial realist

I love Stefan but his spiral into trump mania is a little damaging to his objectivity
You can tell he is obviously convinced himself to shill trump so his viewers go up and he gets on the trump train
He will say anything or argue anything for trump

So none of them are alt-right heroes then

Molymeme wasnt born in leafland


>Steven "Separation of Church and State doesn't exist" Crowder

every single one of them is a raging faggot.

They have interracial relationships?


>Not realising that Trump is objectively better

>Gavin McInnes
Can people stop giving this faggot attention.

Stefan Molyneaux is Irish. He just lives in Canada.

eastern canada and ireland are indistinguishable.

>Steven Crowder
Steven who?

>Stefan Molyneux
Bald cuck

>Gavin Macinnes
Homosexual degenerate who shoves dildos into his ass

>Lauren Southern
A jew who hates white people