Ask a Sikh in the Army Anything.
>inb4 Fuck you Mudslime
Also I do poo in loo
Ask a Sikh in the Army Anything.
>inb4 Fuck you Mudslime
Also I do poo in loo
Other urls found in this thread:
Killed any mudslimes yet?
how does it feel fighting for a country founded by christians?
Ever kill a Jihadi with your Kirpan?
I remove Kebab on the reg.
Please, they are just a side-grade pooloo.
Fuck off
Are you infantry, if so how do you get a proper seal on your gas mask? Are the new masks designed to exclude a clean shave requirement?
Is it true that sikhs dislike muslims, or it is just a meme?
Good. How does it feel to be a Turk Rape baby?
Actually they don't believe in the loo witch
How many of your relatives run a fast food or convenience store franchise location?
Did you defecate in the open while you were in military?
Do you have special knife privileges?
You guys are the best
>northern bulgaria
>being influenced by ottoman scum
learn history my dude
How frequently do you have to explain to your comrades that you're not a muslim?
Hows the OCP? Still mad i got out before they rolled that out to regular army.
How do you wear you kpot with the turban in the way?
Good question. Do you affix a bayonet to your main weapon during combat, or do you plan to do so (if you haven't yet seen combat)?
I'd buy that guy a beer or whatever they're allowed to have.
Irrelevant countries like yours should be banned from posting here.
Based Sikh are bro tier
> Sikh.
How many Mudslimes have you decapitated with your blade?
Keep up the good work, sword-bro.
>Old Russia
>You have no bantz Igor
>Drink your vodka and slav squat with the other White Trash Anglos
Are you sikh of illegal immigration?
You're allowed to keep the beard? Wtf thats not fair
amin yashed
I don't take shit from designated shit street countries
Why don't you abandon islam ?
Kek do you guys really get those digicamo turbans? Cool as shit tbqh.
>being this retarded
Reminder that people only calls Sikhs based because they are being compared to muslims.
Sikhs confirmed for bros.
Post turban with timestamp.
thanks for your service user
How do you feel about gerkahs? Also thanks for killing mudslimes.
I love how you upgrade yourself to a bro status every time you mention your sikhism. You're still a shitskin please go back
>Sikhs are bro tier
This is literally the most forced meme on this site, worse yet, it was pushed by Sikhs living in Canuck land.
But hey, keep pretending to be a sihk, since you have nothing else going for you in life.
>Im kidding. Although it is funny telling other infantray bros that
This. Also, are they called turbans?
>Not a meme.
Do you mean Gurkhas?
It's pathetic, Sup Forums kiddies fall over themselves for a chance to worship a group of shitskins who should be kissing the ground on which we walk for letting them into our countries
How would you wear a chemical filtration system in the event if a chemical attack with your beard?
Post Wooden Shoes with timestamp.
Why would we give Sikhs shit? We all know that Sikhs are..ALL TOGETHER NOW.....
>Voting for Trump
>Born in this country
>Im with you on removing Kebab and Illegal Spics
Do you hate wearing the turban?
1. Why did you join the US army?
2. Do you see yourself primarily as American or Sikh? When it comes to values.
adjective • /ˈju·nəˌfɔrm/
the same; not varying or different in any way
>Inb4 you're Sikh who blows shit up.
All jokes aside, It feels great to be shoulder to shoulder with bro tier mother fuckers like yourself. Stay safe bro. See you down range..
Are you new?
Yea that's not what I was referring to, nice goal post moving. Don't 'bro' yourself up because you're not a bro. Just because you're a non muslim brown person doesn't make you special. Also good job US Army for letting sikhs wear turbans and beards, I'm glad they and other non assimilated minorities in this joke of a country gets to be special and stand out in what used to be a uniformed fighting force
>Im sorry my Nihang actually allows me to read your mind and know that you are from "northern bulgaria"
>Kek, as if any part of bulgaria is better than the other
while on duty do you wear the head cloth like on that fist pic?
does the army really let you grow a beard if you are whatever it is you are?
I don't have any questions, but I would like to say that you guys are total bros, it's awesome to have you on our side, and those digicamo turbans (hope I'm using the right word for it) are stylish AF.
Why is that? How is he a 'bro tier motherfucker' you fucking cuck? You met him? Is every white that joins a bro tier motherfucker as well? What 'range'are you talking about, nerf range in your basement?
You are Russian rape baby. Serbs are for example turkish rape babies, but we already accepted it. Don't lie to yourself m8.
Level of sikh worship on this board is appalling. Whites celebrating their dwindling numbers and loss of prestige and influence. So pathetic
I'm not saying we should racemix with them, just that they're good people in general.
good luck getting your MOPP suit and mask airtight in a chemically hot enviroment with that stupid beard and turban lol
you know its a uniform and grooming standard to keep you alive its not some fashion statement
i have serious doubts you are/ever were in the military
Traitor. You should be fighting for India.
Roll, please no Igor
roll for vladimir
Did they make you cut your hair?
Sikhs are the only silver lining is a region with designated shitting streets and suicide bombers.
I'm from Yuba City. Ever heard of it or been there for the enormous annual Sikh parade? You people are great. Lots of hardworking Sikh farmers. Basically upgraded Mexicans due to the lack of comparative crime.
You don't even know what your country is about. If you love America and are ready to accept its culture, then you are an American, it's what makes the country so great. If you only want to share your citizenship with people from the same nationality, then come back to Europe from whatever country your parents came from, because that's how it's here, you are only for example German if your family lived here since centuries.
Everyone who comes to America and wants to be an American is bro tier, because for each one of these you have 5 Mexicans and 10 liberals who hate America but still want to benefit from it.
do you carry your kirpan when you wear your uniform?
do they let you fly with it?
Fuck you mudslime, poo in loo asshole.
You are not fooling me all you brown cunts are the same.
you, sir, are a moron.
My family lineage makes me more a Swedish (18th-19th century) rape baby.
He has literally done nothing wrong. He's a bro for Trump, served the country, and better than the millions of unemployed/welfare white degenerates.
inb4 affirmative action took my jerb.
What is wrong with staying in your nation?
Yes, fucking auto correct is cancer.
Give me something good.
Sikhbro clearly loves this country. What have you done to make America great again besides shitpost on Sup Forums?
show me pyotr
Where exactly does Sikhism originate from?
fuck off faggot
Why don't you wear helmets in combat
I wonder how many sihks could have survived if they had been wearing a helmet (i.e. shrapnel into head
Why do wear a diaper on your head?
When I was taking a gun course a while back me and some of the bros were sitting there shooting the shit while we were waiting for our test scores.
There was this Sikh fellow. And he was reminiscing on how back in India they would shoot tracer rounds out of their AK-47s into the night sky like fireworks.
I didn't have the heart to tell him how illegal all that is in Canada.
Thank you for your service sir.
You guys are actually decent immigrants to Canada, the steriotype that you're bros is very accurate. I thank you for that Parjeet.
Just wish you guys would stop honor killing your wives, cause the RCMP really doesn't know what to do in those situations.
do you accualy wear that retarted turban in combat? also do you enjoy getting shot in the head?
>he doesn't know Sikhs carry rat poison under there to place in Muslim watering holes
When I go to langar there isn't ever any meet. Are you a vegetarian? How do you fight kebab eating only plants? Pic entirely unrelated.
Turban or GTFO...
You should say 'Thats Sikh Bro' all the time.
Skih"bro" will backstab you at the first chance he gets. Its in there nature to hate whites, especially fat spoiled american boys like you; fuck them.
>tactical camouflage turban
the fuck is the point?
Oh Sikhs drink, they often drink a lot.
I think it's a fuck you to kebab.
So have sikhs in the west become completely like the rest? or do you still hold significantly different values e.g. in terms of family?
That's one hot woman.