Zootopia Thread Hotpocket Edition

Zootopia Thread Hotpocket Edition

Discuss the movie.

More like pootopia.

Cloven bar seems like a comfy place to chill.
Wish actually added it into the film tbqh.

Probably too mature for a kid's movie.

Well they could've been subtle, movie was rated PG anyway.

Irrelevant to plot, they had screentime constraints

Judy is a geek

You gotta have imagination, user.
>Weaselton tells Judy and Nick that he meets up with Dug in the Cloven bar
>they go to the bar and find Dug
>they stalk him throughout the day leading them into the lab in the subway
Would've been nice to see more of the world.

Fuck, forgot to quote

I hope they announce a short soon. Hopefully before the janitor special rules made up about Zootopia threads.