So this... is the power... of 4D chess

So this... is the power... of 4D chess...

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so the power...of shills...

So this is the power of butthurt

>$0.63 has been deposited to your account

Shoo, shoo shill


This word is a red flag for shills. I've seen it used a lot by obvious shills. Be aware folks.

this tbhfam

I love how every single projection about PA is based on
>Oh they've been blue a long time
and not
>Oh they ABSOLUTELY HATE CLINTON because NAFTA fucked them up the ass

Libshits will say anything to protect the narrative

Anyway PA, OH, NC, FL, NH, IA, and possibly CO will be red

Back to Sup Forums


it's pathetic b/c there's a lexicon and vocabulary used by Sup Forums users and other words that have been purged. You would be aware of these no-longer used words if you spent any time browsing a few threads, but no.

These shills don't even put in that work.

They're so fucking lazy they think they can come talk like lefty shills and not out themselves.

Yeah, Florida is totally going blue after Omar "Mag in every Fag" Mateen

As much as I'd love for Trump to win the elections, isn't it 100% obvious that he is not going to win? I mean, I thought that he had a genuine fighting chance a couple of months back, but his campaign seems to be run by absolute idiots. Also, disrespecting war veteran's families? Who thought that it would be a smart move to do so? Clinton will be the president for 8 years and it will be terrible suffering, but that's just the way it is.

Polls have been proven cooked

Wait till the first debate for real results

that's just the way it is. yes, absolutely. all these polls really get those neurons firing. guess i'm #mentallyhill now.

>Anyway PA, OH, NC, FL, NH, IA, and possibly CO

Out of what you listed:

North Carolina


New Hampshire


Thankfully, trump doesn't need Pennsylvania to win

I am not shilling here man, I hate the fact that Shillary is getting such huge numbers in polls, but is there any chance for Trump? I mean a REALISTIC chance


Delusional /pol forgets that more people live outside Philly than in it.
PA has the highest rural population of any state

The message is clear: Most Clinton supporters don't even need to bother voting on election day, it's a done deal.

In a fair election yeah, the DNC rigs Philly to blow out the rest of the state anyway.

I'll just leave this here

Media trumpeting Trump implosion, but is it real?

too bad we will never know his motive :^)

The US has some of the worst gerrymandering I've ever seen in general. It's the main reason why there is zero chance for the Democrats to win the House back this year.

Honestly, this should be made constitutionally illegal. I have no idea why Americans are so complacent about it.

>muh state is red outside of major cities

Every single state is that way. Only non-beta states actually turn red as a result.

Indiana outvotes Indianapolis.
Texas outvotes its major cities.
Oklahoma is alpha as fuck and its major cities vote red.
Missouri outvotes St. Louis and Kansas City.
Florida and Colorado have shown they can outvote Miami and Denver/Boulder.

Until Pennsylvania puts up, it better shut up. As of right now you guys are just another Illinois or New York, forever cucked by your major population center.

Fuck you until your dying breath cuck

Look at the sampling of the polls. Democrats are being oversampled by margins as large as 10%. I'm not tinfoil hatting here, the information is easily available for anyone that googles it.

I'm not saying Trump will win or that Clinton isn't ahead, but the "huge numbers" are completely fabricated. That much is fact.

>virginia dem
are you sure your not retarded

Virginia native here, pretty sure it will go blue but I at least think there is a chance it goes red... Especially since Donald won it in the primary

We're not all complacent. Here in Michigan I'm working with a campaign to get redistricting done by a non partisan independent commission.

Pic related is Michigan's 14th congressional district

nigger everywhere i go i see trump signs in peoples yards, hell yesterday there was a guy with a fucking trump flag mounted on his truck

>I've seen it used often by people who get my panties twisted in a knot

You newfags are pretty essily trolled, this is gonna be a comfy 3 months

Hampton Roads (predominately black) disagrees with rest of VA, they will fuck VA over fo sure.

You retards just call everyone who disagrees with you a shill, you're seeing patterns that don't exist because you overuse the phrase shill

I don't think Trump will win utah desu.

The finniest part of this is, rather than accept and discuss a problem and work on solutions, Sup Forums shoves their fingers in their ears and shouts shill when info they dislike is posted

Literally just sabotaging their own ability to discuss the topic by getting triggered so easily. going to end up as surprised as Romney voters in 2012

Shill Thread. Sage and Hide.

Just relax. Not even a week ago it was literally 50/50. These things fluctuate. All those people that change their mind in the course of a single week are vulnerable to being brought back to Trump's side over the next 13 weeks.


>being butthurt at the word butthurt
stay butthurt, bigot

GJ actually has a foothold there. Could be interesting to see the split

NC recently had their voter ID laws overturned. Much better chances of them going blue now.

Here's the map according to RCP



The pollsters are all shills. Rasmussen is always 4 points shilling. Therefore, Trump is in the lead by one point. Smh our lead is too small. But our new warchest of campaign funding shall seize Shillary's lead.

Haha you think that'll work? Nonpartisan my ass, the gerrymanderers will be the ones appointing them, and if they aren't then they'll be elected probably, so it'll be just as bad if not worse. Related: California did this and just by coincidence they've now adopted a nonpartisan electoral system that completely disqualifies Republicans from their elections in almost all circumstances. We're better off getting the SCOTUS to prohibit partisan gerrymandering & simultaneously repealing gerrymandering prevention provisions of the Voting Rights Act, which effectively just made Democrats able to gerrymander more easily. Thank God Republicans actually overcome gerrymandering, for instance in Steve Scalise's obviously gerrymandered 40+% black seat which goes Republican solely due to the fact David Duke lives there and radiates basedness to the population. GG.

now this is a shill

>95% dem

>Republicans getting disqualified after removing gerrymandering
Top kek dude you only just proved that republicans only control the house due to blatant gerrymandering. Once you take it away your whole shit falls apart.

Goldwater states don't go blue. Missouri will go red. Ohio, North Carolina, Georgia, Virginia, Iowa, Wisconsin, and Michigan will go red. I bet Pennsylvania, Maryland, DC, Delaware, New Hampshire, Maine, New York, Florida, and Nevada will go red.

Eric Holder actually used federal power to gerrymander that district under the Voting Rights Act (This provision was overturned in 2012, but this was done in 2011 so it doesn't matter.) so it would go Democratic. You lose again.

Pretty much this
Republicans tend to gerrymander backward from Blue districts
Democrats tend to gerrymander to create solidly blue districts
Democrats are even notorious for gerrymandering already Blue districts to be even more blue to they can get rid of less liberal candidates and elect ones who are even more dogmatically Liberal
>Clinton +2.7


>Maryland, DC
You are ri-God-damn-diculous.

How can anyone be this retarded, even if American?

Omg op your image is so potent I don't even want the sauce everything in my life changed

I'm not going to argue this only give you my take on living, working and traveling around the state of Florida - I'm actually shocked at how much support Trump is getting and how Hillary is being vilified. Bernie might have had a shot had he won, but IMO Trump will win the state pretty easily.

Maryland will go red and DC will follow its peripheries.

I'm actually Czech-American. I lead movements for the GOP in solidly blue areas. It's looking like we'll have a good year, this year -- it's like we're a third party but with all the advantages of a major party. It's like we're invincible. But we're still working to crush them massively and usher in a spine-cracking defeat for the Dems, forcing them to become more conservative.

Maybe because you only associate with redneck scum.

Anyone else screencapping posts like these for when Trump inevitably loses?

I've already got a solid collection of delusion built up

says the 4'10 manlet beaner lol

Note that New Hampshire, Colorado and Pennsylvania are lost to Trump

>nh toss-up

bruh, a third-world shithole can tell this map is bullshit

Inevitable, no. It's inevitable, if there is no voter fraud, that Trump will win. However, right now we are predicting severe issues with voter fraud, since at the moment it looks like various appellate court decisions likely to be upheld unless Ruth Bader Ginsburg abstains (due to her obvious anti-Trump bias) which in turn is unlikely due to judicial corruption. We're counting on our allies in the law field to save us from that, since there will be an estimated fifty to sixty million votes via fraud (including illegals, double-voting, and other such schemes) if the Regime is allowed to do voter fraud. However, I believe that at this point, we can even overcome electoral fraud.

Also, when you lose, will you look at all the people who were right? It's clear from the fact you do not use logic & reason and instead jump to insults such as "delusional" that you are wrong.

Yeah exactly, Clinton supporters don't even need to vote, their candidate will surely win no matter what. Just stay at home Shillaries and get comfy, there is NO possible way Trump can win.

All the ones in swing states should stay home. Clinton's got it in the bag, man.

>1 post by this ID

> Florida not a toss up

Where is this meme coming from. Obama won Florida twice. If anything Clinton has the advantage there: the two Republicans who could have helped Trump campaign there are Little Marco and Low Energy Jeb. Trump's ineptitude is a thing of legend.

it's 69 dimensional chess you see!

central florida here.
i haven't seen anyone publicly supporting hillary, no yard signs, no bumper stickers, nothing.
everyone i've broached the topic of politics with is siding with trump.

Signs in yards are not a good indicator of how an election will go. lel.


Sarasota here. My liberal neighbor always puts her signs up after the nominations are official:
wait for it...

To be fair I think she backed Bernie, but still, it's funny and I when I jokingly ask where her signs are I just get a cold hard stare.

Trump ~ 2016

I live in utah.
Sure, some people mention garry johnson.
But utah will note throw away their vote and let a liberal become president.