Fuck what if Hillary actually wins
Fuck what if Hillary actually wins
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It will be indeed glorious day. America will usher onto new era.
Move to Israel
no it won't you fucking idiot
it will continue down the same exact path it has been for years now
Then the only way out is war.
Don't listen to him, that's Trump missle. Vote Hilarry
You will be assigned a dominatrix to serve as Her slave.
learn to love the destruction of society.
treat life like a vidya. go raid a settlement for gasoline.
Hitlery is literally mentally ill, seriously she's had seizures from over stimulation, exaggerated facial expressions, etc, alot of symptoms of mental illness
Civil war 2
Which is better: being a nigger in USA, or being a goy in Israel?
We just have to learn to live with terrorists. If we kill our enemies, they win.
What's happening on this board right now is worse than the cuckening.
She will end up staring some more wars, which will worsen the refugee crisis in Europe.
>230 years of stability
>put a nigger then a woman in charge
>they manage to fuck it up in less than a decade
Hopefully it makes people learn
it was inevitable
If Hillary wins there will never, I repeat, never be another conservative government. The demographics have change too drastically, and with Hillary as president millions more Mexicans will be on their way.
Trump has to win, if not the USA is lost for good. I will cry shall that day come brothers.
Kek has warned us through those trips.
Sup Forums will get back to doing whatever it was doing before sucking Trump's dick.
Hold me britbong
This is so true. It's now or never. Either we save our Nation, or give it away.
Of course Trump is going to win. This is classic good vs evil and we're approaching the final battle.
When has evil ever won the final battle?
Start stocking up on tissue now then.
The election will be fixed and she will win.
Jews always win
You're naїve, britbong. Evil never wins because the winner is always seen as good and the loser bad.
Military action in Syria and war with Russia.
>muh she is better than Trump
We are so fucked.
Nothing will change. We will continue our slow decline into becoming Brazil 2.0 with having the world reserve currency continuing to act as our parachute. Probably nothing legitimately terrible will happen for at least 100 years so I wouldn't worry too much.
Get a degree as fast as I fucking can and get the FUCK out of the US before it goes tits up.
Chances of Hillary being the first and only female president to be assassinated?
Have a little faith leaf. Their time is rapidly approaching its end.
She's gonna win, and Britain will lose its power because of Brexit. Sorry guys, liberals ALWAYS win.
We already have our first female president.
There is no way Hillary won't win. Trump is behind in every poll. The mememaster has lost.
Tbh I don't even really believe Trump can stop this. He might prop it up in the right direction for 8 years though and its another 8 years of guns not being banned yet.
>More foreign wars
>More social unrest
>More debt
>Hilary supporters finding a way to blame white male trump supporters for it
Iraq 6.0 coming right up.
Prepare for world war 3.
She doesn't give a shit about a war with Russia as she's not going to lose anything personal in it and after decades of hubris she'll keep pushing for it because her backers want one and boy, they'll get one.
Can one of you crazy fucks kill her?
> Your name will go down in history
> You wont get the death penalty plea insanity and show them your stormtrooper board.
> Stop the mexicans and mudslimes from getting in
The only negative i can think of is how she'll go down with positives and that its a great tragedy and she deserved to be the first female president.
He is behind 10-15 points nationally. Behind in every important swingstate by a large margin.
Even behind in fucking Georgia.
And he does absolutely nothing to stop it. He is doing exactly the opposite actually. This election is fucking over and it turns out Trump is just absolutely not suited for president...even the most die-hard retards figured it out by now.
>what if hillary wins
We join pic related
If niggers can riot so can we
Except we will be far better organized
I too will cry when the reality tv show star loses the contest and can't build a big meme wall
I mean of USA.
You really think I would leave you hanging?
I have your back world.
Americans will go quietly into the night. Inb4 muh gunz
You won't do shit faggots
then we have a competent, slightly progressive, hawkish neoliberal for president, who will attempt to moderate some of the excesses of our capitalist society, while not addressing the underlying flaws. nothing to see here, boys and girls, move along.
Nanny State.
>what if
we can always revive this fossil
Or the theory that he was controlled opposition was the truth all along. He's lifelong friends with the Clintons and now he's self-destructing his campaign at the final hurdle.
This is how you fix an election.
replace "if" with "what will you do".
I'm looking forward to the chaos and will get comfy. also good news for us as even in the case Trump does will it'll make big biz rethink their strategy due to either rising taxes or an erratic govt.
We move back to Europe
Jeb will win.
Love you Swiss bro
Which nation is to fall though? We could argue America, but with the world interconnected globally, how could we have a new age of pioneers
Godzilla for prez. This is a nuclear candidate I can get behind.
Seriously if hitlary is president she will die from amount of stress not mention the karmic backlash. Like train from fucking nowhere kind of backlash.
Then I post all my dank Doom Trumps
leave usa radiated..
white man come home...
love you too, sis
hillary will have a stroke and either die or become incapacited. So get used to saying President Tim Kaine.
We get the same shit we've had since the 80s.
If this election won't wake people up I think 8 years of Hillary definitely will.
O'Malley will win.
>slow decline
if anything it will speed up, look how much steam the plans of the globalists have sped up during obama's second term alone
War with Russia and hundreds of millions killed so that she can get a higher seat in the illuminati. I'm moving to the cuck land of the north if she wins. I'm not white so the leafs can't reject me.
He is in self destruct mode. Fucking hive mind calling everyone shill when this fucking guy is literally laughing his ass off while that crazy bitch inches closer to WH.
Listen here Wop, just because there aint a pair between the lot a ya and hardly a any privately owned guns among you(we've already established that you're a bunch of cuck pussies who couldn't fire a gun even if they're lives depended on it) doesn't translate to Americans not being able or willing to take a stand. If Shillary wins, we will fight and we will win. And you will look on with evny and despair, knowing that you aren't a real man and hang yourself with pasta. And I will drink your mama's tears.
Either way, we're going to purge.
Pretend I'm a Jew and go to Israel.
It so funny to see this finally dawning on many a Trump loving Sup Forumsack. All the joy leaving their lives and their world shattering as the possible thought.
I'm ok with that
She can't run the country from the hospital
I guess it's better than being white nigger in Ukraine.
>live in southwestern australia
>comfiest place on earth in the event of all happenings
life is good
watching the chaos unfold is like a soap opera to me
>Being this retarded
Nobody's gonna purge shit.
Life will go on like nothing happened, it always does.
(Just look at France.)
Just don't forget that circumcision is mandatory on entry to Israel - and if you're unlucky you'll get someone inexperienced to do it, meaning you can your whole 3 inches chopped off.
came in to the thread to post this
>what if
nigga u rlly think Trump gon win
I'm moving to ireland to raise cabbages.
Tree hundred and tirty tree confirms it
Vote trump
Democracy is good because people vote for whoever is promoted by the media. And Jews own pretty much all the media. This means that democracy is the perfect system to allow God’s Chosen People to guide the filthy goyim away from their evil ways.
But sometimes, the system fails.
Then, the Jews need to take charge more firmly. And sometimes, that means hoaxing election results. All for our own good, of course.