Even the comics are turning on Hillary

Even the comics are turning on Hillary

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>dropping missile out of a bomb bay

Nobody said comic artists are smart

>hey! don't fucking look at me you haram cunt! ill rape you in the eyeholes!
>no, please ahmood! i am still sore from my stoning yesterday
>alahhu akbar! (cuts off clitoris)
>(allah in heaven gives smug look as america rains sweet explosive freedom on whogivesafuckistan)

just wanted to finish that comic for ya

I admit it, I chuckled.

i'm pretty sure this actually exists.

there's multi-stage missiles. propulsion doesn't kick in until after they're released.

nice cognitive dissonance by trump humpers who are rabid pro war trying to invade syria on day 1 of (((Trump)))'s presidency on behalf of his puppetmaster/boss Vlad.

I think that user was touching on the fact that the missiles aren't in a bomb bay on a Predator drone.

I don't think anyone who supports him wants to invade Syria. It's more like they want to keep everyone from that area away from the West and let them kill each other until extinction.

When seeing a post like this, remember, none of these are shills, these are simply trolls from Sup Forums trying to keep us aware and on our toes. Thanks.

>one of those missiles could pay for my college education

user, we have sandniggers to blow up. Your education can wait.

I doubt.
Dont those things costs like 25k tops?

That would cover my community college.

>community college.

Make one then

this one is 110k

plus operating costs of the drone, probably like 150-200k per launch

150-200k in total

That is bullshit.

Its just that US probably has a law that forbid them to buy missiles from outside supliers.

I bet that if I started a company and made a missile that does the same like that one, and offered for 50k, they would drop the price of that overnight by fear of loosing its main customer.

It seems that while Hueland suffers with Civil Construction companies rigging the system, Muricans suffer with its defense companies.

smaller schools usually devoted to a trade. Education not as fancy as typical universities

>employs a bunch of americans
>blows up sand nigger terrorists
>pay for user's useless AA

Wat kind of trade?
Does they teach things that allow you to be your own boss in the future like bussiness or ecnomy for example?

Too bad you're too stupid to have gotten a scholarship.

>drop the missile from a million feet high
>it gets faster as it falls
>reaches a speed equivalent to if it was shot out

Whats the problem?

I don't even know what this one is supposed to mean? does it mean that Hillary is using people to feign empathy

>Its just that US probably has a law that forbid them to buy missiles from outside supliers.

Which is a good thing... There was a law that electronics had to be US made but I think that's gone so we have Asian chips in our weaponry

>People cry that planned economies are horrible
>Don't realize the US industrial military complex is probably the most successful planned economy in history

>atom bomb
>US silicon valley boom (50-70s)

We should re-enact those laws. Keep up the research. And bring jobs to America.

>But yea the prices are shady.

But them you become a hostage of the prices of the company want you to pay.

>oh hey, there is this missile in south Korea that costs 30.000 and does the same that yours
>Thanks for telling me that. Now, its 100.000 for each one or you will not get anything.

Fuck that.

What is terminal velocity?

There's community colleges for every trade/study

You can get an English degree at many or take science classes (my gf did this before she transferred to Berkeley)

Some examples from people I know
>Real Estate
>Business Management
>Paralegal services

These are great schools and honestly these are the one's that should be free in the US. We need to encourage more trade schools and discourage useless college degree. This is one thing Germany does right.

>>Real Estate
Buy and sell land is a trade?

But I kind of understand the core of this. It seems like a lower tier college. Still, no ecnomomy. Something that you could learn and them go to NASDAQ and apply with the knowledge you got there?

Nothing is perfect. And I do agree with you, anytime the government gives handouts people will abuse it.

Hell I'm a graduate student, my salary is paid by the federal government. A lot of science research is supported by federal grants (my uni brings in 1Billion from the gov't). I've seen abuse of funds too.

But you could make a counter argument that taxation and paying out to these planned economies circulates the money around. Also it circulates the money to working people (factory bomb makers my home town had two bomb factories in the middle of nowhere Arkansas, and now me a student)

They are lower tier colleges designed for poorer people (the tuition is dirt cheap compared to traditional universities but are still expensive for the poor)

It's more understanding the laws of real estate and yes the management of property and a business.

You could probably find a community college that teaches you finance and economy.

>However most give Associates degrees which are 2 year pieces of toilet paper compared to the people getting hired by NASDAQ or some trading firm

Here's the community college tuition fees for that shittown in Arkansas I mentioned


it means hillary is responsible for the dudes death

I was talking more about getting knowledge enought to apply your own money on NASDAQ by yourself.

Not that you would be hired there. I bet only ppl from rich families and ppl from the Ive League can hit those jobs.

>thinking speed is the issue
>thinking missiles effect is reliant upon mass times velocity squared and not the fuckton of explosives packed within
>thinking we would use missiles as unguided bombs
>thinking missile targeting systems aren't their foremost advantage
>Canadian """""Education"""""

If you're smart and hard working it's not difficult to live a good life in America. A lot of people are lazy. People I knew in Arkansas just accepted their median 18,000 annual salary with no dreams to leave.

literal plebs so in a way you are right

Most bombs work like this now

Hillary's pro-war policies led to the deaths/sacrifices of enough Americans

Trump is just an egomaniac

comic artist fugged up, drones carry them on rails

that said, strategic bombers can and often do carry cruise missiles in their bomb bay, the missile is dropped from the bay and the propulsion kicks in once it's clear of the plane

pic related, it's a B52 doing exactly that

B-52 is my planefu

and you fags like to call us shitposters. thanks fellow leaf!

its all about the A10 for me

So our choices for president are two people who will be responsible for the deaths of innocent people in the Middle East and Sup Forumssters on either side of the isle are confusing this point of view for partisan politics. Really made me think....

I'd love to see it BBRTT my nutsack

we have ISIS to kill regardless, but clinton will likely keep us in syria and keep trying to topple assad while trump will pull out and leave assad the fuck alone

Trump is the better option for saving lives


Oh my oh my

Say no more. You have convinced me to go to Mexico and cross the boarder.

Freedom land, here I come.