is louis theroux a white male? because tbqh he looks like a Muslim compared to other Brits
Is louis theroux white?
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He's a Jew
part kike
any links to
"my scientology movie"?
hes denied that hes a Jew before.
He can't get enough of bbc
Italian French Jew
The nation of Islam say he is completely white.
*French-Canadian, Italian (father)
*English (mother)
He is not Jewish or Arab
He said himself that he has Jewish lineage.
Wasn't he raised as a Catholic.
That was a good episode.
>he looks like a Muslim compared to other Brits
>hes denied that hes a Jew before.
He's Jewish.
Do you have proof of that? From what I read he isn't
literally beta nu male manchild acts like a inquisitive and naive 12 year old: the show
He's a Jew.
He even exposes the Jew a little bit.
>Father: French-Canadian and Italian descent
>Mother: English
>Born: Singapore
As many people have said here, he said it in one of his documentaries, I think it was the one about black nationalism.
He's not a Jew he's Italian.
>looks like a Muslim compared to other Brits
I'm very confused by this.
>He's redpilled. Said he gets more and more conservative every year.
why is it that some brits look swarthy like therioux(have seen swarthier brits tho)
>full blooded (((Anglo)))
That's just his style. He acts all curious and innocent in order to gain their trust then typically near the end of the show he starts to throws the hard hitting questions, catching them off guard. It has proven quite effective senpai.
I think you mean Cuckservative.
There's no evidence on him or his cousin Justin being Jews so I'd say not
>implying looking/being Arab isnt a quintessentially British feature
>There's no evidence on him
This is why i want independence. Him and jon Oliver are clearly jews. London needs a nuke.
Really? Because I watched his Philadelphia documentary, and aside from asking some niggers why they won't call the cops on each other, he just stands around with stupid British look on his face. It was just like an episode of Cops.
i like louis theroux
No, he didn't say he was Jewish, he declined to answer and said stuff like would it make a difference if I was. He never actually said anything about his heritage
>Jew denying he's a Jew
My God that must settle everything.
Something like that has never happened during the course of human history, not even once, ever.
I remember, it was the episode about White Nationalists in America, he did not tell the leader of the Aryan Nation or some group, that he had Jewish lineage, because he didn't want to cause necessary friction.
He said he has Jewish lineage, so he does, lest he lied.
Looks like a hotter John Olayver
There's no evidence of this. He's done shows about 'Nazis' and Zionists before so if he was a kike I imagine it would have been mentioned by now. No-one has managed to prove he's a kike.
Sadly, he's just a beta lower case 'w' white male.
Go watch the episode on white nationalism in America. Then come back and tell us whether or not.
I know, but watch the episode I mentioned here
I will later. Hey, I could be wrong, but he doesn't look particularly jewish and 'theroux' doesn't throw up any red flags, but anything's possible.
He said he was an atheist, non practicing. I don't really care, his documentaries are great regardless.
You're all defective.