Gary Johnson endorses #BlackLivesMatter

Ahahahahahahaaa - what a douche-bag

At the CNN Libertarian Party Town Hall on Wednesday, Johnson praised the efforts of Black Lives Matter and endorsed the organization.

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Media trumpeting Trump implosion, but is it real?

I know Sup Forums hates black people but what he said makes sense

"(Young black men) are four times as likely to be incarcerated if they have intersection with law enforcement as white people are, their educational opportunities are not there, we have to get them into education and concentrate the power of the government to make sure there are jobs available for them,” Weld said. “When there’s a national emergency the government has to respond, libertarian or no libertarian.”

>"Johnson said. “I think that we’ve all had our heads in the sand and lets wake up. Discrimination does exist, has existed, and for me personally, um, slap, slap, wake up.”

mfw they call this endorsement and praise

>their educational opportunities are not there
Where I live, every year of every degree of every college has special places for niggers from our former colonies. Guess which students end up flunking and selling drugs at my campus.

Trying to appeal to social justice warriors won't get you votes, Gary.

They only concern troll you and you're a fucking deadshit for falling for it.

Explain this Johnson shills. This guy has literally no redeeming qualities and is just as bad as Hillary.

>Johnson shills will still insist that he's not a male version of Hillary

Actually he's doing a lot of damage to Hillary.

Anything that splits the dems is worth a shot.

I can't wait for the debates and for Gary to do some work.


hillary supports BLM
trump supports the police

johnson does what he is told by jeb the puppet master. jebs sure if he plays his cards right he can have a never ending sleep over in the white house while johnson is president and he can finish the pillow fort dubuya never got to finish

The educational opportunities are there. I've seen many blacks in colleges by reaching the bare minimum, but a lot of them drop out because of their retarded tendencies.

Maybe the blacks should get rid of their thuggish culture that's been created?

Confirmed that affirmative action doesn't work. Can't have it both ways Gary boi.

This is what a shill is guys

He's about as Libertarian as my foot is a dinosaur.

There goes my vote time to vote for Hillary

>Yet he needs niggers to push his sports teams to victory.

He's a cuck and you know it.
>the help niggers need is not there.
We need to stop handing niggers shit and instead start practicing equal opportunities to all. So tired of hearing about niggers needing more help when they already gave more opportunities than whites.

Its a shame BLMs actual aims are nothing but immunity from criminal prosecution and more free money

He just lost my vote, BLM is utter horseshit

Time to hop on the Trump train

Oy vey! He's stealing niggers from Hillary!

the democracts have been trying failing to intergrate blacks into education for years. Their methods have progressive goals but are reactionary in nature.

It's not an impossible task, just one that the Government can't force.

That's why the Libertarians are best for blacks, end of the drug war means less incarceration which means less broken families, giving black kids more of a fighting chance on the home front.

An increased emphasis on privatized schools will allow certain education institutions to cater to black students, as opposed to forcing them into an environment where they have trouble succeeding.

The black lives matter seems to be all about safety for the black community, so I'm sure they'll love the firearm access they'll receive in a liberterian administration.

Plus Johnson threw BLM a bone on TV and stated that systemic racism is still an issue for the black community in a decent part of country. Goes well with his continued support of the police, so Johnson is clearly become the choice for moderate stance on the race debate. That's good for the national discussion and all races.

I'm not saying all this is going to turn a hoodrat into George Washington Carver overnight. It's a damn slight better than affirmative action.

>This is what a shill is guys

Fucking faggot - I'm no sill - the media circus against Trump is a fucking ruse - go help Gary with his campaign 'cause you're a douche-bag too.

Yeah he's pandering to Bernouts - and all the baggage that comes with that

He is at 23% with 18-29. That's probably with he is doing this.

I can't believe I almost voted for him in 2012. What a fucking sellout.

Johnson is shitty at the spoiler business, I'm just saying.

how can a libertarian support affirmative action?

unless he's just a statist in disguise

Jesus Christ what a cunt.

>pro TPP
>pro open borders
>against the 2nd amendment

Gee, what do you think?

>Gee, what do you think?

desu m8 i usually let pol or molymeme do the thinking for me

What a fucking loser.
Move along

Libertarians are nothing but a Hollywood cult.

i didnt see any support for affirmative action

all he said is that blacks face a problem with education and jobs. Is that not true? I know most here believe its just because LOL NIGGERS but you'd be naive to not admit there is not a problem


These people would edorse the kkk if it would give them votes.

>Voting for an LOLBertarian

his running mate

>Weld said. “When there’s a national emergency the government has to respond, libertarian or no libertarian.”

affirmative action is a possible response, not to mention that the organization he endorses is pro affirmative-action.

Do you know how shitty inner city schools are? These people don't learn anything. Their teachers put in no effort because they know the kids aren't going to pay attention and the kids don't because it's not cool and it's nothing they've ever done. If we ever want to lower the black crime rate we drastically need to alter how schools are funded and run, on a national level, not a state one.


I just can't respect anyone that bows to black lives matter, their fundamental message of outsourcing all of their communities problems when black males commit something like 50 percent of the total murders in the USA when they constitute what? 7% of the population as black males?

The whole movement is hogwash, maybe they should address their cultural inundation of drug worship, woman abuse worship, and thug culture. Listen to an average rap song and that's what it is, listen to an average country song and it's about guns, dogs, trucks, god, and patriotism.

Fuckin black people need to look in a mirror.

It makes absolutely no sense. Blacks have a lower average IQ. No amount of education is changing their ability to perform in school, professionally, or even legally.

Why not just google Johnson and take a look at what he supports instead of just taking Turmp shills word for it?

Do you support affirmative action programs?
Gary Johnson’s answer: No, and minority groups should not receive any favorable treatment

>"concentrate the power of the government to make sure there are jobs available for them"

Ah, the "libertarian" saying that government has the power, the ability, the right, and the responsibility to create jobs for certain sects of the population.

What the fuck libertarian party? God DAMNIT. I would have loved to see a libertarian in the White House, but you give us nanny government statists? Libertarian party is controlled opposition to the max


>Thinking the Libertarian candidate matters even slightly

Let me share with you the Libertarian history of mighty election relevance:

20012 Gary Johnson

2008 Bob Barr
0.40% of the vote nationwide.

2004 Michael Badnarik

2000 Harry Browne

1996 Harry Browne

1992 Andre Marrou

1988, Ron Fucking Paul, bitches

1984, David Bergland

1980 Edward Clark
1.06% a LANDSLIDE year for them.

1976, Roger MacBride (He was 1972’s Faithless Elector.)

1972 John Hospers
0.00%, but somehow picked up one "faithless elector," so, with one electoral vote, set the bar so high that no Libertarian candidate has ever been able to re-claim such immortal glory.

In contrast, in 1996, Nader as the Green candidate got on the ballot in only 22 states and got 0.71% of the vote, while spending a mere $5,000 to beat the usual Libertarian percentage. In 2000, Nader got 2.74%, beating any Libertarian candidate ever. In 2004 and 08, Nader fell back to 0.38 and 0.56%, still impressive by Libertarian standards.

Of course, George Wallace (15%, winning 5 states and getting 46 times as many electoral votes as all Libertarian candidates combined), Perot (nearly 19% but no states) have thrashed the Libertarian Party's electoral juggernaut.

At most, the Libertarians can at least claim they've kept the doors open longer, while being no more unsuccessful than any other third party, if all you look at is winning and losing. (Well, losing and losing...)

Im pretty sure they were talking about school choice

hes explained in the past how much the DOE rips off states . Maybe these schools would preform better if they were allowed to take the federal money and develop there own methods rather than trying to obtain some national standard?

You don't think with Clinton and Trumps shit favorably numbers that just giving Johnson a spot on the debates would garner him a lot of support?

>“When there’s a national emergency the government has to respond, libertarian or no libertarian.”

Or, "I actually think Libertarian principles don't work in the real world."

All not true!!!!

God damn it!!!

Libertarian encompasses a lot of views agree?

Libertarian is small government not no government

gibsmedat black vote pls

Not really. He is polling high -- for a Libertarian '' but third parties always poll higher than the actual vote they get. (Pic related)

In the end, he will likely poll under 2%, as his party always does. At most, he may inch into 5-6% in a few states, but tip the balance in no states as there is no convincing evidence tht his supporters would otherwise vote for one candidate or the other, or, more importantly, vote at all.

Does Sup Forums think this would help people? Inner city blacks and poor rednecks? What is trumps stance on the DOE?

No Common Core; state and local education instead: Favors topic
$3,500 voucher for every K-12 student: Strongly Favors topic
Vouchers are as constitutional as pre-school and day-care: Strongly Favors topic
Vouchers are as constitutional as pre-school and day-care: Strongly Favors topic
Competition would make our schools better: Strongly Favors topic 7
Abolish Departments of Education and HUD: Strongly Favors topic
Give every student in New Mexico vouchers worth $3,500: Strongly Favors topic
Put educational funds in the hands of the people who use it: Strongly Favors topic 7
End the Department of Education: Favors topic
Favors charter schools as one priority to improve education

>people were genuinely concerned Johnson would steal Trump votes
Fucking kek

He is definitionally a Libertarian, he is the standard bearer of their party for the second time in a row.

He may well not be a libertarian. That is a different thing.

>Why not just google Johnson

Don't want to look at all those penises, tbqh senpai.


THRUSH: Well, remember, billion-dollar-a-month check, the Clinton administration had that no-fly zone in Iraq, and that seemed to stabilize things for a period of time.
So the other thing I find fascinating about you, the other wildfire that's really striking in terms of the Trump thing is the free trade stuff. You have been on the record as saying you thought NAFTA was good for New Mexico. Do you support the TPP, and do you think that this backlash against trade is bullshit?
MR. JOHNSON: Well, first of all, NAFTA. Would I have signed it or not? My skepticism says that maybe I wouldn't have signed it, because these trade agreements are just laden with crony capitalism. Would I have signed or implemented the Trans-Pacific Partnership? I've got to tell you, I think it's laden with crony capitalism. Free market really is the answer. It's the answer to unifying the whole planet, in my opinion, and if China wants to subsidize the goods that it sells to the United States, who benefits from that? Well, we do. And at the end of the day, who pays for any sort of tariffs? We do.
So free trade, genuine free trade, that's another one of Trump's--you know, hey, he says "I'm all for free trade" but then, in the next sentence, he says, "I'm going to force Apple to make their iPads and their iPhones in the United States." Hm, that sounds really free trade to me.

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>Libertarian party is controlled opposition to the max

What possible purpose would be served by having a controlled opposition that gets

>we need mo money fo dem programs

american """"""""libertarians""""""""""

No, I don't -- though I would expect him to possibly break 2% for the first time ever.

The opportunity presented to the Libertarians by having Trump and CLinton on the major tickets is undeniable, but I see no evidence that they have the first trace of a clue about how to capitalize on it. They have no party structure, no GOTV apparatus and are in no sense a serious political party.

They have dicked around for 30 years and accomplished fuck-all.

Fuck you.

awesome, now I can add cuck to the list of bullshit this anti gun open borders narcissist faggot keeps pushing

>(Young black men) are four times as likely to be incarcerated if they have intersection with law enforcement as white people are
Try not committing crime.

I also do not think it is a shoo-in that he'll make the debates.

Finally, I'll note that the trend in CLinton's unfavorables has been, from her point of view good over the past month or so. She is a crap politician, and perfectly capable of reminding us all how much we don;t like her, but at the moment counting on both major candidates retaining high unfavorables may not get you anywhere.

he is of course working for hillary

Are you speaking of the party or the ideology. The party does indeed encompass a lot of views, in that it is a haven for political neophytes, nihilists and utopians to have the political equivalent of a Trekkie Con and let off some steam.

The ideology has a range of positions, of course, like any other. The Weld quote used in
however, seems pretty far from any of them, and to boil down to "Libertarianism is fine unless I want to use Big Government for something, then I was just kidding."

>take federal money

Yeah that's libertarianism for sure ;)))


>Freedom of religion is a black hole.
What did he mean by this?

You do know it's basically political suicide to say anything negative towards black people. This includes any group that is predominantly made up of them.


-is open borders
-endorsed BLM



bake the cake

>"Hillary Clinton is a wonderful public servant."
What did he mean by THIS?

Kill yourself if you make johnson threads.

This is a good thing think of all the cucks that will ditch Hillary for him

If you aren't a cuck, you say all lives matter which is acceptable to about half the population.

Can this fucking guy just pull a Berne and run as a """democrat""" next time?

Wrong. #alllivesmatter are cuckservatives real Sup Forumsacks say #NoLivesMatter

We've been concentrating the power of government on them since the 1960s.