Why do you filthy foreigners care so much about American politics?
Why do you filthy foreigners care so much about American politics?
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To see which America is going to fuck them over.
Any America will probably fuck them over
She's a qt
>100 threads right now about Trump
>all started by Americans
>why do you care so much about American politics
It's just your imagination. Can't wait for Trump to lose though. This place will be chaos and we can finally go back to normal Sup Forums.
As a country that leeches all of our relevance off of the USA, I have a vested interest in making America great again
Because we're the only country that matters.
For the lulz
Cause you have bases al over Europe and you dictate our foreign and interior policy.
You own us.
We are your colonies.
It's amazing to me that americans don't seem to know they have an empire.
b-b-ut son... why >:[
I just want to be around to watch the tears that will flow here when Trump gets stomped in the electoral college. Probably will be the heartiest laugh of the year.
Well, the USA is basically the vast empire of today and because of that their politics and leadership affects a most other nations.
Because foreign politics and economy.
Me too.
Trump had a chance but he's too low energy.
We're at the top of the mountain. Whatever happens in America determines the fate of the rest of the world.
this desu senpai
We don't, but you idiots won't stop talking about it since it's the only thing you can actually talk about thanks to your famous education.
>Cause you have bases al over Europe
>Bases are closing down
>Troops are being withdrawn at the request of the host countries
>Europoors still want protection from the US for being in NATO despite the fact they contribute nothing
Because America is everywhere. You're even in Poland.
Why does anybody watch a train wreck. Because it's damn entertaining.
No jew hate threads no new holocaust plan threads.
No jew extermination threads.
Its boring. Can we get back to the nazi stuff?
Cos it's pushed upon us by the global media 24/7
because you faggots won't stop talking shit about us
We don't
Becaude I'm an ameriboo and my country's politics are fucking boring.
Thats a side effect of you guys basically dictating what happens on this planet.
>Can't wait for Trump to lose though. This place will be chaos and we can finally go back to normal Sup Forums.
this. I'm so fucking tired of constant Trump threads
I feel like you guys have forgotten what is 4chinchongpingpongkingkongdingdong
You're the faithful hound, when Israel tells you to jump you ask how high. People need to care about your politics to see which war Israel tells you to give your life up for next. You can't see this obviously, just like when you say Europe has a problem with sandpeople, but ignore your own treepeople problem and pretend it doesn't exist. You killed your own country by being Jew cucks, watching American politics is like watching a fire slowly burnout.
t. muhammed
Because this is what every newspaper in Australia looks like.
Australians fucking hates trump because of the media.
This is how I discovered left wing/right wing media sources. Now I am looking at breitbart etc.
>watching American politics is like watching a fire slowly burnout
Actually, it's more like watching a smoldering dumpster. It's mostly stink and smoke, but with with the occasional flareup.
You people outside of the US are lucky. You can turn this crap off. We can't.
Did i hear kurd?
How's the YPG been?
Got to know the material before you can shitpost. Otherwise you're just not putting the effort into it.
Im going to be so happy when Trump loses.
>mfw I win and lose either way no matter who wins the elections
>if $hillary wins I get to see Sup Forumss tears but get buttfucked by $hillary
>if Trump wins I get to see trump being a megaloniacal 90s saturday cartoon villain who is absolutely unpredictable as well as constant libtard butthurt
Even best Korea is in Poland :^)
it's fun as fuck
Because America's policy affects the whole world, you fucking idiot
I need a good comedy to cheer me up after dealing with local politics.
It's like WWE and also it has massive implications for global economy. Imagine the markets opening after a Trump victory, it'd be Brexit^10
so it's pretty fucking significant in addition to it being hugely entertaining to shitpost about on here
That entertainment show is unique to the world.
Glad to see an heterosexual in this sea of faggots
You are Rome.
Deal with it.
Are you going to outsource baby production to China?
Trump is everywhere on your mass media, its like if he sneezes there are like 50+ articles about it, while no one gives a fuck about Hillary.
Those who vote for her do it because its not Trump, also for some reason they are stupid enough to vote for a criminal.
Is america not the most important country evor? Checkmate op
It is a bit strange. There are Black Lives Matter protests happening here in Bongland, they're blocking roads like they did in America... but our police aren't trigger-happy like American cops, we only have specialist firearms officers. So they're basically protesting for something from another country.
It's gotta be because of the sheer amount of American news and media we receive. We're basically confusing the state of America right now for the state of the world.
Trump is pushed as an evil, biggoted, racist, muh soggy knee white man in our media 24/7
Also I'm considering migrating to America in the future so I'd like to be informed with what I'm getting myself into.
Cause it's mofo fun. That's why.
Murica can even make politics entertaining, that's sheer power for the foreigners.
swedish politics is really boring
That french tard on the right is pretty qt.
The answer to that question should have been pretty obvious.
We cannot fix our own countries if international entities are not worried about America. It's that simple. I don't REALLY care about its politics but I understand that I need America to have a problematic leader in order to achieve our goals in our own countries.
I want a qt MAGA asian gf, Sup Forums
What does it feel like to be so insignificant and know that a country thousands of miles away from yours is more relevant to your life than your own country?
American politics is literally the most expensive reality tv show in history.
Extra dramatic, extra juvenile, extra staged
It's a train wreck that is hard to look away from, especially with Donald "Someone's doing the raping" Trump
Also has something to do with the globalist liberal agenda, the first world looks at America as Barbarians and want to do as much slacktivism as possible to prevent a republican nomination
I actually hope Hillary wins the elections so I can witness the shitpost and also not have a bunch of amerifats planning exodus to Canada
why do you care so much about our politics?
You're my neighbor and most stuff you do affects my economy.
Because it is entertaining.
>dictates the "freedom" of Germany
>destroyed the stability in the middle east
>reason of the refugee crisis
>a huge bunch of USA military is stationed in Germany
idk why I care
We just want to know if you're still dumb. And you're still dumb, apparently.
> A psychopath
> Or a psychopath
Great job, USA. You don't deserve a better president than Hillary or Trump.
For the same reason we care about theirs. It's a gentleman's duty to stay informed.
pls make the world great again my master
Don't be a little bitch, France.
>Because this is what every newspaper in Australia looks like.
>Posts a screenshot from news.com and quotes breitbart
m8, I think it's cute that you think you're out of the rabbit hole.
Because whatever happens in the USA, it arrives in my country 2 to 5 years later, either in its original or some deturped form. It can range from a fashion trend to a social movement.
All the more reason to make America great again by outing the red scum and bringing back sanity and common sense.
This. America will take its rightful crown as the most cucked nation on earth. Less than 60% white and plummeting. Barack Obama. Black lives matter....
>inb4 le leaf may may
This. America is basically Rome. Everyone knows someone who lives there and American/Roman politics affect everyone.
Misery loves company.