Would we be better off without them?
yes. Even if you're religious, theres still eastern religion which is way less chimp out likely
Objectively yes,
People kill because of ideological differences primarily
Remove religious faggotry and the ability to advance would jump exponentially in the absence of bickering over matters of faith
No. Islam is the only escape from degeneracy.
>fucking small children (including boys) and animals
>escape from degeneracy
Yeah, let's remove Christianity. I want the US to be more like Sweden.
...whiter with less jews?
But they are the purest of souls to ravage.
yes. fuck fat white people
catholicism is not Christianity, their main doctrines like the pope, and the virgin mary are not in the bible
rabbinic judaism is not the same judaism in the bible, their doctrine comes form the talmud
islam has nothing to do with the bible
Beating your woman like a literal nigger is not an escape from degeneracy.
That would be FANTASTIC!
I'm in America and about half the adds I see online are IN FUCKING SPANISH! About a third of the adds on the radio are in Spanish or contain both languages
I just don't understand how people can't see that Jesus died for us to save you from sin. The devil literally exists and you can see it in politics. We literally see the evil everyday here and people don't recognize that Christianity is correcting the wrongs of the world
>one of the earliest groups of Christians
>but not Christian?
Nice LARPing.
Literally an autist
>bad things happen
>I know!
>it must be a fallen angel deep in the pits of hell that causes it!
Wow, it's almost like you're a moron
The Bible is only a book dude, a guide, if you want. Jesus did not write it. Traditions and morality is a superior way to be a true Christian.
All Abrahamic religions are cancerous but Christianity is objectively the least harmful of them.
Think about the young white irreligious hipsters you know.
How much do they give to charity? How much of their time is spent concerned with the wellbeing of others? How much would you say that they treat other people with respect and kindness?
None, you say? Well imagine that.
That is the world without Christianity, knocking on the door. The fact of the matter is, most people need an incentive to not be a dick to each other, whether it is religion or some other etherial concept like karma. If it all disappeared, the world would be overrun by cuntbags even worse than it is now.
>we need to help those poor little niggers! but no birth control!
What could go wrong?
>Christianity is the only religion
>the least harmful of them.
Yeah, least harmful to non believers/non Europeans.
Sup Forums is a CHristina bosrd
Christianity is the one that matters to us, in the States. The rest is generalities regarding other religions.
I don't even know what you worship in Canada. Some kind of maple syrup covered Moosegod?
Yep it's real great how they help refugees by bringing them here and then dumping them on the tax payers after a week
Or how they provide help to illegal fucking immigrants
You see these traits as a virtue but they're the weakness that has caused our problems
>tips the Talmud
I didn't know that pedophilia was exclusive to Muslims.
I found the Proteshit.
If Christianity is weed, then Islam is Krokodil.
Like your Muslims German?
World affairs and immigration aside, Christians and Christianity have done a lot of extremely beneficial things for this country. Don to the way we interact with each other, bounded by Christian values and tradition. Of course not everything that comes of it is good, but we would not be the most prosperous and kind nation the world over without our Christian heritage and roots.
I didn't know that I claimed it was.
>+1 tip was added to your fedora
Now, choose one
You fucking dolt why would we want to be under the POPE of all people right now?
Honoured to be an Anglican, we told the pope to fuck off and did another Brexit in 1534.
Jesus did wrote it, the Bible is the word of God and Jesus is God dumbass.
>but it was written by men
when you write something with a pen you dont assign the authorship to the pen dumbass. yeah God used man as tools for their word. How do i know it is the word of God? Just read it, do research, take it seriously, you will see how wonderful and consistent it is
Where does that traditionalism think it comes from? a set of morals and values have to be grounded in the belief of God, otherwise they are meaningless and its just dogma.
>Don to the way we interact with each other, bounded by Christian values and tradition.
You do realize civilizations long before even the Greeks existed without Christianity? You do realize the peak of the Romans was before Christianity? You do realize people don't just fall apart when you remove Christianity?
Let's think about this for a second. Christianity did really well in Europe but did it fix South America, Middle East, Africa? No, those places are still hellholes. Christianity did so well in Europe because European people are inteligent.
But way to go brushing off the bad things they've done. That whole helping and giving sentiment in your previous post is the exact same line of thought people use to flood Europe and America with illegals, anchor babies, and Muslims.
Parts of the bible were written after Jesus died, and by people who never met him or any of the people who did
>Just read it, do research, take it seriously, you will see how wonderful and consistent it is
We WUZ kangs and shiet do your research
>Where does that traditionalism think it comes from
Is this a joke? I really can't tell
jesus is god dumbass, he didnt die
>contradicting the whole point of his sacrifice and resurrection
Either a shill or a complete retard.
Not quite, people will always find excuses to kill each other. Strugling is in human nature.
Religion or belief is pointless, but it keeps stupid people in line. Just like masturbating, it keeps our urges in control, so most of us won't run around raping people.
jesus became flesh, flesh died, jesus have a bodily resurrection, meaning he became flesh again, jesus then ascended to heaven
jesus the man died, and then came back to life, proving he is God