Daily reminder that believing in God is the ultimate red pill
Daily reminder that believing in God is the ultimate red pill
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you're right, atheism is bananas.
kek has spoken
Christianity is just another shit their middle east religion.
777 is the number of the lord
>nothing can be omniscient and omnipotent, it's a logical impossibility
What did he mean?
the incompatibility is laid out in the atheist's holy scripture
Can't I just go to church, not do bad shit because I think it's bad shit, and try to be a good dude without needing to actually believe the catch?
>trying to apply human logic to God
wew boy
>God is perfect therefore he will only perform the perfect action
>hurdy gurdy that means he's not omnipotent because he won't do what is imperfect
Good show
is there a good channel on youtube that preach the bible or some that film the sunday services ?
i've never liked this kiekegaardian stuff, it's entirely possible to point out why what dawkin's said is retarded without resorting to saying God doesn't operate logically.
I'm not going to fedora tip. I don't believe in what you guys believe but that's okay, because you have every right to believe in it and I'm not going to disrespect you for it. My question to you is what attracted you to Christianity in the first place? Were you always a Christian or did you convert at some point in your life?
>Believing in ancient Jewish folk tales
>Having imaginary friends as an adult
just like algebra
i was a christian since i left my mums pussy
Converted this year. Facts kept piling up and I just had to accept that Christ is real.
This is quite literally the dumbest reasoning I've ever read from the atheist camp.
wew lad
pastor anderson films and livestreams his wednesday, sunday morning and sunday evening services:
And its from dawkins god delusion toppest of kek
I have had an uneasy feeling for years now that something horrible is coming our way and until I looked into Bible prophecy, the Shemitah, and the Occult satanism of the elite none of it made sense.
Then when I discovered the books of Enoch, Jasher, Jubilees, and other various apocrypha I realized the Bible has been horrendously tampered with and when you start stitching it together again it makes way more sense—Genesis particularly. I also read up more on the what's and why's of Biblical morality and found it rock solid and unassailable.
But it was the pinpoint accuracy of Bible prophecy that sealed the deal, desu. Not to mention that the beliefs of the Occult elite are a perfect mirror inversion of what the Bible teaches and once you realize that you see how this one book has shaped the course of human history for over 6000 years. Every conspiracy you've ever heard can be fit into the grand tapestry of the Bible and they all start to unravel like mad.
Check out Walter Veith. He is an amazing biblical scholar and has a series called Total Onslaught that uses Biblical prophecy and Historical documentation to explain world events with such thoroughness it's really quite impressive. He also gives amazing inspirational sermons.
Here's one of my favorites: youtube.com
>Beliving in God
>Not looking for it to stop Beliving and having the certainly of his existence
Continue with the sheep's mentality
God is there for those who look for him
It's better to believe in Jesus rather than God. Jesus is tangible and can be understood by the puny human mind.
When you say believe in God you are saying you believe in an idea or concept.
Ah this thread again. I'm just going to remind you kids that secularism is nice because without you christfags would slit each other's throats over which version of Christfaggotry is the best.
christanism leads to atheism.
All christians countries are either atheist by now or total 3rd world shithole
you tried, you failed, the one true religion, following the pure words of God will take over.
>christanism leads to atheism.
Since the American independence and then the French Revolution, the new ideals are the ones who lead to Atheism. Make sense too since Americans were not a Christians people.
This. Christianity is a doomsday cult, and many of its adherents literally believe that they will be raptured away from death, and that earthly affairs are totally meaningless, so they continually defer to kikes, who would willingly enslave us given half the chance. Christianity is no prophylactic against the jewish character of Marxist incursion on our freedoms, and so it is useless for any thinking man.
>christanism leads to atheism.
Actually, education leads to atheism.
if you're a real muslim and not just roleplaying, could you make a chart sort of like this, but showing the relationship between different schools of thought/branches within islam?
like: shia, sunni, ahmadi, sufi, twelver shia
(and any other important one i'm forgetting)
i could set up the lines and you'd just have to copypaste smiley faces in it once i know what the categories should be
>it's another Christian shill thread
How many golden stars do you get in your sunday school for your missionary work online?
Soon you'll have enough to travel to Israel and plant trees for g-d's chosen people.
thanks for the bump.
>chosen people
22 Who is the liar but the person who denies that Jesus is the Christ? This one is the antichrist: the person who denies the Father and the Son.
23 Everyone who denies the Son does not have the Father either. The person who confesses the Son has the Father also. (1 John 2:22-23)
>that theological butthurt
It's hilarious that you try to wear antisemitism as a badge when all it'd take for them to be acceptable to you is some water splashed onto their hooknoses.
>progeny of shem
what does this word mean to you?
as an atheist do you believe shem, ham, and japheth were real people?
>what does this word mean to you?
>as an atheist do you believe shem, ham, and japheth were real people?
No, I don't. I also don't believe that Arabs invented algebra just because they named it. It's just a word.
Semites to me are people with the haplogroups J-M267 and J-M172 that might be historically connected by semitic languages.