Be American

>Be American
>Still don't have free healthcare

>pay double the income taxes

>"free" healthcare

get out

someone who doesn't pay taxes detected

>free healthcare

Nothing in life is free, stupid leaf.

I don't know about you but i'd much rather pay a premium to not sit in total agony for 6-10 hours simply for an x-ray


Everyone pays taxes. VAT, sales tax, tariffs, property tax, excise, payroll tax etc.

You payed tariffs, property tax, excise and payroll tax before you turned 18? Public healthcare hits in the form of income tax, where I live can go up as much as 56% of your income

You pay sales tax indirectly whenever you buy anything and payroll tax lowers your earnings even if you're not the one who pays it. So yes, you are losing money through taxation even when you're under 18.


What kind of fucking charge is that for pharmacy?

>being this fucking retarded

>where I live can go up as much as 56% of your income


How much money do you have to make in your province to have to pay an AVERAGE tax rate of 56%? Show your work.

I'm calling bullshit on your retarded ass.

You can't lose money you didn't earn. Healthcare as I've stated in Canada is paid for from income tax, and if you aren't receiving income naturally you are not taxed. This line of discourse you are pursuing is semantics since in the context of healthcare or more specifically healthcare in Canada, income tax is what we are looking at. Someone who makes a bait thread that argues said healthcare is "free" probably does not pay into the healthcare, ergo the assumption they do not pay taxes.

need to move to the land of the free, leaf. you're a pretty cool guy, no need to suffer any further!

>have lump in armpit
>wait 8 months to be seen by a doctor thanks to socialized healthcare
>8 mo later get diagnosed
>cancer. waited too long to treat

at least it was "free"

>Pharmacy is over half the cost at 83,000
I wonder who is behind this, pic unrelated.

>go to mall, get shot
>go to school, get shot
>go to cinema, get shot
>get shot randomly by police
>get shot randomly by niggers
>get raped at hospital

still enjoy muh freedom

>be American
>don't have health insurance
>literally be a lazy piece of shit

Any functional adult with a half decent job can easily afford health insurance. I've had my own insurance since I was 22 and made $18 an hour.

If you are American and couldn't afford health insurance pre-obamacare, you deserved to die in a pile of debt for being a deadbeat.


Alright, I didn't know it's paid for exclusively through income tax in Canada.

That's called a charge master. Nobody pays that. It's high as fuck because the insurance company tries to (and will) haggle. That pharmacy charge includes. $12 aspirin. Actual bill is probably closer to $40,000. Not cheap, but definitely manageable.

>How much money do you have to make in your province to have to pay an AVERAGE tax rate of 56%?
Welcome to NS. 87k and up is 43.5%. 135k is a flat 50%.

>be French
>die in a terrorist attack

>pharmacy cost
>price of actual pill to manufacture
>80 cents
>muh free market

>"Land of the Free"

pick one

If only there was a service that would agree to cover it in exchange for monthly payments.

>be American
>pay for health insurance monthly
>less than what I would be taxed for "free" healthcare
>only have to pay $10 copays

Just get insurance, it'll cost the same as being taxed for free healthcare

1. Not free
2. Canadian medical care is shit
3. Not an argument


But Obamacare

Fuck that. They should give us the option to wait 9 months for life saving treatment like Canada.

wtf, leaf
I thought we're on the same side

>things that americans actually believe
"you have to wait for ages"
"the quality of care is shit"
"your taxes are stupidly high"

>my experience
I have a need for chronic chronic care, so I'm in and out of the hospital a lot. I've had two surgeries in the last two years and see my surgeon once a fortnight for follow-up care. I waited a month for the first surgery, and it wasn't even urgent, and a little bit longer for the second because I wanted to wait because I had commitments.

I've never had a single cause for complaint as far as quality of care. Nobody amputated the wrong leg, I've still got all my faculties, the staff were professional and quick. For my second surgery I had it first up and was admitted at 8 in the morning and home that afternoon (naturally on a massive amount of painkillers, but still).

As far as taxes, Australia is a relatively low-taxing nation, so not even that is true. Despite this, do you know how much I paid for my care? $259 per surgery for the anaesthetist. Even my pain and antibiotic medication was covered.

People are l i t e r a l l y dying in the streets in the USA, like it's fucking Tsarist Russia, and Americans will defend this.

(By people I mean white people).

I just got out of the hospital. I was in there for a week for a gallbladder removal. Cost $53,000. Hope to fuck my insurance covers that shit.
>at least I didn't die on the floor of the waiting room like a fucking leaf.

Are you honestly trying to say what I said was not true? European countries are wonderful but you ultimately allowed for them to be ruined with the importing of shitskin migrants, so fuck you

>be Canadian
>thinks that healthcare its free

fuck no never. When I was 19 and on my own, I didnt have to pay for my $120,000 bladder surgery. I am now healthy and contributing to the economy (medical sales) at 25 all because of healthcare.

How difficult would it be for America and Canada to impliment an NHS type system?

I mean free healthcare is good

>It's an anecdote episode
I had to wait in the ER for 6 hours with a broken wrist. They waited 2 to administer a weak dosage of pain medication. My taxes are still stupidly high.

Are we done yet?

10/10 shitpost

What does this chart even show?

It's not free. Stop saying that it is.

It's not free

And socialized medical care is awful. Poor quality, grossly high waiting times and wasteful

>trump will promote competitive healthcare, end pharmaceutical monopolies, and require transparent prices
god bless

That's good for you Canadians who need to take vacations to our country for healthcare.

so no 56%

Also you're talking marginal rates, not AVERAGE

Socialized medicare is shit, but it's better than the mess the americans have

Nope, I'm talking Federal and Provincial income tax.

>go to mall, get cucked
>got to school get cucked
>go to Paris get castrated and covered up by the government
>get run over by truck
>go to work. Can't because Muslims block your path for 3 hours
>go to police that won't stand up for you

>be French
>ban guns
>don't get shot
>ran over by truck
>stupid American some of their niggers get shot!

We should have let Hitler keep you faggots.

can easily happen if you stack taxes. like running a business and paying capital gains tax, and then getting taxed on the income you take out. almost everything we do is taxed, from VAT on most purchases, property tax, vehicle tax, etc.

the actual net amount you can spend can easily be less than half your total income.

mfw Americans will justify this, I can just see it now

>m-m-muh tax increase
our healthcare is r-r-reasonably priced
>the jews are behind free healthcare