Remember me??

Hello, Hillary.

Remember me? Remember how I released concrete evidence that you conspired to take control of the DNC through back room deals that were designed to ignore people's votes? Remember how I exposed your rigging of the election and subversion of the democratic process? Remember how your operatives within the party were forced to resign in shame? Remember how your backers in the media did everything within their power to bury the story through highlighting your opponent's harmless verbal gaffs and coinciding them with manipulated and biased poll numbers?

I forced your hand there, Hillary. Make no mistake. I'm still here. One more question: remember how I said that I have evidence that would prompt your indictment? Let this serve as a reminder. It is clear the media is artificially padding your numbers in anticipation. Trust that no amount of manipulation will save you.

My only advice for you: take care of your health issues now because the tsunami of destruction I will unleash upon you will raise your stress to levels you cannot begin to imagine.

Warmest Regards,


>medium rare nothingburger

We believe in you based Assange but that neet lifestyle is really getting to you. Stop fapping all day to 2D women and shitposting and release this shit.

cmon Noel Edmonds release the goods already


>Light hair
>Light beard
>Dark mustache

More effective closer to election.
People have short term memory.

Who is JA? Is this Jake Appelbaum?

He's been drinking chocolate milk


Please release everything you have on her right before the first debate, Assange. Godspeed.

P.S. Don't workout with heavy equipment

The wizard has spoken.


If not then wait until another week until the poll numbers have been normalized then drop it. It will be the perfect timing before September which is early voting,

From cuck to wizard. Now locked away in this tower.

>poll numbers

nigger, the polls are controlled and rigged by the msm, what makes you think they will "normlize"? what's normal for that matter? Everything is fucked

Nothing new she has been breaking laws since "Watergate" and even before when she was a lawyer.

She feels entitled to just like all piece of shit people who feel they are entitled!

Gandolf the white

Can you smell that, Hillary? It's the stale, damp smell. It's the smell of a jail cell. Imagine it. The grey concrete walls... lifeless, dark.

Just fucking do it already then!!!!

If the FBI won't prosecute her over gross negligence of secret govt affairs,
I doubt you have anything that will get her in prison.
If the FBI won't arrest her, no one will.

She's proven she's above the law in America.
UN isn't going to arrest her.
I'm sure you could show her raping kids and the media would say it's Trump fault and the FBI would meet with Obama and Bill and not press charges cause who fucking knows.

Piss or get off the pot buddy.

and what happens if she's replaced?

don't me wrong jules, we all want her in jail, but at least let trump destroy her in the debates first, don't spoil our fun and let them choose a slightly less evil candidate

>gross negligence
I think its worse than that. If FBI user was correct, then she fucking sold an SAP to enemy states thus leading to the deaths of under-cover agents.


He's hoping everyone forgets he said anything

He's never gonna release anything incriminating

Whatever, they didn't do shit to her.
They won't either.
If Trump wins, she's just going to board a private plane and live the rest of her sick life on a private island surrounded by child sex slaves.

If assange has anything, sooner the better. Why wait till Oct?

No one is going to arrest her. Ever.

Don't worry user. She'll get indicted. Massive earthquake follows.

Will that be considered one of the first trumpets?

why not?

Based Aussie albino.

She sold top secret shit and walks free and is still trying to be president.

Anyone else would be dead in a secret govt facility and anyone who asked about you would die.

They are not going to do shit.

They have refused to prosecute her. They changed the meaning of the law JUST FOR HER.

Whatever he has, I doubt it will make an impact. Nothing else has

Hillary. We've talked about this. If you hand over the emails now I promise to give you a quick death. Don't force my hand.

More like this?

I'd prefer it be released at a later date, but damnit he better have a backup plan like that one lawyer who had multiple encrypted copies stored around the world with timers that would be set off to release at a certain date. It wouldn't surprise me if one day the embassy he stayed at was bombed by a cruise missile and 10 or so of his friends were killed in one day and the Onigger administration would lie to us.

he want to make sure that they dont have time to promote another candidate

>More effective closer to election.

>P.S. Don't workout with heavy equipment

the only time it's okay to use the smith machine is when the clintons want you dead

>yfw anything Assange drops will be completely over-run with latest idiot garbage spewing out of orange Chads mouth.

I'm pretty sure Assange has a contingency plan


crooked Hillary on suicide watch


He doesn't want to release them too early because the shill mass media could spin anything into meaninglessness like they've done with everything else so far.

You could have a True Detective 1 tier video of her raping ,killing and drinking the blood of a child from its still beating heart where she screams praise and hail to Lucifer and flashes her passport ID close up declaring ;"I am Hillary Clinton motherfuckers worship me hahahah." and they'd ignore it because Trump has small hands, made up a video and his wife may have violated a visa rule.

It's the shadow, dummy.


The entire western world owes Assange a debt of gratitude.

It WAS perfect timing on the DNC leaks.
Maximum damage.

BASED ASSANGE Savior of the white race.


It's hidden in one of these boxes user.
The banker's offering 2p or you can swap the box you've got for another random box and 50p.
What do?

you seem to be saying trump won't persue her

it's pretty clear that comey and lynch are implicated in some crookedness

the entire world owes tripfags a filter, bye faggot

but he's right you mong

God bless Putin for giving him refuge.


then he can be right without a trip

Oh fucking relax. Why can't posts be judged by their content and not their name status?