Fuck johnson
Fuck johnson
Johnson isn't even a real libertarian
He's just a pawn owned by the same people as halalary in a desperate attempt to split the conservative vote
Fuck johnson
Open borders cuck comin' for ya.
We must build bridges, not roads.
But he was awful at running New Mexico.
A Hillary plant pretending to be a libertarian
Someone of redneck libretarians buddies are voting for him. Of course I'm going for hilldawg, libertarianism is stupid as hell.
American Libertarianism is fucking retarded. If you're not a National Socialist yet you're too stupid to be on this board.
Johnson (as of last weeks polling) was actually taking the majority of his votes from democratically leaning candidates. The margin is very slim. Nearly 50/50 but it sways very slightly pulling from the Democrat base. Not looking good for hillary especially if the Green Party gains support.
'My vision of the border with Mexico is that a truck from the United States going into Mexico and a truck coming from Mexico into the United States will pass each other at the border going 60 miles an hour. Yes, we should have open borders.'
Gary "bake me a fucking nazi cake you dirty kike bitch" Johnsons 2016
He's not a libertarian that's for sure. He seems to be appealing to the left more than the right though so I'm not sure about the splitting of the conservative vote. He just seems to be a liberal that's ok with guns. I don't really get it. Any mass libertarian sympathies in this country died around the time women got the vote or the Great Depression.
He just endorsed BLM. He is Hillary with a dick
We need more anti-Gary Johnson memes, getting real tired of cuckservatives and Bernvictims talking about this colossal faggot.
If I have to see that fucking Now this video showing Johnson bragging about "calling Trump a Pussy" and being portrayed as a hero, I am going to lose my mind.
I love that Hilary's master plan involved a plant hurts her more than her opponent.
Kek thanks bong, got anymore?
deal with it
Enjoy your BLM/ Marxist sympathizer
No reason not to vote Johnson unless you are a stormcuck
Suppose that there is a starvation situation, and the parent of the four year old child (who is not an adult) does not have enough money to keep him alive. A wealthy NAMBLA man offers this parent enough money to keep him and his family alive – if he will consent to his having sex with the child. We assume, further, that this is the only way to preserve the life of this four year old boy. Would it be criminal child abuse for the parent to accept this offer?
come back to reality Klaus; this is not about your sick fantasies
Yes you fucking degenerate
People don't want the left nut or the right nut.
They want the Johnson.
Not on libertarian grounds.
ITT: Trump-fags getting butt-blasted and accusing Gary of not being a Libertarian because a couple of his policies are not 100% Libertarian, despite the fact that he stands for the main principle of Libertarianism, low taxes and "government out REEEEE".
Yeah, he's a Hillary plant to try and draw votes from Trump. Notice how he gets pushed by the media but not Jill Stein. He's just another globalist stooge.
Hillary's got more of a dick than this walking vagina.
>implying she isn't this retarded
Most Trump supporters arent Libertarian.
Yeah, he's a shitty candidate
Under his libertarian exterior he is an authoritarian leftist
welcome to Sup Forums
No, no, no.
you've got it all wrong you naïve rebublicuck.
Trump is a Hillary plant designed to take votes away from Johnson, a man who supports American values.
Didn't he get voted out after one term?