What will we call him once Hillary takes office?

What will we call him once Hillary takes office?

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I don't care but you need to get the fuck out of here CTR you treasonous scum.

How could you do this to your own people and veterans?

Absolutely disgusting I hope you hang.

The late Bill Clinton.

The first lady rapist Bill Clinton


Thanks mate.

A dead man.

Just a case of the sniffles... It's nothing to worry about

Sage the CTR shills

Your veterans...The Iraq War, Benghazi, Libya

How do you honestly justify this?

Cuckold in chief, fampai.

His title...

Former President Bill Clinton. President Clinton would get a bit confusing.

First Black Male First Lady

Fuck off Krager.

Swagman in Chief

Death weight
If Killary wins he is next

His bitch


I believe the term is First Gentleman iirc, but since it's never had to be used it's technically still not official.


first lad

Jefferson D'arcy?


stoned bill

Mister President, actually; he keeps his old title.

That said, I'd assume the interns would just call him "Daddy."