How is 2nd amendment gonna protect you from tyranny when the government has tanks, jets, nukes and missiles?
They can't kill their whole population. Or can them?
t. English teacher
>Dude Bros
They're the last people I'd imagine to be holding a gun. lol
The minute the government starts bombing their own citizens it loses.
>implying the US government would use nukes on its own soil to kill
Like this
How are we going to protect pol from this thread that gets made 5 times a day?
The government doesn't have those things, the military does.
Thanks I was not sure aww my monky donky brain.
Those drones and helicopters need to land eventually. Tanks need to be refueled. Missiles need an operator to launch. Air strips, missile sites and military bases can all be taken by armed infantry with light weapons.
An armed civilian resistance may not be able to compete with the military in open battle, but even without weapons civilian militias can still form an effective resistance. There are countess historical examples of this, from the French Resistance in WW2 to the resistance to the American occupation of Iraq that happened this past decade.
So, to put it plainly, you're wrong. You're just wrong. An armed civilian populace can very easily resist a tyrannical occupation quite effectively.
How is the government going to operate when half of the military defects and it's bombing the people who run its supply chains?
Go ahead and have the air force carpet bomb new York city.
Tell me how that works out for you the following day.
If it ain't a britcuck then it's another eurocuck starting these threads.
Similar to the way it works in waziristan these days. U hide
For the gorillionth time
Ask Afghanistan
you keep making the same threads idiot
sage this
Gubmint ain't gonna, nuke, tank, jet, or missile it's own cities son. Even if it wanted to kill every person within said city, they'd still want to minimize collateral damage as much as possible.
pls stop making these
they only way they can win is through a information war. if they are forced to the battlefield they will lose. the founding fathers knew this, thats why the 2nd amendment is there, its the last line of defence against tyrany
I'm so tired of seeing this shill thread every single day...
Why do you think they are pushing shitskins and women into our militaries ?
Of course, shitskins and women make awful soldiers, but at least they won't defect ( as long as the wind don't turn in favour of the révolution, you don't compose your forces out of natural traitors and expect no downside ).
>make your military out of natural traitors to effectively fight your population in case of civil war, but crumble at the first serious foreign invasion
>make your military out of able-bodied patriot, but get fucked raw in the ass as soon as you start the civil war
Nobody ever said the lives of treacherous elites would be simple. Poor them, what a conundrum !
If you have to use the bottom 4 quadrants on your own cities, you're not winning and your gov't will fracture within a month
You don't maintain a police state with cruise missiles. You need police for that. Do you want to destroy your own nation's infrastructure just to shut down some dissenters?
Targeted germ warfare would probably be the State's ideal.
Military Rebellion.
Also remember foreign intervention.
Please make a side note of how massive the US is and how drastic the environmental change can be. The country is too massive and there are also far too many places to hide.
>thinking the military would actually attack us with drones and attack choppers and missiles
op you stupid fucking nigger
Guerilla warfare does wonders. Ever read about geography doctrine? It's how we won the revolutionary war and how we lost vietnam
The US military are basically idiots who chose workfare over want-fries-with-that and got fed a load of hooah hooey; they can't even pacify third world shitholes where an AK is 2 years salary.
The actual reason the revolutionaries will get btfo is because everybody hates you conservatard crybabies who start whining about committing treason every time you lose an election. In a real revolution, 90% of your neighbors will happily rat you out just to not deal with your drama queenery any more.
HUURRRRRRR DURRRR IM DENMARK AND IM STUPID. The iraqis otherwise did fine rekking americans when they had no armor shut the fuck up legoland
But won't there still need to be a select few of people to actually protect politicians? The US special forces still only take men.
>how could the patriots beat the British? They have battleships, cannons, etc.
People like you have always existed, and they were always proven wrong in the end. Enjoy being on the wrong side of history.
Even using the same fucking image and these tards are still taking the bait.
50th thread this week.
Say it with me, HillShills, I'll even put it in green, big letters for you.
What do we have here? A bunch of monkeys that hangin and a zoophile whore to be burned at the stake along with any abominations she may have spawned.
is dude bro like the feminazi answer to feminazi? becuase it sounds fucking stupid
I really hate when "beastiality" or "zoophily" is used when pictures of europeans women in the presence of subhumans are posted.
Fucking subhumans is a lot worse than fucking actual beasts, since pregnancy can occur.
An european woman fucking dogs her whole life will just end her bloodline, which while sad is a good thing since she obviously was bad for the genepool.
A woman fucking niggers will create more subhumans, generally more than one too, accelerating the mongrelisation of the whole european species by creating more appealing bridge subhumans for less tolerant europeans to breed with.
So please, just call it what it is : treachery.
>usa can use their strongest military equipment to kill their own civilians without any political repercusions
What are you, hohols?
This eurocuck shit again? One word: Vietnam.
why do we have to have this thread ad nauseam?
You can't put a tank at every street corner.
Is that a fucking cola bottle
Poor Jealous Norwegian Faggot. Secretly wants to own guns, wants to know whats it's like to be a man. His people haven't had any real pride or balls since the glorious days of the Vikings. Your ancestors hang their heads in shame. And sorrow fills the halls of Valhalla. They drink not for merriment, but to drown their disgrace, disgust, and despair.
When you're right, you're right. No offense, I honestly never thought I'd agree with a Frenchman. This is great.