Trump got stumped. Admit it.
Trump got stumped. Admit it
Cool, but have you seen this ugly bitch?
ahahahaha how envious she is of her sibling with a kid. bitch is going to die old and alone with her cats
If our media actually did its job (reporting the news) Khan would have been totally discredited as a Clinton/Saudi shill by now
What has Hillary sacrificed besides those she got killed at Benghazi?
I can't understand how khan could be on hillary's side considering she's the one who sent his son to die in Iraq.
Khan is a Sharia Law supporter.
Khan has never read the constitution and trump sacrificed his reputation because he wants to MAGA
Yeah, Hillary invaded Iraq. She also caused the stock market crash of 1929 and bombed Pearl Harbor.
I still don't understand what Khan meant by telling Trump to read the constitution. What part of the constitution is Trump going against?
wtf this really made me think about how i hate trump now
She did vote for the Iraq war. She's complicit in the invasion.
>you sacrificed no one
Isn't that a good thing?
This picture is shit-tier. This bait is weak. What are you really trying to say, Norwegian?
There is literally nothing wrong with that picture and only reinforces why khan is in the right. Poor shilling.
What has she sacrificed? Her dignity by shitposting on Sup Forums?
I don't know, fellow CTRs, I don't think it's working
I mean yeah, we are trampling all over their free speech, but we're not exactly convincing or demoralizing anyone
Oh my god.. This can't be real?? This is pretty much every Hillary supporter I've ever met, summed up so perfectly.
Why should he be exempt from criticism for losing his son?
actually not, he never said ban all muslins, he said to enforce the anti illegal immigration laws.
also his son died a war a stupid one at that.
khan the sharia law supporter
Khazir Khan is a fucking terrorist who wants Sharia Law to overtake the USA.
Fuck him. I hope his entire family dies off.
You gotta repect vets and their families. Its an american value you wouldnt understand.
if you sacrifice the people you hold dear, then you dont hold those people dear at all.
>a man that was paid 375k by clinton speaks out against trump
hur dur have you read the constitution? it says nothing about illegal immigrants having rights...or anything about the president not being able to stop dangerous groups from coming here
its almost like this thread was made by someone that hasnt read the constitution at all
The part where he has to drop out and let Hillary win because... something something #notallmuslims #makedonalddrumpfagain
I haven't seen trumps response to this dude, what did he say
Like when Hillary lied to the families of the murdered Benghazi soldiers by blaming a YouTube video for a coordinated terrorist attack on the anniversary of 9/11?
>obvious ctr
its funny, the media didnt respect the banghazi families
funny how that works
Thanks for Correcting the Record!
He thinks foreigners have first amendment religious freedom even though the constitution does not protect foreigners and the first amendment only applies to Congress making laws endorsing religion
>m-maybe she wasn't a-allowed to speak
Trump stumped himself so hard on that 60 minutes interview and he knows it. His eyes were bloodshot and he was stammering when he tried to reply in a condescending manner.
The trouble is that he's not a terrorist. Absolutely not. But alt-right memers like to think that all Muslims are terrorists. Trump fell publicly for this trap and as a result he offended the family of a massive military hero and patriot. This was easy bait that Trump was meant to walk past, but instead he couldn't fucking help himself (just like you, dear user).
The idea that all Muslims are terrorists itself is the problem here and most Americans agree. Trump needs to give non-white American families some respect and not be baited into abusing people because of his own prejudices based on religion or ethnicity.
Why is Trump so easily stumped?
>norwigger shitposting
HOLY SHIT!? How will drumpf and trumpkins ever recover? I'm so glad norway is on the net Correcting The Record.
What is this 2015? This is the billionth trump got stumped thread
>the idea that muslims are terrorists is the problem
jesus christ ctr shut the fuck up already. dont make me come down there. we have your address
>My son is dead because of a war Hillary supported, so I'm insulting Donald Trump
>Donald Trump and his policy to end useless wars in the Middle East can't insult me. My son is dead, monster.
Fixed it for you
I work with plenty of muslims. Bro tier. Food is the shit.
I don't drink either, so we have something in common.
why dont u drink
Don't even start you Trump shill. Hillary sacrificed so much time trying to help Bill cover this up,
So are they saying with this picture that Trump will win and Khan will die?
I lived in Dubai for a while and a lot of them are very respectable family oriented people who eat well, take care of each other, and try to resist degeneracy. Most are more opposed to terrorism even than your average American. They're worried as fuck that their new state might be destroyed by some retards with bombs and promises of 72 virgins. Most Muslims are more strict, respectable and upstanding than are most Christians, in my experience. There's no need to hate on all of them just because of 9/11 and Islamist terror groups.
>You have destroyed so much. What is it you have sacrificed? Can you name even one thing? I thought not
>But alt-right memers like to think that all Muslims are terrorists.
Um.... you are a fucking faggot. Khan supports replacing the Constitution with Sharia. He also supports the idea that Muslims kill off all non-Muslims in America. He is a Wahabiest and Muslim Brotherhood.
The Liberal Left things someone is not a "terrorist" until after they kill a bunch of people. But to them, someone asking for everyone to be enslaved by Islam is "just a good moderate religion just like any other."
For fuck's sake. Muslim 7 year olds are raping kids in elementary schools. And that's "Just a normal part of their culture" according to Liberals.
Extra calories, don't like the taste of most alcohol, don't like the nausea. Moscow Mules are ok since they taste like ginger ale.
We wuz khans
>He's a terrorist
>No sauce
>1 post by this ID
>Yes you filthy kufar this is the suicide pack you agreed too.
What was his cost again? Half a mill?
Hillary Created ISIS
Huma is a pipeline to Muslim Brotherhood
This is why I laugh when they keep pushing that Trump fucked up. Khan will try to cover his ratty little tracks, but will soon fall to Captain Trump like all the rest.
“Mr Khan has no right to stand in front of millions of people and claim I have never read the Constitution”
Maybe if he'd taken the time to read the constitution, he would know that Khan does have that right.
>implying this isn't what democrats do
>meme highlights unfair tactics used by Clinton campaign
>"literally nothing wrong"
Look CTR hack, we know you're here so you may as well try to look genuine next time. This was a bad post. Your overlords would be displeased.
In 1981, Barry Soetero, I mean "Obama," roomed with Pakistan Muslim zealots.
That year he traveled to Pakistan for Ramadan.
He may have been in Pakistan for two years - all records have been erased.
Thanks for correcting the record
FBIanon confirmed something along those lines
Weirdly, the politics of feelings have flipped.
The Democrats are now the ones running on policy and reason.
The Republicans are the ones running on emotion, fear, rage, and the like.
Alt-right now means the politics of being butthurt and creating a candidate who is the embodiment of having a sore butt. Shit gets embarrassing.
>don't talk to me or my sibling's son again!
Obama is Muslim to the core.
Every Muslim on Earth knows this.
Not even. He trampled on his sons grave for 350k. Less than my parents home value.
sauce is in the article her wrote that is publicly available. Simply because you refuse to read it doesn't mean it's not available.
Reminder that according to Khan, Sharia trumps the Constitution
Seriously people at least use real conspiracies to fight that vindictive cunt. #ClintonBodyCount
Obama is the Mahdi; the hidden Imam.
>You have the right to slander someone in public
please shut up
when we want an opinion on rabbit pussy, we'll come get you
No, the 78 Norwegian cuckfaggots who got fucked by based Breivik are the ones who got stumped.
Guys ....
>wore traditional african garb to his african brother's wedding
>he's a muslim
Quite a jump in logic there, buddy.
And yet he's somehow being controlled by the jews!
Funny how that works, right, fellow Sup Forums-tards?
Jews are a meme; Islam is the only threat.
Khan drops the constitution 6 times a day when he prays to his Moon God Allah
>Khazir Khan is a fucking terrorist who wants Sharia Law to overtake the USA.
Keep helping Trump dig that hole...TEN FEET DEEPER.
>implying saudis aren't controlled by israel
>implying wahabbi terrorism isn't controlled by israel
She didn't.
Romney got BTFO on this issue 4 years ago. Do we have to keep the BTFO flowing?
Khan also drops the Constitution when he has to pick up a rock to stone a wife to death.
No wonder his heroic son was disgusted with Islam and joined the Army to kill Muslims.
Thanks. Just read it. The journalist on the case is clearly a retard. Khan is talking about the concept of justice in Islamic, Christian, and Jewish codes. He talks about within an Islamic concept the Islamic code taking precedence over a state legal code. This is a completely uncontroversial statement. The retard journalist tries to wrench controversy out of this 1983 response to a book be taking statements out of context and by surrounding them with inflammatory and obfuscatory verbiage. I can see why this story didn't get picked up in other media forums. The journalist undoes his own efforts by:
- not getting to his main point and evidence until late in the article.
- using diction and tone that undermine his own credibility by making it seem something nefarious and conspiratorial is going on.
Better journalism is needed than this. If the point was solid, I wish it would be written up with infinitely greater skill.
Except that she explicitly failed duty #8 as SoS. She shouldn't be allowed to be in another executive position in Government because she is an incompetent, lying, power hungry whore that only stays with Bill (who fucks everything except her) because it gives her additional power.
No he didn't. Khan is the one who needs to go and read the constitution because there isn't a single word on immigration in the entire document.
Trump's muslim immigration ban is not a constitutional issue because it does not breach any articles of the constitution, and even if it did, the constitution does not apply to people who are not citizens of the US.
There are provisions in US law that allow the president to block or restrict immigration from any countries or any groups of people already.
My uncle lived in Dubai and Saudi Arabia and he hates Muslims more than Sup Forums does. Definitely the crazy uncle in the family.
>Bro tier. Food is the shit.
>in my experience
GREAT lets toss out those polls that show they've got nothing bad to say about Sharia or wont turn in radicalized friends and family because youve got "personal experience!"
He pointed out this Muslim activist's wife sat meekly by at his side n didn't say a word or react for the entire speech.
Almost as if the Muslim activist practices oppressive Muslim culture in the USA and his wife is basically a pet who can cook n clean.
No, it's always been that way. The right just pretends it's the other way around.
>muh xenophobiuh
Well they all worship Satan so... It's completely understandable.
At least Khan's wife still has a nose
Just wish she would keep it out of politics
Peddling her son's corpse is disgusting
Khan is cashing in
>- not getting to his main point and evidence until late in the article.
>his points aren't valid because they dont come soon enough for my attention span
How's this for tone: He approved this statement in his review
"“The best statement of the human rights is also to be found in the address delivered by the prophet [Muhammad] so often described as his last address,” Brohi said, quoting: “ ‘You have rights over your wives and they have rights over you. You have the right that they should not defile your bed and that they should not behave with open unseemliness. If they do, God allows you to put them in separate rooms and to beat them but not with severity.’ ”"
You surely have no problem with that right?