ITT: Villains who got away with EVERYTHING
mike and dave need wedding dates tv tropes
He got murdered by his asshole son's wife because he groomed a family of treacherous assholes by being a treacherous asshole.
In fairness, he was potentially a virgin until he was like, 70.
You're getting your Sozins and your Azulons mixed up.
that was his son, Azulon who got murdered.
didn't he get murdered by Robin?
He spent his last few years as a paranoiac terrified his friend was going to come back to life and kill him.
That's his son.
Shot to death.
He might have got away with everything in life, but in his mind he is riddled with guilt, regret and shame.
> guilt, regret and shame
Firebenders don't feel those things.
Ozai, pls go
what did she do wrong?
Brought about the apocalypse.
This one right here. Caused S02-S03-S04 of her own show. Still got away with it.
Worse yet, Joker died in a way that he found to be completely uncomical. For him, that must be the worst possible fate.
Fuck you.
What were her options?
She was supposed to sneak back into the Palace, even though that risked her children being killed and despite the fact that she couldn't bend and has no combat training, and also the fact that the Earth Kingdom's best spies hadn't been able to do that in 100 years of warfare, and kill Ozai and break out her children and sneak them out of the Palace and capital without any Fire Nation soldiers stopping them.
What did he do?
Organized crime and a few attempted murders.
He also broke his own son's leg and framed him for his crimes.
Galaluna will never be free
Not Sup Forums related but pic related was so strong MC gave up and let him become god.
Ozai pls gozai
>What were her options
not treat Azula as a monster
How about instead of giving Ozai the magic untraceable poison so he can murder his way to Fire Lord, hoping he'll be a nicer dad and husband in return, she uses the magic untraceable poison on Ozai like a good mother who takes charge of protecting her children?
This has always bothered me.
Imagine the conflict for Aang if he had to directly confront the man who ordered the genocide of the airbenders.
Ozai has nothing on Sozin.
Man I fucking hate this bitch. Even the comic did nothing to rectify the unjust hate she has for her daughter.
maybe if azula wasnt a monster we wouldnt have this problem
Bullshit Azula literally did nothing wrong. Ursa was the real monster playing favorites with her children.
He needed to be shown there's another way! Killing him makes them just like him!
I am just so sick of you Azula faggots
>azula did nothing wrong
except for everything
>Azula literally did nothing wrong
Her backstory does not excuse or justify her later actions, it just provides an explanation.
Ozai was the more abusive parent anyway.
You tell me one thing was "evil" and I'll tell you why it's bullshit.
>Ozai was the more abusive parent anyway.
Which makes her more the victim.
>grandpa order her husband to kill her beloved son
>mysteriously her husband die
Oh Geez, nobody would suspeito her! Azulon would see it miles away and make her be raped and burned alive for killing the Royal family. She managed to desapear in part because Ozai was into the conspiracy to get the throne.
Go home Scrapper. Azula had the textbook behavior of a psycopath as a child. She was a monster in training.
everything she's seen doing in the series
you can come up with any reason you want as to why she does it
but she does those things
and they are evil
Yeah? Nobody is going to deny that Azula was a victim of abuse in a different way than Zuko was, it just does't justify what she did.
Just like how Zuko saying "sorry" and deciding to turn against his dad doesn't make up for the shit he did to the Gaang, and that's why he had to make amends with them.
Throwing fire into baby turtleducks.
Wishing her uncle to die.
Taunting Zuko and being glad that he will be killed.
Being a cunt with her friends.
>Azula had the textbook behavior of a psycopath as a child. She was a monster in training.
Except she realizes she isn't happy and wants to be a better person.
And yet Zuko has done worse and is heralded as a hero. Give Azula a chance to be that hero.
Except Zuko had support, Azula has no one to help her.
She was lashing out for the abuse she suffered.
Ozai probably had a harsher time with his dad anyway, judging by how judgemental and mercyless he was with him.
Azulon probably got it easy in comparacion.
>Being a cunt with her friends.
She's a damn princess, there is literally no reason why she couldn't just told Ty Lee to deal with it and come with her instead of pulling that whole murder attempt thing.
Do you honestly believe Ty Lee was in any danger? Azula had faith in her ability.
Didn't she used to harm/kill animals, torture her brother and actively treated everyone like shit?
She wants to make Ty lee CHOOSE her. She is using fear to "have friends", she wants to keep the ilusion to herself that Ty lee has a choice.
>And yet Zuko has done worse and is heralded as a hero
Like what?
zuko never really did anything outright evil
in fact he was banished because he was trying to save people
You're missing the point because your face is so far up Azula's ass. It doesn't matter how good Ty Lee was, Azula ordered her to do all that dangerous shit because she was trying to punish her for turning her down.
You don't do that if you're friends with someone.
>Do you honestly believe Ty Lee was in any danger? Azula had faith in her ability.
>attempted murder is okay as long as you believe the person wont die
This guy, is un-fucking-believable!
>Except she realizes she isn't happy and wants to be a better person.
The Beach shows that she don't ser any problem with being a monster anymore. This is why she can use lighting, she doesn't have conflicts.
There was also Bryke saying that THE OTHER way to use lighting without "piece of mind" is by being a fucking sociopath.
So anyway, she is a horrible person.
Again, being abused doesn't justify what Azula did. It doesn't matter if she was lashing out, she was doing it in a way that hurt other people. At most it means she deserves a chance to turn herself around like Zuko did, but so far she continuously refuses to take it. She's going to get herself killed at the rate she's going.
Why are you namefagging?
I was not justifying Azula.
I was saying that Ozai probably got it worse with his own father, but he doesnt have an army of people saying that he did nothing wrong, BECAUSE he isn't a cute girl.
Oops, I misunderstood, my bad.
That doesn't make a person evil. Especially when the majority of those things happened at a young age.
bullshit he backstabbed the one guy who was trying to help him be a better person.
If Ty Lee was a good acrobat as Azula was never in any real danger same with people who handle bears i the circus.
The circus wouldn't be around if there weren't elements of danger to it.
Bryke is full of shit because in that beach episode you are talking about we clearly see Azula being affected by what she thinks of herself which ultimately leads to her breakdown.
Not everyone is perfect it is the heart we hold that makes us the person we are. azula has a heart of gold as far as I can tell.
Yes she did.
Azula was the way she was as a direct result of Ozai's actions. He molded her into the monster that she was. Perhaps if Iroh and Ursa played a bigger role in mitigating the damage Ozai had done, then Azula wouldn't have been so completely fucked up.
But that doesn't excuse her actions. She doesn't get a free pass for having what is essentially the anal prolapse of childhoods.
>azula has a heart of gold as far as I can tell.
No she doesn't. Deep down Azula is not secretly a good person, she's a hurt person who has the *potential* to be good. There's a big difference.
Zuko was a character where deep down he was a good person.
>this much denial
she's evil
no matter what reasoning or motivation for her doing whats she's doing
shes evil
and there is nothing to say to change that
>Perhaps if Iroh and Ursa played a bigger role in mitigating the damage Ozai had done, then Azula wouldn't have been so completely fucked up.
And as far as Ursa went, while she wasn't perfect herself, she was trapped in an abusive situation herself. Iroh was never around and even if he was we don't know how things would have been since it sounded like he had written Azula off years ago.
Really, the root of all the issues Zuko, Azula and Ursa have can be traced back to Ozai.
Oh its Scrapper.
You can put your name buddy.
I heard that you can make him go away by showing that r63 Zuko has bigger tits than Azula.
So go away.
fairly certain you can just report him
he was banned for a reason
You are confusing her with a person who is completely unfeeling. She is affected by the actions of her father and it eats away at her which shows that she has a heart. She needs people to support her rather than write her off as crazy.
Bullshit we have never seen her in a spot where she has learned morality so we cannot make that judgement.
Tell me why she is supposedly "evil." you can't because she did it all for her father.
You sorry sack of shit this isn't even canon. Azula is pure perfection.
Also I'm not Scrapper I'm just a guy who agrees with what he says.
>Tell me why she is supposedly "evil." you can't because she did it all for her father.
becuase the deeds she did were evil
the reason behind it doesnt matter
and even better was that she was never actually forced to do it
Fucked Gwen
Nobody said anything when Azulon died, I doubt Ozai would be any different.
>since it sounded like he had written Azula off years ago.
That's the sad part here, isn't it? Azula basically just got tossed under the bus. Ursa probably figured she could only save one of her kids from Ozai's influence, so she latched onto Zuko since Ozai had less interest in him. And like you said, Iroh had already written her off -likely because he knew there was no helping Azula once Ozai had already gotten his hooks in her.
Poor bitch was born a prodigy, but fated for damnation the moment she squirted out Ursa's clown hole.
>Bullshit we have never seen her in a spot where she has learned morality so we cannot make that judgement.
Well there was The Search and even in the end her one moment where she actually did something "okay" was undone by Smoke and Shadow where she went even further off the deep end by convincing herself that by stirring up shit in the Fire Nation she was actually indirectly the real Fire Lord.
That's wrong, you cannot justify her actions as evil because she was dragged into a war her father started and she was just a soldier of war.
You seemed to have skipped the part where she admits to completely abandon her going for the throne and wants Zuko to be the best Fire Lord he can be.
And she says something to the effect of what I said. She's not making Zuko ruthless because she honestly believes in him, it's because she wants him be the Fire Lord SHE would have been.
>you cannot justify her actions as evil because she was dragged into a war her father started and she was just a soldier of war.
I can becuase its true
what she did was evil regardless of the reason
on top of that there was multiple things she did willingly
Because Ozai covered her.
Stay mad Scrapper.
Am I the only person who never really liked Azula? I didn't even find her that hot either tbqh.
Does attempted murder of the avatar not count as evil? I mean, murdering in general is bad and she literally hits him in the spine with a bolt of lightning. And yes, zuko attempted to kill Aang too so put the strawman away cause Zuko ended up actively trying to make up for his mistakes while azula never reached out to anyone.
I'm on the same boat
In fact I liked just about every other girl in the series besides her
she was kinda shitty
>Nobody said anything when Azulon died, I doubt Ozai would be any different.
She had to fucking run.
Ozai wouldn't care to track her down, because he wanted his father dead and needed a way to make it look natural.
Azulon would have noticed that she killed her own husband in a useless attempt to prevent her son to be killed.
she also tried to kill Iroh and tylee
She was an interesting villain.
Just it.
Also looked better without the make up.
>Also looked better without the make up.
That she did.
As I've gotten older I find it pretty hard to take her seriously, but it might just be an age thing. Even back then I found the idea of her talking down Lon Feng to be pretty ridiculous and cheesy.
I actually read it more that she was trying to make Zuko into Ozai.
Which makes sense with her warped mental state. Her service to her father was the only time of true stability in her life, if it can so be called that. If Azula turns Zuko into Ozai, she can work for him like she did her father and it'll be like nothing changed.
They can be one big happy batshit crazy family again.
Show me where she says that.
You can't just dismiss her strife because that is what made her who she is.
The only person with bigger breasts is Ty Lee and she's a bimbo so she doesn't matter.
She didn't kill him and Aang believes in her like I do.
>people can change!
>next comic: azula hasn't changed
>>You can't just dismiss her strife because that is what made her who she is.
I never dismissed her strife
I'm just stating that what she did was evil regardless of the reason for doing them which isnt a good reason to begin with
Technically everyone she tried to kill was classified as an enemy combatant at the time, so "evil" is not the right word to use.
Shooting him in the back was a dick move, though.
Why didn't she join the avatar like her brother then? If she wanted to change then what was the factor that stopped her redemption?
Are we still talking about OP's post?
Poor joker
You look mad.