The Eternal Anglo

I thought this was a joke. A shill tactic to take attention off the JQ, but holy shit... the anglos fuck over Europe time and time again.

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They feared and envied Germany. They declared war out of fear that they would lose their influence over Europe.

Anglos are not our friends. I'm very happy to see them bleeding to death from the inside right now. Brexit isn't enough to save them, it's too late.


I know, it started as a joke for me but the further I dig, the more I see....

realizing that it was the anglo all along is the ulimate redpill, cope with it.

No shit.

the anglo, with the terrible teeth and the long nose and

Can you redpill me about this?


We must stop THE ETERNAL TEUTON from destroying Europe.


I bath every week in aryan blood

i don't know what's worse, the germans or the anglos. both generally trash "people". europe should have been just french and italians.

Cry more Aryan untermensch, your tears are delicious



Daily reminder than during the Napoleonic Wars, british armies went to Spain to with the cover of helping the spanish people rebel againt the french troops but instead of fighting the french troops they pillaged and destroyed hundreds of infrastructure and factories.


The Anglos are an envious, lowly, vile, despicable race, they look like pic.related, they're only good at financial schemes and manipulation (like "the merchant", but worse), and they're trying to destroy Europe. Germany on the other hand will be Europe's savior. With France assisting it.

You are right but its rich coming from your flag.


The Anglos are responsible for Israel and Jewish dominance over the western media and banks. I will never forgive them for that.

Is it true that the original eternal anglo poster was the """aryan""" munich shooter?

If you think eternal anglo is just a meme do not call yourself red pilled faggot

Fuck off. Germany has been at the root of pretty much every single bout of trouble that Europe has faced in recent history - including the rapefugee crisis and the pending implosion of Deuschebank that threatens even more global financial turmoil when it finally gives up the ghost.

We just want to sit here on our rainy little island and be left alone, but nope, Germany has to fuck everything up for everyone.

Us Scots tried to warn you guys. They cant keep getting away with it.

Fuck off anglo your tricks wont work here

mate, we have one of the largest jewish populations in europe... fucking antjewrp...

fuck off mongol, you're even worse than the arabs Germany insists on importing into Europe.

Ironically, the model for that drawing was Mosley's grandfather

No, actually it was Germany that wanted Israel created.

We tried to stop it, read up on the Jewish insurgency, I dare you.


>Not bathing in Aryan blood
>Allowing Aryan filth like this to enter Europe
You went against le Anglo, you face le beady wrath.

>Us Scots tried to warn you
No you didn't you fucking cuck.

Go to hell Mr Slit Eyes.

How can one be so bluepilled and brainwashed?


You're pretty new here aren't ya?

I know, hate it

Sorry Belgium, this is a discussion for actual countries.

me on the right.

The anglo-cucksons come crawling out of their fucking holes. Fuck the queen

We Tried smoke signals.

Whatca gonna do?

t.shithole country with crashed economy

And you love to go to war, with americans and others.

Kill each other goyim. Celts, Anglos, Aryans, Slavs, and Mediterraneans must fight each other to the death in order to determine the true master of Europe. Ignore the muslims, they aren't the real problem.

t.butthurt kraut with no nuclear ability, military relevance or hold over the declining EU

>not the master race

Whatever you say cucks

Haha it's funny because it's true.

No this is a discussion for white countries

Not sure if it's a jewish shill to distract people from hating on the jews or if anglos really are that bad


We are arab rapebabies papu

Anglo-American hegemony partnered with zionist/jewish interests is what fucked everything for everyone in europe starting around 1800. It became worse after they successfully destroyed the monarchies.

How do we solve the Aryan problem?

Aryans are a race of inferior people with no accomplishments, a low IQ and a vile and greedy character comparable to the average jew.

They're also unable to feel empathy and are strictly against Anglos, no matter how much our race has accomplished

How do we clean these subhuman apes from the surface of this planet?

Dolph 'Aryan' Lundgrens ex.

Aryan's, lol.

>Iberian Moors
>thinks Germanic people aren't white

Don't be retarded Alfonso, be glad that I still consider Spain as a white country

Why are moors even allowed to post here?

Dont try to protect the eternal anglo you fucking kike. Theyve been found out you cant use them as weapons against us anymore

This whole thread.
This whole board.
This whole site is now just a jewish shitfest.

Im off, there are far superior chans than this now.

Who cares faggot? Gtfo

Don't worry. Islam will take care of that.

Our extinction is already IRREVERSIBLE.

Maybe, MAYBE if tomorrow we gassed every single Muslim and forced every German woman to have 5 children our extinction could be reversed and in 40 years we would have a healthy population again. But we both know it ain't going to happen.

Every single day that passes by is another bullet in the heart of our nation and makes them stronger and us weaker.

And you aren't better. You are dying just like we are. Just like Japan is. The future belongs to the brown races, because they love children more than we do.

Obvious jew is obvious.

Fuck back to cripplechan.

Good bost :D. Go back to ylilauta newfag

Enjoy it while it lasts, because much of continental europe is not going to be white for very much longer. At least we've had the sense to abandon the sinking ship.

We will reclaim Greater Britannia, the land promised to us by God.

There is no short redpill about the eternal anglo. He and his (((friends))) were the reason for fucking up shit in nearly every country around the planet, either through direct imperialism, but more importantly, capitalist imperialism, exploiting the workers of foreign nations for profit.

The US military was used to defend corporate interest in china way before WW1. They are also the reason for WW1 and WW2 and basically everything why the world is shit. Their plan for world conquest is from around 1890 and they stop at nothing to achieve that. As long as the small cabal of capitalists can rule, they don´t care what happenes with the people and the moment when someone steps up against their hegemony they destroy them and make it look like the defeated was the bad guy. This holds true for several occations in the last 120 years.

WW2 only escalated because they didn´t expect a war so quick (but they knew damn well it will happen) after WW1 and they weren´t directly prepared. Hence, they had to work "with" germany, accepting the anschluss, Czechoslowakia and so on. They stalled for time until they thought they were strong enough to take germany. France could have easily invaded and keep them in check but the public wasn´t ready for that, they would have never agreed to war.

If you want good info on the anglo-american and jewish shit going on till around 1930, read the book "the ruling elite by signola". If you want a very good book about the shit the "money lenders) did, read the book from harvard professor quigley "tragedy and hope". This will give you a complete different view of history.

>canada pretending it doesnt belong to the anglosphere

as much as youd like to be blacked and culturally enriched, you are still the spawn of britain


Thank you!


You'll go down too, it will take a few more years but eventually every western European country will be brown

come children and stock your disks with anti aidf ammo

don't let pic rld be the future of our children, redpill as many aryans and even mongols, arabs as possible. the anglo needs to be stopped, and it better be done quickly.

It's europe who fuck up everything, and periphery has to fix your german shit again and again


it is true that jews would be nothing without corrupt whites.

Not likely m8. Our immigration laws are changing. If you want to live and work in the UK in the future, you need to be self-sufficient and have a job lined up that'll earn you >£35k a year, which excludes the vast majority of brownies.

there is literally nothing wrong with population going down as long as it is not invaded


The continent cucks itself and the Brits clear up the mess. Repeat. It's a thankless task but the superior Anglo is a watchful guardian.

>Great Ayran Empires
>Bunch of Slavic-tier shitholes who's only real accomplishment was destroying the first reich.


You should put Serbia, Macedonia and Albania in "Arab/Turk/Persian" too. Those subhumans are enriched beyond belief.

fingolia mongols lool

Keep Calm and Kill Teutons

>mfw the creator of the eternal anglo meme is dead

feels good. none of you will ever match his persistance or autistic consistancy

Russia has a higher % of muslims in the population than most european nations.

Nah, mainland Europeans just don't like us

BROWN, Muslim, Cultural Marxist, Western Europe
WHITE, Christian, Fascist Eastern Europe

Oh I forgot for this shit Slavs actually need to stop being Slavs and unite and Russia needs to drop their imperialism and degeneracy and multiculturalism and become a conservative, isolationist bastion of Christian tradition.

Ain't going to happen. 20% of all Russians are Muslims. We are fucking doomed. They come from all sides.

The lesser known White-Blue Horde.

we have god on our side though

True dis.

MI6 targetted ships transporting Jewish settlers to Palestine to prevent demographic dominance after WW2.

>not cucked by gondolas

>stealing jewish memes

i think not

the anglo and the jew are partners in crime

Who created the meme?


True, but until the late 90s they lived in their ethnic autonomous republics and were not allowed to move to European Russia or predominantly Russian cities. Serbes, Macos and Albanians been OTTOMANED for ages though.

>1 post by this ID
Just saying.



whites are cucks/traitors
jews are conniving
chinese are retarded
niggers are violent and stupid
muslims are violent and backwards
indians are filthy
chinks are sociopaths
women are idiots

i think humanity is just a huge heap of shit


I'm 2 to 3 times a week man myself. Had a bit of a problem with my weekly shipment of fresh aryan blood last week though. There was just too much of it by golly there was. It's no use leaving it till the next week as I get another fresh shipment then. So I just let the dog bathe in it I did. Had a right good time he did.

There's no credible source proving it, so most likely no.