What is the most politically correct, cuck sided journal in the world?
>inb4 media are lying shittards
Pic related in my opinion.
What is the most politically correct, cuck sided journal in the world?
The Guardian without a doubt.
I know this is a simple stupid example but they do take all the people for fools
Easily Huffington Post.
The Independent is 2nd.
That news article's joke was a reddit thread yesterday.
Independent, Huffington post and the guardian.
Unironically all the cuckness is coming from Britain.
No contest
All EU / USA mainstream news is cucked
You should watch channel 4 news sometime. SJWs use it to broadcast tumblr blogs.
The Guardian and Der Spiegel.
Every time I read The Guardian I feel like I'm having an aneurism. My parents are journalists and get it (and about 50 million other papers) delivered.
Even our largest selling national paper, which is right wing, is more balanced and composed than the fucking Guardian.
English language you mean. Searching google in German, Sweden, French as i have done in the past and translated isn't exactly uncucked. Swedish media sources have no comment sections whatsoever and never name ethnicities. German outlets do have comment sections but theyre filled with cuckery; at least the Guardian has a mix of cuck / non-cuck within its readership. French outlets are nearly all left leaning, whereas the UK balances it out with the Torygraph, Times and the mighty Daily Fail.
>Der Spiegel
Probably Salon.
I don't actually consider Salon journalism
Have you seen the comment section of the independents Facebook page?
I puke in my mouth when i read that shit
>decide to check the Isle of Man Newspapers website
>people either complaining about the gays or calling for the death of half the government because they don't fix the track their cottage is near
Do we have any uncucked news sources online?
Avoided like the plague, though i am sure they're well reasoned logical conclusions all well researched and don't degenerate into muh feels, tats waycist etc
breitbrat and...
Huffington Post.