Those minarets really trigger me because of how ugly they are. Someone should blow them up.
Islamic architecture really is shit tier. Prove me wrong.
Those minarets really trigger me because of how ugly they are. Someone should blow them up
One of the great decisions of Atatürk was to turn it into a Museum.
Until Erdogan chose to erode this Status and opened it temporarily for use as a Mosque.
I wonder how Atatürk handled Christianity and Curch construction during his reign.
>Islamic architecture really is shit tier.
Literally the one good thing about them.
>I wonder how Atatürk handled Christianity and Curch construction during his reign.
Ataturk was against all religion. So he didnt give shit about your stupid religion.
the overwhelming majority of mosques are hideous.
but i like this. but it'd look even better without the minarets.
The only Western tier stuff they have .
Rest of their stuff stinks of plebs.
>Someone should blow them up.
i second would look a lot more like jabbas palace
this desu
I did not call anyones Religion stupid.
You didn't really answer the question regarding church construction. Did he ban it, or did he simply not care?
I doubt he banned building Mosques.
>I hate muslims therefore I hate everything they do
Medieval Islamic obsession with mathematics and natural law helped them make some mad aesthetic buildings.
Shame about the Hagia Sofia though.
>tips waitress
I'm not a Muslim, but I know good architecture from bad architecture.
>OP probably thinks pic related is good architecture
Looks like North Koreas Space Center.
What minarets bro?
Implying that Hagia Sophia is a bad architexture. Topkek faggot you mentally retarded if you think it's ugly.
*architecture *you're
Everything about islam is ugly, it's like they're trying to be as ugly and unaesthetic as possible
>the ugly ass mosques
>ugly wild pube like beards with no mustache combo
>ugly howling like a goat getting raped, >spazzing out mid sentence to babble something in arabic
I thought it was just the minarets that OP was against, not the whole thing.
reminder that mosques are just byzantine churches with some minarets added
Calm down, Mehmet.
We may all be of different ethnicity or creed on this board, but I think we can unanimously agree that the Holyrood Parliament building is the ugliest building in the universe by a considerable margin.
I dunno.
The minaret in Eger is still functional.
It was built around 1664, and despite having gone at it with draft animals and pickaxes it stood strong. Literally everytrhing could be blown up or shifted, but the needle held out. So build quality-wise it's excellent. Probably the Sultan's underlings would have tortured the builders if they dared make a half-assed job.
That being said modern mosques and minarets look kitch, plastic-y, shitty even if made out of precious materials.
I do like their wonderful blue ceramic mosques though. Pointy towers or no.
no, he didn't ban any of it.
Dear God, the Scots went Art-Kike?
Poor bastards.
It looks like the accommodation building at a low-rate Polytechnic University.
It's the new Socialist Scottish politics that's taken the country over. Sweden 2 pretty much.
Shame really that the country of Adam Smith has fallen to this.
>Islamic architecture really is shit tier. Prove me wrong.
pro tip: we can't
>islamic architecture
No such thing. Do you call Baroque architecture as Christian Architecture?
Go read a book. The architecture you refer is Ottoman architecture.
The fuck? What kinda cucks are you, their architecture, like the rest of their art (which is virtually non-existent) is horrendous.
Only Alhambra has decent architecture.
>Ottoman architecture
It is Eastern Roman architecture mate, Ottomans just copied it.
we should put some crosses on there. Maybe paint some iconic scenes and figures from the New Testament.
Some Mosques look good the same way soem Cathedrals look good. (And it is usually the ancient ones).
In either case it is a case of what you can architecturally do when you have a near unlimited budget extract by unavoidable taxes and "donations" by scared people, rather than your building actually having a business case behind it.
Give science budgets like that and youd get equally cool buildings. Actually you'd get the ISS come to think about it. Merely giving "artists" budgets like that would net you cool buildings.
Built by christians, turned into mosques by arab rape abominations... Yeah such high culture
are you retarded. You dirty turk roaches just killed and raped everyone in that city and then claimed you built it.
So is Renaissance architecture.
Go tell Michaelangelo that he's just a copycat of Eastern Roman architecture.
To be fair to you barbarian hordes, you did do a good job copying it.
Ottomans were able to take over Constantinople only because of crusaders who sufficiently weakened it for them. Deus Vulted Hagia Sophia to be a mosque. :^)
OK, he's just a copycat of Eastern Roman architecture. You happy?
Oh really?! I didn't know middleages supposed to be like that!
well i'd fucking hope, since the hagia sophia is the height of byzantine architecture
Of course i mean the minarets, the contrast only makes it worse IMO. Erdogay should make the building a Church again or we should crush him.
>cyber imams and their cyber mosques
VR heaven when
d&b call for prayers when?