8 years
8 years
It would be the first time since our country was founded that a single party has retained the white house for 16 years, with the exception of FDR-Truman which doesn't count because FDR was an incumbent three times.
IE, it's not going to happen.
>8 years
Is too short. She deserves life x 1000000
>8 years
It'll only be four years. There's no way she'd get re-elected.
>It would be the first time since our country was founded that a single party has retained the white house for 16 years
Whoever gets elected this time will be a 1 term president.
i think its sweden just being a nigger, not an actual ctr this time
either way, move along. nothing to see here
is mummy thread now
Based Bill gets another 8 years to bring our deficit right back down to zero!
8 minutes
The democratic party, specifically.
Our demographics have changed too much. America is dying.
>increasingly nervous Trump supporters
>e-even if she wins she will lose after 4 years
>A Fucking Leaf
The GOP is dead. After 8 years of open borders the Democrats will have changed the demographics of the country enough to ensure they stay in power indefinitely.
The minority groups in this country are merely campaign props for the DNC to influence the emotional vote. None of these groups are any better off now than they were 8, 12, or even 16 years ago. Yet, they still pull for a party that uses them like a tool to achieve their goal of power.
The ONLY group that has benefited from the DNC in the past few years is the LGBT group with gay marriage.
Trump will lose and lose big. He had a chance, but he's not political material which is evident in his constant running off at the mouth.
I've seen such an irresistible candidate in all my years of following politics. It's so bad I have to wonder if the conspiracy theories about him being a DNC plant set to ensure a Hillary victory are true.
is she having another stroke in that pic?
Fair enough, but that's also three different presidents, not two.
She/The US won't last two...
She'll be dead in eight years? I can't wait that long.
mama mama mama
George W Bush Part 2.
Do you beat up cats in your basement?
no i just chase them round the house and squeeze them wen i catch them >:)
In prison, yeah
Exactly. If this woman gets indicted, all hell will break loose.
We won't last for four more years.
I love mummy posting.
Would only be 4 max
Low energy
This minorities will run the country now and vote for shit that doesn't help them
rip America unless the GOP changes the way it operates.
>8 years
In prison