>logical arguments against Sharia Law that isn't muh feelings
Logical arguments against Sharia Law that isn't muh feelings
Sharia law is inherently flawed because it gives a man more rights than it gives a woman, and because incarceration isnt even part of Sharia Law (rather, pay up, get your hand hacked off or get stoned)
reposted thread, fuck off roach
Not a fan of corporal punishment.
Sup Forums likes Islam but hates it only because Europe is being invaded by it.
Hitler liked Islam and Islam likes Hitler but Sup Forums's brain is too stupid to understand this.
how about arguments for its implementation that isn't based on muh feelings.
your pic is still related.
>incarceration isnt even part of Sharia Law
>it gives a man more rights than it gives a woman
yea women voting is surely a good thing
Not an argument.
it's writtern by Jews.Nuff said
not that I'm a fan of Saudi Arabia, however
if i were a criminal, i'd rather just have one quick but incredibly severe punishment (hand chopped off, lashes) than be locked in a cage for decades
>Logical Arguments
Islamic Law has no jurisdiction in Infidel countries.
I don't agree with your premise that you should implement it at all.
Competition of court systems and separation of church and state are enough to not implement it, so why would you make this thread? The other side is that you think Sharia should be implemented. So why? Other than muh feels of course.
>liking the person who singlehandedly destroyed the nationalist movement
no thanks faggot
It is not our way, why would we adopt the culture and laws of savage brown sand people.
It is backwards and has no place in 21st century. Seriously, get with the times you knuckle dragging barbarian.
what are you getting at here?
Nowhere should wahhabs exist or their country's structure. Its a place that exists solely due to America's oil hunger.
The U.S. Constitution outlines a superior method of law.
I like drinking alcohol
>Saudi arabia
>the country that is literally using its oil wealth to buy off the unemployed and unemployable from rising up and beheading the royal family
muslim brotherhood pls
Really makes you think...
It's based on a religion that has literally no evidence to support it.
There you go.
Sharia is feels, it's a divine revelation that is supposed to be blindly followed rather than laws suggested, debated and accepted by Men.
>>logical arguments against Sharia Law that isn't muh feelings
Islam is a non-White religion that does not belong in White countries.
Arabs are a non-White race that do not belong in White countries.
>logical arguments against Sharia Law that isn't muh feelings
All countries with Shariah law have really shitty economies. All countries with great economies have no shariah law.
People dont work their best under constant fear and stress, which is what Shariah is all about
In the IS constitution, there is a clause that outlaws cruel and unusual punishment. Id say the punishments listed hereare cruel and unusual. The established law of the land simply doesnt allow for sharia
wtf i hate libreal democracy now
Corporal punishment is a thing of the past, no civilized and technologically advanced country uses it anymore. Our view now is to rehabilitate criminals if possible and if not keep them stored in safe environment until they are to old to commit anymore crimes.
The punishment part of jailtime now consists of not being able to do what you want for a specified time but follow orders, routines, work and take part in rehab until you are released.
muh feelings are still a better standard than following a moral code because allegedly a fairy told a psychopathic child molester for everyone to do so
>we dont report crime so crime doenst exist
How stupid can people get? 90% of crime in SA doesnt get reported because people are terrified of being killed
True but...
>logical arguments for Sharia Law that isn't muh feelings
I'm sorry mudslime, but you're feeling end where our nukes begin.
Secular law is fundamentally more sound. God forgives, the state doesent.
-Sharia prevents degeneracy like homosexuality and Transgenderism
-Sharia prevents wife's cheating
-father must consent to daughters husband aka no nigger son in law
-Sharia results in countries with the lowest crime rates on earth
The only reason Sup Forums hates Islam is because most of the practitioners happen to be brown.
I kind of like homos and transexuals, for every homo there's one extra girl available for me, now lesbians on the other hand ... nahhh i guess it balances out equal in the end :D:
What the fuck are those his real teeth? Looks like gollum
>caring more about degeneracy than the economy
There is a reason 90% of the people living in Shariah controlled countries live in poverty
Burden of proof is on you to provide an argument for Sharia Law that isn't muh feelings.
You seem to be failing at this OP.
Sharia law was created by a child rapist who tortured men for money
The simplest legal answer from an American's perspective is that the American legal system is based on the Constitution and Sharia law is very far removed from the Constitution.
Sharia law doesn't do any of that it just makes it so that those things get pushed under ground. Denying people who are there going to be to try and force out something that you called degeneracy doesn't make any sense
Its against every founding principle of the American justice system. Muslim culture and ideals are directly opposed to everything the American way of life is and stands for
Many of the abstract concepts that have been created in Western legal systems, e.g. bankrupcy, facilitate a healthy market economy.
Sharia law first of all has no such concept. Furthermore, it isn't based on reason or experience, its simply just based on what is essentially arbitrary interpretations of a 1500 year old book and supplementing texts
Enforce your sh*ria where it belongs, not in Western countries.
Get a copy of a first-world country constitution. Read it. Then you'll know why sharia is not fit for us, but only for third world troglodite shitholes who have yet to evolve past medieval cultural standards.
How about you instead provide us with a single example of a government run by Sharia law that isn't a totalitarian shit hole.
I like pork
Islam holds back its people for wanting to discover new stuff through science because "muh haram"
Homosexuals are people too.
Sharia doesn't prevent shit, just brutally punishes them. How is the world objectively better without what you call degeneracy?
Because I don't want to adhere to rules from witch/pedo/devil worshiper shit.
I don't want to go to hell
1. You don't eat pork for no rational reason
2. You unironically believe muh ammad actually flew on a horse in space
3. You are retarded (see reasons 1 and 2)
Go back to your shit hole degenerated shill.
Of course
really gets your neurons firing
Even if it was the best legal system ever, having another legal code parallel to the official one is a terrible idea. It leads to splintering of communities, unacountability in all sorts of matters, break down of law and order etc. Whenever I debate with people who think it's fine, I just bring up that I quite like Common Law over Civil Law, so I'll just follow that instead. Oh you think that's a bad idea? YOU'RE A BIGOT!