Am I rare?
now stop making these threads
I never really see chink posters around
I would think you guys would be more rare
No fun allowed
Now go back to your r9k circle jerk threads
Fuck off nigger
Aussies have lost their touch
How the hell is it even possible to get a Yugoslavia flag?
Post current collections
Just got Togo a little bit ago.
Post your rarest
I know for sure mine is rarest, this has only been posted once on Sup Forums, never on Sup Forums
thats an old one
doesnt even have question mark or black one, nor isis nor sealand
i didn't have south korea or china. yet i have mayotte, unknown.
thanks, asians.
(started collecting three days ago.)
Serbia&Montenegro bro.
>tfw you hover over every single Norway hoping for a Svalbard and Jan Mayen
where'd you even find togo?
those are easy
mayotte hasn't posted in ages so if you started 3 days ago ur a dirty cheater
How do you save flags, bros?
nope, there was a big flag thread, that's what got me into this.
also, i fuck around on Sup Forums looking for flags now.
how do you cheat, though? i don't care. a collection is a collection.
you click the flag, then you save the flag.
Click on the flag.
A new tab or window will open.
Right click > Save As
oh right
If you click on a flag, you'll notice on the URL there's only a two letter difference between flags. You can quite literally just make a macro to brute force every two-letter combination of that URL and save if there's an image. Ta-da! You have every flag.
I move to Uncommon
What the fuck
You only save a flag if a poster hasit next to its name, you don't steal flags from threads like this, if you want all flags just take the flag image from the shitposter at the top of the thread and be done with it
Isn't it considered stealing if the poster isn't from the 'rare' country? There's a Canadian who uses a proxy to pose as a North Korean. He once accidentally posted without a proxy and his cover was blown. Anyway, it doesn't seem authentic if it's collected from a post like that.
Damn, I went through the 30 seconds of trouble to find this: s.4cdn.org/image/flags.6.png
And you had already posted it. Feels bad man.
PK shouldn't count.
Here's my collection, decided to start collecting around 2 weeks ago
You stealthy little fucker. Saved.
yeah, i'm aware of that. i get them from next to the name in the threads. what are you even talking about?
i feel like something is lost in translation here.
seems like too much effort. i'll just dick around in threads.
I don't know man, some proxies seem easy to get an quite common but some seem to be quite rare, like almost every African country, so I don't care if it's a proxy or not, if the flag is next to their name I'll take it
You literally said you have Mayotte but that you have only been collecting since 3 days.
Mayotte is rare as shit and hasn't posted for months
A-am I rare?
when i was a kid, i got a mewtwo in the second pack of pokemon cards i ever got.
i bet you want to suck my dick about that too, don't you?
you're one of a kind, hun.
No, sorry Iceland
You post a lot so not as rare as before. It's like how Zimbabwe stopped being rare for the past week or so since there was one guy who kept posting all day every day.
chart says youre a faggot
I haven't posted here for a couple of weeks, must be the guy from Fossvogur
not an argument cheater
Falkland Islands on here the other week or Vatican City on Sup Forums a ways back are the rarest I've seen
Reminder that PK is "Proxy King" and posts from many rare flag proxies
i wish your country was relevant so i could take your griping to heart, yet here we are.
to be honest, i'm still not sure how to cheat. the macro thing doesn't really seem like a good option.
Guys, I think we need to make a travel group for rares where we go to rare-as-fuck countries and post in rare flag threads.
m8, you could just do it yourself. aa, ab, ac,ad,ae... etc
Where is the server? I can't see it.
Some of my rarest
what a way to see the world!
yeah, i admit, i did give that a try, but all i got was 404 pages. so i figured i'd just find them the old fashioned way.
and fuck the netherlands.
it's inside the hatch.
What is the question mark one?
i guess if you were on Sup Forums from april - june 2006
I remember seeing europe once, no idea how
unknown. i picked up one yesterday from south african poster whose IP was fucking up.
When a thread gets moved from Sup Forums to Sup Forums or the other way around
Someone have the blank template of this pic? My autism kicks in and i wanna start my collection
Can't you get the Haitian flag?
fly to rome, visit the vatican basilica, connect to BASILICA_WIFI_GRATUITO, and shitpost away.
I have all of them. All legit from Sup Forums, no saving from other boards and no saving from anons.
(except the ones that cannot be gotten like western sahara faggots)
It took me 3 fucking years.
All of you short attention span nu0male cucks that save reposted flags are pathetic and will never know the glorious satisfaction of not cheating and gathering them all legit.
Am i the only one with EU flag ?
went into a latino thread on Sup Forums the other day and got shit like aruba and virgin islands
how do you get the eu flag?
Here you go, user.
>saving from other boards
Truly a cheater revealed
How would you even get a Yugoslavia flag?
I have no fucking idea, it was the first post on some thread on wednesday.
r8 my collection
thank you bro
What did Antarctica say?
do you have french southern territories and stuff like that?
how do you get the EU flag? the stars?
also how do you get "unknown"?
something about how cold it was
EU is someone posting from a EU address that cannot be identified by the 4chinz server. It's not someone from Brussels like people say lol.
There are 4 types of unknown, 3 of them show as Andorra flags, but say unknown when you hover, the 4th is a question mark. Anonymous proxy, asia/pacific region, satellite provider and unknown respectively.
>mfw (((((europe))))) flag
>ellipses for long titles
if you have an americant flag you're pretty much human garbage and that extends into metaphysical shitposting
What's the rarest Caribbean island?
I just started collecting 2 days ago, how am I doing lads?
Btw thanks for the flag
Are you willing to trade up that Minor Outlying Isles? Willing to slam your genitals with an Outer Space flag.
Only Sup Forums? Because i got my nf from Sup Forums
Has there ever been a North Korean post?
Rare candy?
Just have it.
only Sup Forums, otherwise I only browse Sup Forums, /lit/ and /sci/, they don't have flags
I'm not asking for a flag
I wanted to know if why it's even available
well done steak flag m8
nope, only Sup Forums, Sup Forums and Sup Forums
The best flag