I used to like Vice back in the day but it seems watered down and ran by cucks now. Does anyone like Vice anymore?
What does pol think of Vice?
I guess it was good when Gavin owned it..
Yup, it's owned by cucks now. Also (((Maher))) has his grubby fingers all over it so you can guess how jewed it's become.
vice was cool before they sold out. fuck shane
Only thing good about it is when they send 20 something hipster interns to war zones.
These kind of documentaries are awesome desu
Cancer, I hate them. A lot of people make fun/shit on them here so that's sweet as fuck.
They were always cucks gloating in anything as long as it was degenerate and depraved.
holy fuck serb, why do you like such fucked up docus??
I don't understand the appeal of this, it doesn't feel any good.
Are only nu-males able to enjoy it? Is there some chemical in their brain that makes it feel good to them?
Dunno about he magazine itself, but their only worthwhile video contribution are the HBO seasons and big documentaries. No, Vice, I don't give a fuck about how to make cross joints or secret confessions of a lardass barkeeper that hates his clients and his job
>why do you like such fucked up docus
It makes me feel better about the fact that war here is still more civilized than conflict there.
It got shittier with time
Less objective
it a dog whistle to identify sexually confused alt right go-their-own-way gay fuccbois
Yeah, I guess one should be proud we didnt eat each other during the wars
Cuckoldry propaganda.
Bill Maher's babies. That he loves to cuddle with when they migrate in to get his approval.
They have interesting documentaries but the people in them are so annoying and all their female journalists have an annoying vocal fry.
I don't mind that they're hipsters. I'm a hipster myself.
Tranny propaganda
Negro propaganda
(we wuz Cowboys/founding fathers/fronteirsmen/etc.)
It's mainly left wing cucks doing it though, i'm just not sure why they try to push it so hard on others
The tv station has a hotline
>lets nuke it pol
Can someone make this a thread?
>Always kill a traitor before an enemy
They were alright at first but got shittier over time
Vice is gr8
Has anyone seen their doc on fentanyl? Sad shit man
Their documentarys are still good. But their articles are hipster cuck trash, go for the YouTube channel, leave for the cancer facebook articles.....
cuck enjoys cuck media, colour me surprised
average Vice viewer, can't spell "documentaries"
>I don't understand the appeal of this
haven't you ever taken a shit that felt so good, it woke you up, brightened your day, and made you feel energized because you feel like you expelled a bunch of toxins from your ass? I imagine it's like that, but something you do whenever you want instead of it being random. I don't want stuff crammed up there either, but those cathartic mega-poops help me occasionally understand the appeal.
yea i cant beleive people are willing to do that shit its dosed in micrograms and you can od very easy
Yeah but those kind of shits don't feel good in a sexual way, but more so in an accomplishing, cleansing sense.
Here in FL they're cutting heroin with it to make it more addictive and killing unsuspecting junkies
It used to be nice in the beginnings. Nowadays, just plain liberal agenda.
i heard dealers in the northeast will throw fentanyl in random stamps so somebody od and junkies seek out that dealer because they think he has good dope
I liked this.
but they are still cucks.
Fightland is good and the rest is absolute rubbish
Stuff like their old North Korea videos and some of the other wacky or dangerous shit they've made documentaries on have been generally informative and pretty entertaining. Sometimes those still creep up too.
They always had to odd cuck shit though, now it's just the vast majority of what they produce.
>the one where Shane goes into an African whorehouse and they start chimping out when someone saw $10
>I used to like Vice back in the day
Yeah, because you grew up.
>Implying Vice was ever good.
This. Gavin is the only good thing left to come out of Vice.
>Does anyone like Vice anymore?
No. They used to be flaming liberals but they had good primary sources and would have cameras and reporters where no one else was. They explored pretty interesting places so they were watchable and even enjoyable at times despite their bias.
Now they're flaming liberals but just cycle through the themes and talking points of the Democrat party and established liberal causes.
If you like the old VICE style you have to watch "Motherboard", VICE itself is unwatchable now.
There cool for the documentaries that they do (like the Suicide forest in Japan for example).
Is there even a report from Munchies nowadays that somehow doesn't include cooking with weed?
I almost made a thread about this show bc it pissed me off so much.
pros- great program, high production
con- cuck point of views mostly
gavin is top tier
no one likes that nigger pandering and dothead shit channel
Every goddamn host is a purple poo if its not fatass wigger "bronson"
Delete this thread
What do you expect from a section of Vice that is named after a desire for food after smoking weed?
They used to be good. When they did more documentary-style stuff. They would just get some poor fucker, hand him a camera, and drop him off in some shithole part of the world and start filming. It was fascinating.
I don't think they do that anymore, though.
Started going there in 2009ish back when they had kind of a more anarchistic vibe going. Wasnt too bad, I mean theres always been lots if hippy shit, but they were really good about keeping it objective, and they covered a lot of places and events that regular mainstream news was ignoring.
Then out of nowhere they slammed the steering wheel left and became screaming liberals and I noped out.
Like literally, just one day I got on and everything was suddenly "gender this, race that, guns are bad, being gay is cool, smoke weed, go democrats!"
No idea what happened but I never went back.
You're that triggered by Vice?
Vice is the commercialization of hipster pseudo intellectual integrity, which lost its integrity after commercialization.
i agree, i like some of their shit desu
>general butt naked
Exactly, they just showed you the story, no spin, no constant pushing of opinions just "hey, we kicked this guy with a camera off the bus in rural afghanistan, check out what he got into!"
Then it just turned into "whaaaaa, poor prostutes cuz misogyny an stuff, whaaaa!"
Like, now you can tell that 90% of what they do already has a moral or political statement from the moment they start shooting, they sold out thier objectivity for views on tumblr it seems.
The only thing they've done right in the past few years is allowing Action Bronson to do whatever stupid shit he can come up with.
Everything else is trash.
I think everyone shares the same sentiment. Some of their stuff is great. action bronson's show is fucking 10/10. But as far as news goes, vice shits the bed.
>some fat clown who rips off gfk.
(Heavy afrikanz accent)
"He campaign was "he kill my brother, he kill my father, but still I vote for him"
(Reporter looks confused)
"And he win!"
>action bronson's show is fucking 10/10
>a bunch of niggers and white niggers smoking weed and watching TV
Yeah even if you could tell that the reporter was some liberal numale just the format made the story interesting.
Now it's much more structured and you can tell that they plan the narrative beforehand.
>I'm gender neutral even though I was born with a vagina
>riot/anarchy/chaotic scenario happens
What are you talking about? Maybe your circle, but normies like it.
You have a prostate. You can orgasm from prostate stimulation alone.
100℅ agree
i mean, how is that not kinda funny.. you literally cont make that shit up
>you can tell that they plan the narrative beforehand.
It's disgusting.
Seriously, don't tell me the story. Let the camera tell me the story. It's a better product and no doubt less work required on their end.
I read it a while and it had some ok shit, then it turned into a retarded BLM SJW shitfest.
They used to have some interesting documentaries where they would just go there and film. But that was like 4 years ago. Then they began adding more and more hipster moderators. Their articles on their site are basically clickbait buzzfeed style.
They are bad because they help strenghten liberal ideologies in young people. Cant wait for all these liberals in their 30s to realize their behaviour was retarded, but its already too late for removing those tattos, piercings and earplugs.
>we are hip and with it because we use swear words
it always was a liberal cesspool of shit.
well to feel somethin gup ur ass in a sexual way you gotta first clean your ass through spraying water INSIDE (like 3-4 times, shit gonna come out, gross kek)
and then stick the object, that will stimulate ur prostate
that's like 9/11
it's not gay if there is no other man in the room burger, so chill
Listen to interviews with the president of Vice. He's the epitome of 'i know what's really wrong with the world'.
No one like them anymore. The Liberia documentary was their high point.
The North Korea thing they did all those years ago was cool. That actually required a lot of effort and risk and shit:
Now it's just another SJW news outlet that on the surface looks edgier than Mother Jones.
women shouldn't do that shit.
With the exception when they are young and experimenting, but no. Bitches don't do drugs, they take care of children, men do drugs.
Some of their stuff is good, and some is bad, I think it largely has to do with which people are making the videos because they have different staff. They do have some crazy shit on there but you just avoid it and watch the good stuff
You are right.
>tfw no general buttnaked to kill and eat child soldiers with
Their old stuff was pretty good. Documentaries in russia etc. has gone to shit recently though
Vice's strength was in its odd documentaries on bizarre subject matter. They've abandoned the model and went with political commentary with some Chink talking about "quality food". Now they're no better than MSNBC.
>what is a prostate
I enjoyed a few of their documentaries, and once in a while they hit a foreign area with great results, especially when it comes to capturing the locals. But for the most part they're trying to cover way too much content in too many different areas, diluting the quality.
They actually had some fucking cool documentaries. The one on the norks and the Islamic State were especially good. Now they just send nu-males around the world to SMOKE WEEEEED. Just look at their marijuana in Swaziland documentary.
>shitty father detected
Why can't women just fucking leave us alone instead of trying to dominate everything we like?
Thy were always lefty but had an objective reporting stile
Now they sold to HBO and are just lefty shills
Which one is the child?
Why why why? Like how mentally ill do you have to be that this is even a topic
Hey guys it's time you shove things in your ass
Talk to a doctor if you fuck with your sphincter to much it can result in permanent leakage
No matter what faggots tell you the sphincter isn't designed to have things pushed into it
how exactly are they dominated anything?
Harmony Korine took their money and ran. I don't think they'll be asking him to make another short.
(and the Val Kilmer one he made with Vice's money before this: youtube.com
The most interesting thing about that is the unapologetically hateful illustration, but also note the Bolshevik tone.