We finally got rid of them theyre Britain's problem now LMAO LMAO



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God damn, that thing in the thumbnail (video) is a Paki, right? They might just be on par with Abos, how ugly.

she just looks british to me

Black lives Mat VRRRM VRRRM.
These are only speed bumps for us and within 30 mins they are being arrested. Bunch of wankers

so seriously if all the "white" countries are so racist why dont they just go back to africa

proof that niggers have hive mentality and are retards

The only things they talk about are American blacks being shot by American police in America and international black solidarity

This will just energise your black lives matters

they get no gibsmedats in africa.

I really want to see them deploy a fucking ADS against this chimps.

Paki? You mean asian? Speaking of which, we need to stop the crazy asian rape sprees in the UK. When will all those asians stop raping kids?

Why do Yanks absolutely shit themselves over this? Fucking annoying when you constantly repeated it as though youve made some funny or original comment

Nah most people know you mean south asian when you say Asian because most Asians here are south Asian. This isn't some new thing thought up by the PC media, my gran would know what you meant and she still calls black people coloured

Same way when you say asian in America they automatically assume east asian, because historically most Asians there have been east asian

It's not only pakis, bangladeshis are just as bad if not worse but everyone gives them a free ride by just saying 'paki' for all brown people

Complete bullshit.
Its a non-issue here, police aren't even violent to minorities or anyone for that matter.
BLM was set up against militarised police, the UK police are not like that.

besides niggers in the uk are like 3% with 99% of them living in London. no joke.

>Trump's not even elected and We're already dumping all of Our filth onto Eurabia

>You have AIDS
>No I don't, I gave it to my wife. It's her problem now!

He's right you know.

I thought it was a problem in America but now I realized Britain is where the true problem lies.

>east pakistan

And? It was all part of British 'india' but you'd shit yourself if we called them Indians...

How long was it shut down for?

I know they taped of the street and the airport was blocked

I wish we never had slaves, just because I wish we never brought black people over here

Stop asking the right things, it's racist, Merkel is angry

>Not expanded

>Britains problem now hahaha

>Literally all arrested within like two hours
>Literally 20 people

Do Brit bong bobbies even have guns to shoot them with?


>Twice as likely to die in police custody than white people
>2 people have been shot by police in the past 6 months


Except we don't have any white guilt from slavery and we're shit sick of rape gangs and other subhumans preying on Europeans, so we can use this Soros funded movement as an excuse to drastically cut down on immigration from outside the civilised world, already happening in fact if you look at the new guidelines for wannabe welfare leeches.


>UK """"""police"""""" pull them off the off the freeway and get traffic moving in 25 minutes
>American cyborg cops with AK1547's and nanomachine plate carriers leave BLM on the freeway for hours at a time while just telling them to leave
what the fuck

>the same paki (i think bangladeshi really) is at the forefront of the anti-brexit protests AND the BLM protests

pure coincidence


>Slag nails

Sadly he's not wrong

We wuz kangz of Skotlant n' sheit

How many times more likely to commit crime?

BLM being in the UK doesn't mean that it stopped being in the US. It just spread.

Black Lives Matter is a such a ridiculous movement. Every single one of the people marching KNOWS that there is no "epidemic" of police brutality against he black community, it would be impossible not to spend that much time on something and never glance at the stats, and even the dumbest ghetto dwellers marching with them know that the cops are coming after them because they commit crimes. So who is the theater for? Dumbass white people who don't live near blacks and never will.

Also I've often wondered what exactly it is that BLM wants, it seems as though their demands are that they don't want police to stop criminals, though if the police just let them have that they bitch that cops aren't protecting them. It's a catch 22

they just moved to britian, they're still going to be a problem over here aren't they? They aren't banned or anything.

So there is disparity, is that evidence of racism?

why don't you just drive over them?

You forget something : low IQ, leftist propaganda, black fairy tales

'three times' more likely to be unemployed than white people
fuck da popo blud

What is going on in this image?

Standing next to a pharmacy that's on fire seems like a really bad idea, imagine all the shit you could be breathing in.

some really want to. i know a chick who, without a blood test, swears she feels her motherland is in ghana. she says she wants to travel there, and i always want to ask, why not just stay. i mean, she'd get raped and killed in no time, but i want to know her reason

any webms of the niggers being run over?

You're a little late on this one:

> thesun.co.uk/news/1471986/police-officer-stabbed-during-spontaneous-water-fight-in-hyde-park/

You just don't understand and probably won't.

they called filthy pakis here lad
Londonistan voted remain Lel
more brit popo are armed nowadays
a dirty uppity filthy shitskin

Some of the protestors they are interviewing appear to 'work' or at least appear across the website banned for the youtube page.


As a cyclist I encourage more of these protests.

(((quintessentially british)))

>Bongs can't keep their shitskins under control despite there being no real laws to keep them from doing so
Get it together
Also, stop fucking your cops and give them real weapons

Kek speaks

Police are taking back a CVS that dindus looted for scripts and set on fire

>Unarmed police
>Hands up, don't shoot gestures

You CAN'T make this fucking shit up.

And all this because the Brits decided to be cucks and mass-import Nigerians. Serves you right for killing Rhodesia though.

Think its Baltimore back when the Freddie Gray Riot was happening

My god I've been blessed

>As a cyclist

It was Ugandian Pakis that Idi was going to eat in the 70s actually


We have very few guns and most cops don't have guns, cop deaths are a complete non issue. We had a really high profile incident where a cop cracked a random white guy in the head and he died, sooooo.....what are they complaining about.

BLM UK is one of the most aneurysm inducing pieces of stupidity the world has ever seen.

It's literally Caribbean UK blacks being fans of USA blacks, watching too much TV and thinking they are Ramses Trayvon Tupac Cosby O Jefferson getting shot by da po po as they fly their pyramid through the death star defenses of Darth Whitey, hustlin crack just tryin to feed mah kidz in this London Angeles concrete jungle ghetto we strugglin 4 survial omg I've run out of tea bags

Black lives matter is probably working with Muslim brotherhood and Nation of Islam

Muslim are now considered blank if you don't know already

That's why it is really in the UK

55% of British Pakistanis are inbred, marrying first cousins is very common in Pakistan.

Just met a tanned german in Oslo

>Hands up dont shoot
>In UK
Oh these cheeky cunts

Calm down niggers, this was because a British Black man was shot and killed 5 years ago,

these protests mark that event.

There is nothing wrong with trying to improve your community. These people think there's a problem and are working to better it. Do you always run when it gets tough?


Only people with a Wikipedia page matter.
Most of them don't.


gib us jobs or we block your roads

when will this meem die

But they're not working to better it, if they were they would be addressing the problems within the black community rather than blaming whites.

was rightly slaughtered******

almost it's just an excuse to be the sub-human speed-bumps they are on the roads

It's from the first round of Baltimore riots last year. Basically the dindus stormed the pharmacy and stole everything but the books, I'm serious there are videos and pictures of it where the bookshelf in the store is completely untouched. Anyways one of them had the bright idea to set the store on fire and when the fire department came they were threatened and their firehoses were cut. Eventually the police moved in to restore order which is what you see happening in that pic

What's even funnier is the backstory behind that store and why it was targeted. Basically no businesses would open up on that block because of all the dindus doin nuffin, so the mayor of Baltimore begged CVS to open a store there and gave them a shitload of city contracts and tax incentives to stay there and serve that community.

It's funny because Lincoln wanted to send them back after they were free

We didn't kill Rhodesia, it was USA forcing everybody to stop supporting them.

>blocking traffic
>improving your community


What do tourists trying to catch their flight have to do with black communities?

Owen Jones meets #BlackLivesMatter


reggae music playing in his intro lol

Brilliant funny story

Shit like this is so crazy. I really don't want to be racist but reading about behaviour like this makes it difficult. How do they not realise it reflects so poorly on them and almost justifies the treatment they're rallying against?

nothing justifies racism

Oi lads! Looks like we've got a racist here, innit?

I wonder how rotten she will be in that box now .?

Yeah four nogs blocked the tram in Nottingham city centre today and people weren't fucking happy about it.

Thing is they have fucking nothing to moan about here. We have a fuckload of interracial couples and police shootings aren't a fucking thing anyway.

Only thing they have going for them is muh over policing of blacks but then maybe they should stop committing over committing crimes. They also get stopped & searched more often but see my previous point.

That shit won't work here.

>Britain had a mudslime problem
>Now BLM is a problem too

Black guy here, explain to me why BLM is in Britain? I don't support it, but I'm just wondering what could possibly be an issue there for them?

I could give a rats ass about other black lives since all I do is sit on my computer all day.

he sounds far to much of a normie to be shitposting here senpai

Because there's white people who will give them stuff to make them stop calling them racist.

Monkey see.Monkey do


More like it spread there. Soros can't afford to send ALL of them over to Britain.

stats like these dont reflect very well on blacks, i have no idea why people keep sharing them

Its a fact in the press this week that London policing has reported a huge rise of violent robberies due to the popo being told NOT to stop an search nogs a year ago..Haha you reap what you sow lib cucked remainers

Because all black people like to do is complain when it's their responsibility to fix their own fucking community

As long as there is a culture of "snitches get stitches" the black community will always be plagued with crime

What the fuck mang you really can't make this shit up.

>Protesting the death of Mark Duggan
>5 years ago





>Black guy here
Wtf? What are niggers doing on Sup Forums

Fuck off shill

Isn't diversity great?

>black kids are afraid the police might kill them

Geee, I wonder who gave them that idea....

diversity is strength goy!!!

Well kick them out, don't see how hard that is?

Shut the fuck up Sweden. You're country is beyond saving and that's your own damn fault.

Beacuse no gibs.

There are three main corners of the nigger psyche

-Thatz razizt!
>"I'm opressed by the system no mattter what kind of enviroment I'm in I'm still opressed"

-Gibs me dat
>"Since I'm alway opressed I demand support from somewhere which includes priviliges and money. so I can be "equal".

-Muh dick
>"My ancestors achived great things such as x and y but I dont have enough information to support it and I'm superior as well beacuse cultural/bioligical reasons. You just simply can't notice it beacus e I'm always opressed."

Well we voted to leave the European Union but our government are money cucks

I wish V for Vendetta actually happened

>44 times more likely to be detained under the mental health act
Meaning detainment because likely to be or in the state of being a danger to themselves or others. Detainment based on race is illegal.

>37 times more likely to be stopped and searched
Meaning adopted modes of dress, behaviour and associations are conducive to being stopped and searched for drugs, "going equipped" or weapons. Stopping based on race is illegal and has been since 1974.


I kek'd

Here's a (you)