Daily reminder that americans are pig and every one of them should die
Daily america hate thread
Other urls found in this thread:
>roach hate
sage this shit
Hello shitskin
look guys, its the new north korea. Same brainwashing techniques
lol. faggot roach.
fuck aLL*H
screw m*hammad
shit on ali
burn quran
rape aisha
bomb kaaba
kill amer*can soldiers
What kind of country goes backwards from a secular, progressive government to a Islamic cut your head off, rape a goat, shithole?
Does being a backwards low IQ muslim give you a reason to wake up in the morning? Do you wake up and shout allalalalalalallaaaa then blow stuff up?
Why is islam so lame? Allah never had a son, and the prophet mohammed was a homosexual retard.
"What kind of country" Iran, Lebanon, a couple others... really just look anywhere muslims have migrated
How do you even have internet, taliban? Kek
>poltards will actually reply to this bait thread
I hope Trump glasses Mecca
He's been at it all day using proxies. Who hurt him Sup Forums? I'm concerned.
It hurts to see you make light of the loss of loved ones who had no control over the corrupt orders they were given. You'll understand that feeling in the next coming years, Turkey, because you're going to become a Cold War II battleground nation.
>this thread again
More of a man than you'll ever be faggot. Try harder
That's how I left it
Nitmat please go
thanks for filling my fap folder talibro
Why aren't these turkroaches posting under their real flag?
Pic related.
>primitive savages upset that they're getting conquered by whitey and dat dey women want the BWAC (Big White American Cock)
America is the cancer of the world
Any polfags who can read? Check out this little gem
Or maybe watching a movie would be easier on the eyes.
Starring Billy Zane, kek
>defending turkroaches
shitskin? go back to sucking your 6% Muslim population you retarded inbred
your shiitty country is irrelevant
>roaches still upset that they're not a world power anymore
Just likes yours shitskin
>What kind of country goes backwards
Found the progressive Hillary shill guys, I bet he thinks accepting pedophilia is a good idea because hey why not equate being tolerant to being more advanced?
ok ahmed, now don't you have some muhhamad cock to suck too? so liberal and progressive!
Hope your faggot president makes a grab for those nukes and every single one of you pieces of shit get incinerated in hellfire
>Wouldn't even have internet without US
>this doesn't trigger me
>I don't care
>if you join the military to go shoot at 3rd worlders 2 continents away to protect Americas petroleum assets and die in the process I don't consider you a hero.
No fan of America. But you.. It's like a piece of shit telling urine it smells.
ily ameribro
sense achieved. you are a bro and a true human.
some one get the RAID
honest question. how is it like living in afghanistan?
he is not from afghanistan
>yfw hating Turks is becoming mainstream.
And it's not surprising, you cunts are insufferable and we had to endure you for 400 years.
nice bait mate.
Mohamed, vete a chuparsela a un puto mono con una toalla en la cabeza.