What were they thinking before they hit the beach?

What were they thinking before they hit the beach?

The big jump into the unknown and maybe their last day

>It's a shame that last Garfield comic sucked ass.

>Let's dispel this fiction once and for all that Barack Obama doesn't know what he's doing. He knows exactly what he's doing; he's undergoing a systematic effort to change this country and make America more like the rest of the world.

"i really hope our grandkids don't elect a nigger for president"

>I can't wait until this is over so we can flood our country with replacements from the 3rd world

"After this war is over, the world will be a better, saner place."

Where the white germans at

> german shooter killed a black soldier, black lives matter, another angel that won't go to space

>I just do not want to die

>Primo Victoria

>for god emperor!

In 60 years, my grandchildren will shitpost about me and my brethren on a haitian underwater basket weaving imageboard

>God, if I survive this I hope I don't have a grandson that spends all his time arguing with strangers on a Mongolion lithograph website.

kek'd hard

Someday a fucking jew will make a movie about this

>Why are we doing this? Why are we betraying the white race? Oooh right our Jewish masters order us to.


Man, I sure hope that after we're done with this, we don't end up raising a disgustingly degenerate generation who will put a nigger in the white house.

Oh god no! I can feel Trevor's piss leaking into my boots and I'm about to shit myself!

Since they're American, they were probably looking forward to reaching the cities to rape French women

>wtf I hate patriarchy now

>gas the kikes race war now

These were the fucking cucks who sabotaged the Führer.

"We are the good guys, right?"

Hope the food is better than that black pudding crap.

"Oh shit. Is this watch waterproof?"

>I should have shit before we left ship damn it

>I shouldn't have eaten that much now I'm seasick fuck

>I hope our children will appreciate the sacrifice we made

Jet fuel cant melt steel memes.

"I wonder if combat is as bad as they say it is"

>that last Garfield comic

It needs to be more period appropriate, so probably something like Li'l Abner.

A bullet

>I hope in 80 years someone tries to pass laws that remove my right to bear arms.

way to shit on the joke, pedro

WTF I hate Hitler now

>Jodies probably hitting my beach right now ._.

>my right to bear arms

they are an endangered species man, come on

>I sure hope I'm not fucking shot.


Canadians probably thought
>I hope my grandchildren vote in a mega cuck who worships jew dick everyday

Jim still owes me 2$, hope I can collect tomorrow.

>FDR said we would stay neutral
>why did he supply the communists and antagonize german U-boats?

In the end you Finns also made concessions to Stalin and turned against your beloved Fuhrer, don't act high and mighty

It must be fall in here.
Because these leafs are falling from the sky today

>Wait... why do these open to the front and not the back?

Whoa good one yankee

> Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck shit fuck shit fuck fuck shit fucking fuck shit

guy on the right has a nice ass

these frogs will one day form the same type of government as the nazis. then they will import all the arab scum that allied with hitler and become a home for everything loyal americans hate.

>What hell is mein CTR?

>At least im not a woman born 50 years from now, that would be horrible

>Hitler did nothing wrong

>loyal americans hate


says the jewish comedian man

Supposedly they only used new recruits to storm the beach because veterans would have known it was suicide

>Gee I wish I paid more attention in school so I wasn't drafted into the military to die on some French beach for a cause I don't give a fuck about because I'm an ignorant American...but at least my kids kids will be able to claim WE WUZ WINS OF WWII over the internet because of this...that's truly something"

Many of them knew they were gonna die that day. Id imagine it would be something like nervousness , nausea, and thoughts of loved ones back home followed by an intense focus on the task at hand.

I wish I could die for ZOG

"it's like Dunkirk in reverse!"

Fucking ost'ian whitey

Tyron dindu nuffin

what u trying to tell me achmed?

>fuck why didn't I go to college?

I can't believe my male privilege got me here.

"Praise Kek, guys"

guess you northerners dont notice but everyone who loves mudslimes are also ashamed of american history.

Can anyone briefly explain how this worked?
Could you be drafted after college?

When Robert Capa hit the beach to take pics, the only thing in his head was 'This is a very serious business' in Spanish, which he got from the civil war.

Then the fire got so hot, he turned, looked at a landing craft with a guy calling to him, and ran. The other guys didn't have that luxury.

I think the thinking was basically

If you're a college student or potential future significant contributor to society you could be excused from service.

The draft took mainly blue collar white males

This is fro single moms and minorities

>my feet hurt

This is true.
Later in the hedges when everybody was bogged down, both British and US ME and Italy veterans were basically telling the officers to fuck themselves, put somebody else in here, we've been shot at enough.

How many thought about using comrades in front as shield?

>why do I have to die for the jew?
>I dont want to be here
>I wish I was in my family farm in Ohio, smoking, listening music, playing with Timmy, trying to go on a date with Mary
>my feet hurts
>I see people dying in the coast right now
>oh shit


>i have to pee

>Why was that guy holding both his hands and smiling at us before we left?

For fucks sake i hate boats
I bet the jews are behind this
I should have paid my puppet show licence
Oh well this beats trying to converse with the wife

Says the chinaman from beyond the atlantic

no its not...

Probably about their families.
Then about how their life was.
And finally before hitting the beach,they probably thought about God.

"Were those seasickness pills a good idea?"
-Friend's 92-year old grandpa who landed in the first wave with the 30th Infantry division

"I will show those damn Germans who ..." *sound of MG 42* *silence*

>this boat is moving so fast nobody will notice I just took a piss

>teleports behind you
>nothing personal kid

Probably things like

>Please don't be an MG-42, Please don't be an MG-42...


>Boy I sure do love being a cuck

[Uncontrollable shaking and vomiting intensifies]

Cursing the retarded Generals that didnt came up with better plan

fuck off, dork

>I sure am glad my country back home is white and traditionalist, I cant wait to come back home and see my children again.

Little did they know they were fighting for the wrong side and their country and their kids would be doomed because of their actions.


What other plan was there?

>if I stay behind him he'll catch the first rounds.


"I am a fucking white male and about to check my privilege"
"Germany is cucked, Achmeds can't shoot for shit"
"I am so proud to fight against the oppression of LGBTQIA+J(ews) in Germany"
"I should get a souvenir from the beach for my wife's son, Jamaliah"
"This boy next to me is so cute xoxo. Too bad I am into a committed relationship with Jaykwon"
"Guess my trans-male hormone therapy worked"
"This rifle is shit. Should have brought my own."
"Hope the German bunkers have free wifi"

You Americans killed Europe with your fucking WW2 antics.

Kill yourself.

That buzzsaw sound of an MG-42 probably haunted the dreams of many an allied soldier after the war.

what are you talking about m8

What is your major malfunction numbnuts?

The Japs bombed Pearl Harbour

Now 2/3 of youths play pokemon on their smartphones

You'd have to be a retard to actually do this.

>Oh shit, I just realised we're the baddies

Who will feed my neopets

I don't even know what you're trying to convey here, Chang.