>Melanija Knavs came to the US in 1995 using a visa that DID NOT allow her to work in the USA.
>However even though her visa did NOT allow her to work she did paid modelling in 1996 which is ILLEGAL according to US law.
>She got her green card which allowed her to work in 2001.
>She married Drumpf in 2005 and got permanent citizenship.

You cannot make this shit up.

Other urls found in this thread:

Seriously, just stop. You people have been sliding this place to hell the past few days. Melania's shit checks out. Leave.


Sorry Donald, we're full.

If all illegal immigrants were as beautiful and talented as her, we wouldn't be sending them back faggot.

Is that actually illegal, though?

I know that most modelling agencies operate using a number of loopholes that avoid such things as taxes and worker's compensation and shit.

>this thread again
remember to type 'sage' in the options field when you post

You mean if they were white.

yes. if they where white.

now fuck off.

Do you retards really believe you can just shitpost on Sup Forums and you blend in?

You stick out like sore thumbs

There is nothing you can do to stop Trump

Annoying autists on one of the ghettos of the internet is not going to get Hillary elected

Just rig the voting machines like you're planning to and fuck off


>H-1B visa
>not allowed her to work

>Literally one post by this ID

I've been here since it's was /new/ - Stormfront.


She needs to go back.

this has been totally debunked you fucking hack now get the shit out of here

She could immigrate onto my dick anytime




>Zampolli said that while he was a partner at modeling agency Metropolitan Models, he secured a work visa for Mrs. Trump, who in the mid-1990s was named Melania Knauss.

>"I know she was not working a paid job before she got the H-1B," Zampolli said, referring to the type of work visa that U.S. companies can obtain for "fashion models of distinguished merit and ability." H-1B visas generally allow a person to work and live in the U.S. for three years with the opportunity to renew the visas for another three years.

>Zampolli said he based the H-1B application on Mrs. Trump's previous modeling work in Paris and Milan. "We used whatever she did before to get her a visa," he said. "She had enough tear sheets to qualify."

H-1B visa requires a college degree.

Melenia lied about having a degree.


Yes you're right they just need passport model released + money to cover flight and modeling hour spend.

Not for fashion models. They literally have their own exemption for that rule.

Literally t. zhang & company

And? White people are superior to shit-skins, so yes

$.50 has been moved to your Patreon acct.

It says they need to do such a special job that usually requires a degree
>taking off your clothes
Mexican women can but don't do that. Your war on drugs ruined them and now you want a fake no-wall to be paid by them and built by best ally. Nice money laundering. Bunch of cucks

The proper word is UNDOCUMENTED ya racist!

There's an H-1B for fashion models, but it doesn't exempt the degree requirement.

Of course, for any visa, the educational requirement can be waived with demonstration of relevant skills, but there's no evidence that Melenia applied under that premise. Nor has she claimed to. There is, however, evidence that he has lied about her education.

>using reddit

paid shill detected

Why is he allowed to get away without releasing his taxes? He's either broke or corrupt

It says literally "Fashion Models" you fucking ape.

>Fashion models of distinguished merit or ability may also apply for the H-1B program.

Maybe you shouldn't drink so much fucking kool-aid. The mercury is messing with your eyes.

And then it goes on to say what you ignore. Common law is garbage and as is the firm you used to sauce

>The employer must show that the alien worker meets the specific educational requirements to be engaged in the specialty occupation.
What education does the specialty occupation of "fashion model" require, in the US? Also:
>If an alien does not meet the educational requirements, experience or training may be substituted
Eat shit, dogfucker.

Blonde QT slaves can come, silly liberal. They are not living on welfare and taking the unqualified jobs, what they are doing is allowing the fucking white males to have a normal family, a thing we can hardly do with our SJW females.

Well If she used a visa to enter in the US, she is a legal Immigrant. She didn't have a work permit so legally she couldn't have a job, but that's a different issue.

>le epic drumpf meme

Yeah here we go. Showin yer tits means fuck all. Why should showing yer teets put you ahead of anybody else

>What does an immigration law firm know about US immigration?
>TRUST ME! I'm an illiterate shit-for-brains Canadian! An expert on US law!!!

Yeah she exceeded its limits by being an uneducated titty for money displayer

>What education does the specialty occupation of "fashion model" require, in the US? Also:
Any degree. No degree is not acceptable.

>b-but you don't need a degree to look pretty and take pictures

The law doesn't care about your feelings, cuck.

>fashion model means porn star
Only in Canada -- where every woman is either a whore or a hockey player.

BTW, which team did your mom play for?

Common law doesn't mean anything. We are just discussing it like any other shit show. It sounds wrong. Statutes dont mean anything here. Whomever can lie better. Judge changes law by his own separate views becoming "law". But she told a series of fuck ups that sound bad and too bad for you. She doesn't need special exemptions. Fucking hypocrite family

Its a good thing this can all be put to rest by simply releasing her documents, as she has nothing to hide I am sure we will see them soon, like Donalds tax returns.

There's literally no law that says "A woman cannot be a fashion model, in the United States, unless she has a degree"
You fucking retard.


Stupid fuckstick.


His birff turdifiate shite is biting him

>millions of poo-skin criminals come over undocumented to sell hotdogs covered in hot old mayonnaise on the side of the road out of a stolen shopping cart to pay for their 12 daily tallboys of Tecate so they can pass out on the lawn after molesting the neighbor's daughter and beating his wife
>Liberals: muh american dream, muh no human is illegal, enjoy being enriched goyim, i'll be here in my all-white enclave making sure you do
>Already rich, famous, established model comes over legally to America
>gets paid for a shoot (which would only be illegal for the company paying her, not illegal for her to take the job)
>likely is under requirements for tax reporting, likely paid tax anyway, also likely company paid for work visa or proper legal status

Wat. It's going to be one of those threads isn't it

You can say she worked illegally but she wasn't in the country illegally ya goof
She broke the law but she wasn't an illegal immigrant

Well, I suppose that would fucking matter if she was planning on living in fucking Canada

Melonia does porn. Drumpf bans porn

You're so thick.

Hold still shill.

Except that's exactly what the law says.

It's in the link you posted, retard. Why don't you try reading it.

If she didn't know it was illegal she didn't break the law.


So lefties should accept her with open arms right? She was just coming here for a better life, right?

That's what your mom said.

>the law is not the law because MUH FEEEELINNNNGSSSSS

God, I would love to pummel your beta nu-male ass.

We've reached North Korean levels of propaganda I think I'm going to be sick

Please tell me the part where it says you can only qualify for an Hb1 visa if you have a degree, and ONLY if you have a degree, and ONLY an ACTUAL degree counts and NOTHING ELSE counts.


she's an architect, she's built Trump Tower

Be quiet pornographer

>Do you retards really believe you can just shitpost on Sup Forums and you blend in?

At least eight anti-CTR threads are running non-stop, so a thread about anything else sticks out like a sore thumb.

Libchodes are so out of touch they're using trite jokes from the 90's.

Again, there's no evidence that she applied to waive the educational requirement.


Show me the law, in the US, that says a fashion models needs a fucking degree. Stupid fuck. It doesn't. Do the babies that model baby clothes need a fucking 4 year degree?

>Look at the link!!!
The link fucking says that they don't need a degree, you retarded dogfucker.

here, shit-for-brains.
H-1B3 Visas: Specialty Occupations Related to Fashion Model

Now Please point on the doll where you got fucked in the ass by reality.

Those rules only apply for Elizabeth Warren

Fucking hell

ctr btfo



oh and



legal or not, they should all be sent back unless they came here a generation or two ago.

Damage is done kiddo. And to think you're still left reeling over KHAAAAAAANNNNN

Literally the second sentence retard. Do I need to read it for you, or can you call your mom downstairs to do it?

> Do the babies that model baby clothes need a fucking 4 year degree?
If they're NOT AMERICAN? You bet your sweet fucking boi pussy they do, faggot.

She has to go back.

>slut shaming

Thats not very progressive of you

Christian social democrats tend to be that way. Pro gay. Anti abortion. Deal with it

>literally the second sentence
>The H-1B3 is a non-immigrant visa that is designated for fashion models who are nationally or internationally recognized for achievements and wish to come to work temporarily in the United States in a position requiring someone of distinguished merit and ability. In order to be eligible for this type of visa, the alien must have reached a high level of achievement in the field of modeling as evidenced by a degree of skill and/or recognition substantially above that which is ordinarily encountered.
Really, where does it say they need a college degree? You ARE smart enough to know the difference between a "degree of skill" and a fucking 4 year college degree, right?


It's like hillshills are TRYING to get blown the fuck out.

>If she didn't know it was illegal she didn't break the law.

1) Nice trips
2) State Dept employees get to take laptops him and dial in from home computers to get emails, so classified emails at home is routine.
3) Hillary has clearance, so did all recipients of her emails. No classified info exposed, revealed, leaked, compromised, etc.
4) Home email server has to be approved by classifying authority. That is usually Dept head. Unironically Secretary of State Hillary could have given herself permission but didn't

So she didn't break the law. She violated a Dept rule in an agency where she makes the rules. That;s why the FBI has nothing on her.

She's not a muslim/Mexican who wants to culturally enrich us, so I don't care.

Read carefully. It starts with a "d" and ends with a "egree".

>I don't know the difference between a "degree of skill" and a college degree
Thanks for showing us what a fucking retard you are.

Lay off the fucking mercury.

Her english is really good and we need more tits inside magazines. I guess it was a better economy in 95 and no presidential run

>boi pussy

Are you meme-shitters still trying to make that a thing? Because it's not a thing.

>libtards thinking they can deport American citizens out of the US.

Holy shit, please never vote.


Read your own link, you utter retard.
> I traveled every few months back to the country to Slovenia to stamp the visa," she said during the MSNBC interview.
>U.S. immigration law did not require such trips that Mrs. Trump describes for work-visa holders at the time. People who hold visitor visas would be required to leave the country on or before the end date of their authorized stay. U.S. law does not allow someone to use a visitor visa to regularly live and work in the country.

>she didn't break the law

Why would he say "she didn't KNOW she broke the law" if she didn't break the law?

Even her own boy admitted she broke the law.

>using a visa

Op with the proxy

She is illegal, get over it

sage gay and fake

The shills don't care lol

So hop in your time machine and go fucking do something about it then, leaf.

Yeah it is and it's better than the original
How many brownies are included in drumpf's flip flopping non platform on that?

Onus is on you ya fucken gasball

Do you retards just do this to see what responses you can get? It's easily disproved by a simple search. You just have nothing to do so you see if you can make people mad on a pre-teen cartoon forum?

ur a leaf, kys
