They're really leaving?
I-is it finally over Sup Forums?
They're spreading like a cancer
What do they want, bus fare reparations?
I like how BLM will move just about anywhere but Africa.
Don't be fooled. Niggers aren't leaving or stopping yet. Look up Rhodesia, South Africa, and Haiti to get an idea on where the grievance industry ends.
For someone who claims he's "unemployed", he sure does get around a lot.
Soros foots the bill
I see no BLM in Africa.
He is employed. Something that has to do with Baltimore schools.
why is that emoticon looks like a pile of small shits?
Naw cunt, they want dem gnarly slags an proper tea rights(3 times a day paid work time too innit)
good, let this race hustling little bitch be their problem.
>literally one (1) man killed by police in the UK this year
>he was a fucking white male
>police watchdog releases ... in solidarity
Great anglos, and thanks for Brexit.
Have fun being noged.
>missed the comma
Disregard that, I suck cocks.
Pls keep him.
A black man has been killed by police this year too.
That means there is a 50% representation of police killings for black people, yet blacks only make up 3% of the UK population.
BLM UK have a point, to be fair.
>Original nigs lying on the pavement
>Opposed to sand nigs blowing people up
It's not the best trade off but I'll take it
t. Abdul al Somali.
BLM is also in Sweden... for some reason I can't explain
If that's true though... damn... #staywoke ;_;
Guess im a #selfhatingcuck now
"look at me I'm a middle class white brit with nothing better to do on a weekday beside pretending to be a dead African american. "
how come whenever someone asks Deray about his involvement in BLM he says he isint involved and has moved on to campaign zero?
He is clearly still involved in the movement and is lying to reporters and others when asked about BLM so he doesnt have to own any of the shit they have done wrong
Will someone please just shoot these nig nogs and the cucks that follow them? We don't want them or their cancerous retardation over here.
>He thinks the kebab aren't going to bomb the shit out of him
DeRay is just going to the isles because its filled with sexual deviants and faggots just like him.
2 is not a good sample size, retard
Only see one for this year m8.
Tfw they tape their mouths so they don't have to explain the retarded bullshit they say
Wow so 3% of your population commits 50% of the crime!?
*smacks lips
>deray goes to europe
>gets killed in isis attack
the guy in the picture needs to be black, you turbonigger