We all agree:
>catholicks bluepilled
>evangelicals redpilled
If not popecucks refute John 3:16
We all agree:
American ones love Israel and want to go to war for it so I'm not so sure...
Remind me of pastor's daughter Angela Merkel and what she's up to recently in her mostly evangelical Christian Democratic Union please.
Salvation is by faith alone and not of works lest any man should boast.
>muh faith without works is dead
Not an argument, doesn't refute by faith alone in any way
>muh holy tradition
The holy tradition of molesting children?
>muh crusades
It is a blasphemy to call crusader a "holy war". What they should be is a secular war, led by leaders of the country to stop the invasion.
>muh female bishop
Not an argument, this is a case of secular government intervening into the church to promote unchristian worldly values. The problem is state funding of the church and not protestantism itself.
catholics are red-pilled
Benedict was forced out of his throne by the anti-pope. he and and his jewfaggot conspirators usurped this man
I wish pope benedict stayed the pope.
I guess it wasn't ment to be a true man of faith never denies god
No. Evangelicals are 80 IQ cousin fuckers
It's the other way around. Evangelicals are Jew-worshipping heretical cancer, and traditional Catholicism is as redpilled as you can get. Post-Vatican II Catholicism, however, is absolutely Protestant and lacking in any sort of spiritual depth at all. Tridentine mass is the only mass. Francis is not my pope, he is a muslim loving anti-Christian globalist and probably a homosexual communist as well. Praise Benedict.
>refute John 3:16
What's there to refute?
>Protestantism redpilled
Mate, that breed of christianism was just a way for a bong king to fuck younger pussy, what's wrong with you people.
What even is an evangelical?
Picko uno
Sometimes you do the right things, but you don't really do them for the right reasons.
>Unitarian Universalist Fellowship
Hardly even Christian.
Anyone who actually believes the Earth is only 6000 years old disqualifies them from being considered redpilled.
Evangelicals are the only ones doing real work anymore. So many gems found by them in the Bible.
They're the only ones passionate about Christ anymore.
They're cancer.
.....There's a cancer infesting the Catholic faith too, though.
Reading scripture doesn't matter when you lack the scholarship or context to make sense of it.
I'm goddamn tired of hearing old white ladies quote scripture out of context.
Catholics literally have nothing to belief in , when they read the bible everything is wrong
There is a reason that people say Catholics go to hell
>unitarian universalist
literally atheists
Where do you stand on this?
There are parts of the bible that are obviously metaphor
Ah yes, the old "you are too stupid to know god" claim that has infested the Catholic church since the time of peasants and serfs
No, it's a
>believing in fucking magic =seriously fucking retarded
Fucking hell, grow the fucl up, mate.
The Bible should be taken seriously. Regardless of our ability to understand it. Its clearly got the finger print of God all over it.
I can honestly say that I've never even heard of this denomination before.
catholics and the church are two different things.
Catholics are cool, most know and admit the new pope is pure evil. I think it's time for the catholics to start a new church and let the blasphemous city of gold (Vatican) burn with the pope tied up to a pyre.
then again I'm Catholic so I'm biased.
>grow up by staying in your edgy teenage rebellion phase forever
pic related is a southern baptist (evangelical) and he makes atheist intellectuals kneel down in pants-shitting terror in debates.
That is why retards should get a red text bible.
I take the bible seriously. You are not if you do not see the metaphors
Give him time. I only realized how wrong I was this year. Some of us are really dense.
They think atheism is %100 just as valid as christianity
It's feminism made into a religion
There are many types of language in the Bible but all of it should be taken seriously and as a literal message from God to all its readers. All the types of language convey a message and its for all of us.
Sorry, but if you believe a book translated over and over again in medieval fucking times is the ironclad word of god, you're a retard.
It takes scholarship and reason to determine the true words of the book.
Add to that the "MUH PERSONAL RELATIONSHIP WITH GOD" delusions that protestants have, and yeah.
I agree they should be taken seriously, but not all of it is literal
That didn't happen until 2009, man.
I watched it all unfold.
Who would have thought that the worst person included on a skeptic podcast would spearhead the destruction of the skeptic movement?
...Oh right, feminist.
We were all so innocent and unready back then.
>believes that the pope has a personal relationship with God
>christcucks actually believe this
Catholics it's a dogmatic religion while evangelicals are more spiritual.
I think my understanding of literal is different. Regardless I think we're on the same page here.
Evangelicals are fucking annoying, I don't want to be bothered with your shit just leave me alone.
God made the bible for everyone not for scholars only
skim through this list:
it's an atheist site.
>not believing in magic is edgy
What, mate?
"You see that a man is justified by works and not by faith alone." James 2:24
But I'm sure your pony tailed guitar playing youth pastor didn't teach you that....
These next two are my favourite ones
We cover that a lot actually in the Church I go to. We are very heavily focused on what we need to be for Christ and how we should behave.
It was more than that lad, Henry alone couldn't have done all that, he had the German Lutherans and probably a bunch of other anti-Pope support.
It was more about beating the tyranny of the Pope.
>the last 2000 years of western civilization was founded on "magic"
cathies BTFO
My second favourites
>How the Secrets of the Cosmos Confirm the Bible
>Confirm the Bible
As if the faithful would ever conclude anything else
What the...
>Who would have thought that the worst person included on a skeptic podcast would spearhead the destruction of the skeptic movement?
Not the word of god 28% cathocucks
We acknowledge our own bias. How about you?
Yes, it was actually founded on pagan civilizations, from Mesopotamia up to the Greco-Roman civilization
What about Orthodoxy? They do say that a good Christian must both attend service and read the bible.
Polish Catholics are top tier in the red pill tier list.
And the last ones
That's good, it's just ridiculous ppl think the faith alone and not works is true and they can participate in whatever degeneracy they want as long as they accept christ
Yfw the hebrew characters in yeshua's name can be understood as
"the hand that will destroy the establishment of the eye"
Benedict outright issued a decree stating that having a personal relationship with God is delusion, and that not even he had one.
This is because it is a prideful delusion, because Christ loves EVERYONE equally, and has a loving relationship with EVERYONE. His covenant is with the entirety of humanity.
We all recieve the same blessing. It is only up to us to realize it.