I would like your input on something...

I would like your input on something. I'm mostly undecided on the trans issue thing and so I've been doing some research into it. I've heard plenty from the side in support but little from the opposition. What are some reasons against the whole trans rights thing? I'd like detail wherever possible

You assess schitzos and bipolars and if they are severe you institutionalise them or afford them the proper treatments and care.

You do not act like chimpanzees and say they are "trans-mental" and demand that anyone who doesnt allow schitzos or bipolars to kill you is a sexist bigot discriminating against "minorities"

Because a fucking mental illness is not your free pass to relevance in society.

Im confused. What difference is there in putting them in a mental institution and allowing them to transition? Don't both take care of the problem?

Just use common sense mate. Do you think MtF trannies should have all the rights women do? Should they start competing with females in professional sports, for example? You may not be aware, but Olympic medal winning female sports teams regularly compete against undermanned highschool boys to practice, because they consistently lose.

Think about that. The best female sports teams in the world lose to a bunch of highschool boys regularly.

Transgenderism is not a civil rights issue.

Its a mental illness.

A few reasons and ill give an opposing argument.

Yes as long as you are not harming anybody but yourself you can do what you like in my opinion. (Taxes should not pay for your operation however).

Suicide attempts are common among transgender individuals with a suggested 41% of individuals.

Many transwomen (former men) still date women, but because they have no penis- they also begin to regret surgery.

The liberal left have apparently "won" civil rights with this whole transgender thing.

Unfortunately scientists can no longer get funding for research in this field in terms of transgender mental health etc. It's too controversial.

If they're hot it's not gay to swallow her load

I'd like something more substantial then that, would you mind going in depth?

Simple solution to your problem: imagine yourself, a non mentally ill person, turning into a girl tomorrow.

Weird, right?

Now imagine wanting to kill your self because you couldn't turn back.

>free pass to relevance in society
I dont want relevance and I dont want people to know I am trans unless they need to know.
Theres no real methods to stop gender dysphoria other than satisfying it. And Transgenders cant be institutionalized by force for being trans because they pose no legitimate harm to themselves or others.
It is a mental illness but... its not comparable to schizophrenia.
I mean make all the edgy remarks you want but, this isnt such a big deal if no one makes a big deal about it. I mean sure fucking imprison the fucking rainbow haired disgusting shit bags but whats the issue with what Im doing?

Im not doing your homework for you.

But there's enough stories out there of people being incorrectly diagnosed and wrongly proscribed treatment. There are stories of people who regret the transition. There are stories of people going for surgery to reverse the procedure.

All this indicates that the matter is a mental health issue NOT a civil rights issue. People who refuse treatment or medication need to be given the proper care or locked up.

Its not discriminatory to lock up pscyhopaths so why on earth are we pushing for special treatment of the delinquent behaviour of "transgenders"?

The equitable solution is either to treat their illness or to free psychopaths and the likes because psychopaths are "minorities" too and to lock them up would be discriminatory.

>because they pose no legitimate harm to themselves or others.

You assault your body with hormones and mutilate your genitals.

You're not a woman, you're a man without a penis wearing a skirt with a artificially created feminine traits.

Is it really that difficult for people to understand, or do you just now want to?

I'd like to see aggressive treatment with ssris and antipsychotics before I'd be willing to give up and let them damage their bodies.

Taxpayers money which can go to alleviate poverty and crime are being spent on people to lop off their dicks.

Taxpayers money that could be spent on rehabilitating psychopaths is being spent building penises for bull dykes.

Precious medical staff are being diverted to study this ridiculous medical procedure when they could be diverted to services that are short staffed.

But instead the rest of society has to pay for this indulgence in mental incapacity because "its 2016" and some baked like a cake shit face is being held up as a war veteran for coming out with his transgender mental illness.

For once the Aussie isnt shitposting.
Transgirls shouldnt be able to compete with other girls unless they started hormones early. Fucking puberty for a guy is like super steroids for a woman. Im 5'4" 110, started hrt at 17, and my muscle definition is still pretty terrifying.

This was more what i was looking for, thank you.

Ive taken heavy antipsychotics already and powerful Anti Depressants, if anything they might have messed me up worse.
I dont plan to slice open my dick and drill a hole in my crotch. As far as the hormones go, its literally nothing else than switching one naturally occurring hormone with another. Meds like xanax, zoloft, etc are extremely dangerous and handed out like fucking candy, and youre worried about estrogen? Yes i know im a male in a dress, but Im satisfied and I pass well. It isn't like I didnt fight this, I fought it for years, I just got tired and gave in because it wasnt worth it and I feel much better now.
>implying I support taxes paying for this or any healthcare at all besides emergency care at most.
>implying I live in Aussie land where its easy to get on hormones and lop your dick off.

Hm. So is that a problem inherent in trans stuff or could it theoretically be solved if the economy was amazing enough that there was money for everything?

Transitioned trannies still have a high suicide rate. You know you are not the other gender, your just pretending. It's not a solution.
And in many ways it's damaging. You will NEVER be fully accepted. People will always look at you differently, unless you are the 1% that pass. But most don't.
And furthermore, it will be next to impossible to have a normal, healthy relationship with someone else.

Don't you think it would be better to focus on medicinal and therapy treatments? Rather than jumping to this life-destroying extreme?

I could give a cohort of 'gender dysphorics' a flinstones vitamin and say "this cures gender dysphoria" and a certain percentage of them would be cured.

That's why we have placebo trials.

>Meds like xanax, zoloft, etc are extremely dangerous

Xanax is dangeorus kind of maybe if you're irresponsible, SSRIs aren't.

Simple transgenderism I don't really have a problem with, and by that I mean gender dysphoria. It is an actual mental illness, and I feel pretty bad for those who actually suffer from it. In my experience, those who actually suffer from it tend to realize they are mentally ill and just want peace of mind.

The main problem is that it leads into all of this "more than 2 genders" and non-binary nonsense. On top of that, being "trans" also nets you a massive amount of attention in today's society, which is why there are so many of them now.