Is Sup Forums ready to work long 60 hours in factories once Trump brings back jobs?
Is Sup Forums ready to work long 60 hours in factories once Trump brings back jobs?
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Only if hey makes sure its ununionized and with no minimum wage laws so I can work for 2 dollars an hour.
Wish I wuz kang in Murica
>work iz fo' honkeys
>we get money fo dem programs and reparaishunz
>chimpout weekley to loot some shit y'all
You mean like before 'Nam noo wait WWII?
What an idiot you are.
Yes, everyone in my area is homeless or poor because the factories shut down.
Trump promised to make them great again and he won by a landslide.
Now we wait.
So, you mean, the wage that those jobs are actually worth?
It's probably going to be around 40 hours actually.
Sure, why not.
we already do. split between three jobs that dont give us benefits
The very assumption that factory (!!!) jobs will come back is ridiculous. Not a single manufacture is profitable in the US, with regulations and minimum wages three times what is considered a good wage in Thailand.
> full time work
> benefits
> 20 hours a week in OT
It's pretty good because in advanced production automation and people can work hand in hand. Unnecessary tedious tasks are done by the machine and the american does the oversight, not the chink.
but then we have less dead chinks from shoddy safety.
Think about the consequences.
As long as they're dark factories and we get Basic Income.
Only way factories are coming back is if people accept considerably lower wages. Enough to at least match whatever the cost of chinese labor+shipping costs are. So good fucking luck.
to be honest factories should be considered for workfare programs. A welfare recipient doing work is better than a welfare recipient contemplating crime
but environmentalists hate shipping costs because it runs on oil
besides, it's fiat paper
I definitely would
t. lost my job
41 hours of overtime on top a 40 hour work week here. Sixty hours will be a break
Don't get companies that work people that hard. You aren't going to get as much productivity as just hiring two people, and it costs you way more. Just fucking invest in training you dipshits.
You mean so people can go right from high school making $20+ an hour?
I would be ok with that.
I average 52 hours a week anyway.
labor cost makes up FAR smaller a difference in the bottom line than most people think.
I mean, weren't people saying $15/hr isn't going to raise the cost of a big mac :-)
Yes, better then being a day laborer. Please make america great again trump senpai.
Good work is hard to come by user
I'm kinda curious how anyone could possibly believe Trump will make all these companies bring their work back here.
People seriously believe this.
And who decided that?
imma leech. i'll always be a leech.
69 hours of overtime a week here. Get on my level.
I have a job already, it's for the nig nogs and other poor people
Labor is a massive part of the costs of almost any company. Its not uncommon for a full half the costs of running any company to be just labor. So a 10% increase in salary across the board means a 5% increase in overall costs on its own. Yeah, it varies by business and industry, and some businesses can go a long way in either direction, but labor is never not a large % of a company's costs.
I don't believe someone working 80+ hours a week is going to do better work than anyone else they could possibly get. Unless your hiring managers are completely incompetent, you have no reason not to get someone that can do at least competent work once properly trained.
The market did
le markets
I have a degree and a job already so no I won't be working in a factory.
Simply applying a steep import tax on foreign goods would solve that.
I have been to Thailand and the people are nice, but I'm fine with them sorting out their own path so that my own less skilled American brothers can make ends meet.
I get paid for 83 hours a week and make $21.21/hr at a factory in TN.
The laborers in conjunction with the firms which hire them. In short, the labor market. There is no other source of value, after all.
>working 83h when you could easily support yourself with 40h
Americans are really sick.
Companies like Apple would be default in a week if forced to produce in the US, with US regulations.
My grandfather worked 40 hours a week punching holes in metal at a factory. His wife didn't work, he owned a home, and had 5 kids.
I'll take my 40 hour work weeks thanks.
Nah I only work 66,get paid for 83.
I already do though.
Which is why a lot of businessmen say we need less regulation in business.
Im not talking about unsafe working conditions.
I'm talking about having to test the condensation that comes off of an hvac system.
yeah okay you're full of shit
>implying we can ever return to the economic climate of the 60s
Already work 40+ with overtime consistently and not even in a union. God bless America
Future American factory worker
I'm ready to have six children so half of them can
Deregulation is the answer
As someone without a job, yes, yes i would.
He may be an illegal immigrant trying to talk about overtime, but his poor English skills won't let him express what he wants freely.
Add it up autism boy. 10 hrs M-F =55
Sat work 8 get paid for 12
Sun work 8 get paid for 16
Hell ya, if I want to work more than 40 hours, why does the government wan to stop me? Bussiness practices are a lot better than they were fucking 100 years ago. They know the liabilities of overworking people
it plays Indiana Jones, ids a padriodig amerigan :DDD
>says the country that is full of manufacturing jobs.
>60 hour weeks
I own a business, that's 4 days to me, friend. I average 15-16hrs per day at my shop.
That sounds appealing to me. 20 hours overtime per week? Great.
I don't understand how people can work 7 days straight. I didn't even know that was legal in the US.
I mean, what are you working for in that situation. You obviously don't have a life.
If people are still working 80 hours a week, no they don't.
That wall ain't gonna build itself, is it?
>20 hours of OT available per week
>extra $1450 per pay period at my current pay rate (before raped by taxes)
you fucking bet I would motherfucker
Does the prospect of working frighten you that much? It was gonna happen eventually sweetie.
Hell yes. Work for about 10-20 years save my money and buy me some land out in the boonies.
> Be american, that is probably for a capitalist society
> Don't know how economy works
Yep, you're a real american.
mexico is going to pay for the wall.
Dude I get off at 3 pm weekdays and 1 pm on the weekends. I have plenty of time for my hobbies and family.
uaw-ford guy here. i already average 50hrs a week. thank god my job is good and not very physical.
Can someone explain to me how Japanese and German car companies are able to operate facilities here in the US but American companies like Ford or GM has to have factories in Mexico?
And you will wait. Quite a long time, actually.
I know.
summer time and the livings easy
This is only true when the laborers have bargaining rights.
Daily reminder that unions are a cornerstone of a free market.
I think the problem is you don't seem to understand the concept of working at all. You should try it some time, it really isnt that bad, you even get paid!
>people unironically believe this will happen
>This is only true when the laborers have bargaining rights.
they have when their supply is in shortage and has worth
You belong in Europe, quite frankly. At least, according to trends regarding income and substitution effect for leisure.
This is true. Breaking up unions is anti free market.
Do you know what happens if no deer are killed during hunting season for a few years? Their population booms, but then takes a massive hit due to starvation because there isn't enough food for the stupid meadow niggers. If the chinese stop getting wiped out by their jobs they'll all just starve to death.
Yeah why not.
I deliver pizza six days a week and am still under employed
As proven by 2008?
By accepting the job, you agreed upon a value. You don't need bargaining rights to set a value, only to attempt to move farther from your reservation price.
And yet you're posting on Sup Forums in the middle of the work day. Doesn't sound like a very intensive job.
Deregulation of banks is not the same as deregulation of industry.
>tfw programmer
>tfw eternally employed
Have you never experienced going to shop thats currently got no customers in it other than you who just walked in and seen the cashier on their phone?
>Tfw job offers for days
I work 75 hours a week in a kitchen with a faggot italian chef yelling at me in non stop in a language i don't understand for $8.00/hr.. I don't think you could even make factory conditions this bad.
Liquor sells itself. When the Marist and Vassar kids are out for summer business is slow. Can't complain though. 4 National Monuments in my town, tourism moniez is always good. Should get busy again when locals get out of work.
Yeah, a British person getting anal about people thinking 80 hour work weeks are stupid. That makes sense.
If you say so.
Everyone and everything did, ie: the market
>implying US regulations can't be changed
>implying that the 2000% markup from production to purchase is necessary for survival.
So many people claim to understand economics but forget its base root. Supply and demand. Demand side has equal power in the system. Just too stupid to use it.
>true deregulation has never been tried
>By accepting the job, you agreed upon a value.
Collective bargaining decides upon compensation, perks, and safety. Like any agreement, one doesn't have to wait like a baby bird for whatever mommy corporation wants to shit in their mouth.
>You don't need bargaining rights to set a value, only to attempt to move farther from your reservation price.
This would only be true if corporations were trying to set a fair price from the beginning, which of course is the absolute opposite of the truth.
>actually arguing against the job creator class (middle class) bargaining for more buying power and therefore more job creation potential
Stay economically illiterate.
Are you so truly this retarded? How does Germany have manufacturing jobs?
Trumpfags are incompetent to work 60hr work weeks.
>tfw trying to get into comp sci major, apparently exceedingly difficult at my school
>will probably have to settle for software engineering
Am I cucked, of can I still be a comfy /programmer/ kid?
is Sup Forums ready to but a $4000 iPhone thats made in america?
If you want to be a code monk- programmer, then you don't want to go CS.